

correspondent:[英 [ˌkɒrəˈspɒndənt] 美 [ˌkɔ:rəˈspɑ:ndənt] ]



correspondent 基本解释


名词通讯员,记者; 通信者

correspondent 相关例句



1. The result was correspondent with my wishes.


2. The outcome of the election was correspondent with my prediction.



1. He is a good correspondent.


correspondent 网络解释

1. 通讯员:不仅有很强的作者队伍,还在海内外聘请大量的政府官员、商人、传教士作为通讯员(correspondent),他们从自己的职业出发,发表各种意见,给他们提供论坛、观点交锋的空间.

2. 记者:电视新闻频道需要贮备相当数量和高质量的记者(journalist)、高级专业记者(correspondent)、编辑、主持人(anchor)与播报人(presenter),还有各个领域的专家、评论员等.

3. 通讯:按照国外的说法,通讯(correspondent)作者最重要,是主要责任人. 按照国外的说法,通讯(correspondent)作者最重要,是主要责任人.

correspondent 双语例句

1. A BBC correspondent in the country whom we can't name for security reasons says many people are still in desperate need.


2. Yan Yu of reporter of report from our correspondent reports: Open the hasten of general trends place that is a website, user base is the key of open community platform.

本报讯 记者严钰报道:开放是互联网站的大势所趋,用户基础是开放社区平台的要害。

3. Yan Yu of reporter of report from our correspondent reports: In Internet industry, the concept of operation compares wide extensive, include the market (public relations agency, interactive sale), operation (mobile plan is carried out, the data analysis that monitor), the fractionize category such as customer service and products plan.

本报讯 记者严钰报道:在互联网行业,运营的概念比较宽泛,包括市场、运营(活动策划执行、数据监测分析等)、客服及产品设计等细分类别。

4. Report from our correspondent (south Lu Yan of Lu Wenting of reporter Yan Jianyi's reporter) 3 pieces of receipt for a loan, chatting record of a QQ is printed, after all is loan amount are 8500 yuan still 6300 yuan?

本报讯 (通讯员严剑漪卢文婷记者鲁雁南)三张借条,一份QQ聊天记录打印件,究竟借款数额是8500元还是6300元?

5. correspondent在线翻译

5. By (Xinhua correspondent Yan Shi cases) yesterday afternoon, the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee, party secretary of the Standing Committee of the Municipal朱小丹hosted the meeting to convey the province`s small and medium-sized work of learning the spirit of the meeting, combined with the deployment of carrying out practical research Canton views.

本报讯 (记者严利通讯员史伟宗)昨日下午,省委常委、市委书记朱小丹主持召开市委常委会议,传达学习全省中小企业工作会议精神,结合广州实际研究部署贯彻意见。

6. Report from our correspondent if you do poineering work of purpose, begin from today, on platform of Shanghai youth poineering service, not only the information that can find oneself to need, still can check oneself poineering potential, receive poineering proposal of individuation.

本报讯 假如你有意创业,从今天开始,在上海青年创业服务平台上,不但可以找到自己需要的信息,还可以测试一下自己的创业潜能,得到个性化的创业建议。

7. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to pass the time, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.

南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。



9. correspondent的翻译

9. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. Latter because of the hope risk life of struggle, has joined Spain successively by the volunteer soldier and war correspondent's status to Cuba's colony war and the English army in Indian, Sudanese, South Africa's war, battles heroically, dares the shoe danger to worry is well-known.


10. This week`s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the July-August 2004 issue of Splash, in which special correspondent Bonnie Moss writes about improving your mental strategies for peak performance.

本周的 Speedo 小贴示系转载 Splash 杂志 2004 年七八月合刊,在本片文章中,特约记者邦尼·摩斯介绍了有关通过提高思想控制策略以进入最佳竞技状态的内容。

11. A (Reporter/HU Jian correspondent/Fu-hsin) yesterday afternoon, the Guangdong Provincial People`s Government and the Agricultural Bank of China held in Guangzhou in the financial cooperation agreement signing ceremony.


12. correspondent的翻译

12. Still another example is Winston Churchill. At age 25, as a correspondent in the Boer War he became a prisoner of war and his dramatic escape made him a national hero. Elected to Parliament at 26, he performed brilliantly, held high cabinet posts with distinction and at 37 became First Lord of the Admiralty.


13. Report from our correspondent (Cheng of reporter / Dai Yuan) online net MFG. com is in the manufacturing industry with the biggest whole world yesterday Chinese Shanghai announces, acquire limited company of poineering investment of Fu Daguo time (venture capital investment of FidelityVentures) and rich Da Yazhou2600 financing of 10 thousand dollars, add the Europe that shows one of investor to invest fund add continuously endowment, company plan gets all be in harmony capital to be used at quickening MFG. com to be in of global limits buy dilate.

本报讯 全球最大的制造业在线网MFG.com 昨日在中国上海公布,获得富达国际创业投资有限公司与富达亚洲风险投资2600万美元融资,加上现投资人之一的欧洲投资基金的连续增资,公司计划将所有融得资金用于加速MFG.com 在全球范围的并购扩张。

14. From Paris, VOA White House correspondent Paula Wolfson reports the dispute over Iran's nuclear program and other Mideast issues dominated the agenda when Mr. Bush met with French President Nicholas Sarkozy.

VOA 白宫通讯员宝拉沃夫森在巴黎报道了布什总统与法国总统尼古拉斯萨科奇会面时就议程中最重要的伊朗核计划和中东问题的讨论。


15. To help us with our interview, we had our Dota correspondent Underminer interviewing Ks-Papaxiong.

为了完成这次的采访,我们邀请到了我们的驻外记者 Underminer 来采访ks-papaxiong。

16. Report from our correspondent yesterday, japan is stationed in China the Japanese book that embassy communicated stimulative center to give 260 to be given priority to with document of data of professional science and technology to Sino-Japanese learning.



17. Report from our correspondent man Mu Zhenyun opens net store in E-bay net, release advertisement to call monopolistic jade article, electron the product, but them gathering does not deliver goods, inside 13 months, the person shops outside be suspected of bilk condition more than yuan 1.56 million.

本报讯 男子牧振云在e-bay网开网店,发布广告称专卖玉器、电子产品,但他们只收款不发货,13个月内,涉嫌诈骗境外购物人156万余元。

18. correspondent的翻译

18. They have been warned by their own US correspondent banks not to have any further dealings with BDA, which has denied the allegations and is appealing Treasury's ruling.


19. As a safety measure the bills of exchange should be endorsed in blank to the collecting bank or correspondent bank.


20. A reporter Liaohuai Ling, GE Feng correspondent reports: melamine, genetically modified foods on human health of pregnant women will pass through to the next generation?


correspondent 词典解释

1. (尤指专门报道某一类新闻的)记者,通讯员

A correspondent is a newspaper or television journalist, especially one who specializes in a particular type of news.


e.g. ...our Diplomatic Correspondent Mark Brayne.


correspondent 单语例句correspondent在线翻译

1. A local correspondent said people were already preparing the burials of their dead by sunset, according to Muslim tradition.

2. An AFP correspondent said he saw the bodies of policemen on the street in front of the central industrial zone station.

3. It is important to realize high added value in agriculture through developing special agricultural products, cash crops and correspondent processing industries for farm produce.

4. The Bancroft clan trace their ownership of Dow Jones to Clarence Barron, a Dow Jones correspondent who bought control of the company in 1902.

5. " More like mama cougar, " the correspondent joked after Keener bared that brief bit of claw in Aniston's defense.

6. The same year, Zhang became the first Washington correspondent of People's Daily.

7. A previous report said only 48 miners were working underground when the accident took place, but an investigation by Xinhua correspondent showed the figure was underestimated.

8. A Xinhua correspondent in central Baghdad heard a powerful explosion and saw a plume of grey smoke rising above the busy area in downtown Baghdad.

9. Who among us have not fantasized every now and then about being a war correspondent, filing stories on wireless phone from the trenches?

10. National Public Radio correspondent Frank Langfitt invited eight professionals to his Shanghai office to watch a replay of the second debate over wine and beer.

correspondent 英英释义


1. someone who communicates by means of letters

Synonym: letter writer

2. a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media

Synonym: newspapermannewspaperwomannewswriterpressman


1. similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar

e.g. brains and computers are often considered analogous

salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar

Synonym: analogous