

impressionist:[英 [ɪmˈpreʃənɪst] 美 [ɪmˈprɛʃənɪst] ]



impressionist 基本解释


名词印象派画家; 用滑稽方式模仿名流的人


impressionist 网络解释

1. 印象主义者:某些术语,例如印象主义者(Impressionist)、后印象主义者(Post-Impressionist)、超现实主义者(Surrealist)只是指称风格或艺术上的运动. 这些艺术团体所产出的作品可能在视觉上较少雷同,因为其成员的归类主要是依据哲学上的意含. 在二十世纪,

2. impressionist的解释

2. 印象派画家:35岁左右到了巴黎,近代印象派画家(impressionist)给了他很大影响,他的画风突变. 法国的乡下是主要的题材,艳丽的黄色、绿色是他的主旋律,大块大胆结合的色彩彰显着心的热烈和期盼,静物栩栩如生越入眼帘.


3. 印象派作品:--- inter active warp:交互式弯曲 | ---impressionist:印象派作品 | ---metal light:金属光泽

4. (印象派画笔):Auto Van Gogh(自动凡高画笔) | Impressionist(印象派画笔) | Sargent Brush(萨金特画笔)

impressionist 双语例句


1. He is a member of the French Impressionist school.


2. He be a member of the french impressionist school.



3. He was influenced by the Impressionist painters, who in turn were inspired by him.


4. In Impressionist paintings, the light and color is the basic elements of painting.


5. Modern woman is one of the major Impressionist subjects.


6. Student 1: I'm interested in, um, art. Painting in particular, impressionist painting.


7. In the Orsay Museum, you can see a lot of priceless Impressionist paintings.


8. Available features: Auto-Trim, Crop, Deskew, Flip, Mirror, Resample, Resize, Rotate, Shear, Add Noise, Anti-Alias, Average, Bending, Border Remove, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Resolution, Colored Gray, Contour, Contrast, Cylindrical, Despeckle, Dilate, Dot Remove, DPI Resolution, Edge Detector, Emboss, Erode, Etch, Gamma Correct, Gaussian Blur, Glow, Gradient, Grayscale, Half-Tone, HistoContrast, Hole Punch Remove, Hue, Impressionist, Intensity Detect, Invert, Invert Text, Laplacian, Line Remove, Line Segment, Max Filter, Median, Min Filter, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Multiply, Oilify, Old Photo, Pixelate, Polar, Posterize, Prewitt, Punch, Radial Wave, Ripple, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Sobel, Solarize, Swirl, Unsharp, Wave, and more!

可用的功能:自动修剪,作物,deskew ,倒装,是一面镜子,重新取样,大小,旋转,剪切,添加噪音,抗混叠,平均而言,弯曲,边界消除,亮度,buttonize ,色彩解析度,色灰,轮廓,对比度,圆筒形,despeckle ,扩张,点删除,dpi解析度,边缘检测,emboss ,侵蚀,腐蚀,Gamma修正,高斯模糊,辉光,梯度,灰阶,半色调,histocontrast ,孔冲床删除,色调,印象派,强度检测,反转,反转文本,拉普拉斯,删除线,线段,最高过滤器,中位数,闵过滤器,马赛克,运动模糊,乘,oilify ,旧照片,pixelate ,极地,posterize ,prewitt ,冲床,径向波,涟漪,饱和度,锐化,平滑,索贝尔,曝光,漩涡,锐化,波浪,及其他更多功能!

9. Ann Sumner由奥利弗费尔克拉夫, 安女士萨姆纳 Hudson Hills Press, 02/2009, 176 pages, English哈得孙山出版社, 02/2009, 176页, 英语 Show synopsis 展览简介 In the early part of the twentieth century, two extraordinarily forward-thinking Welsh women, Gwendoline and Margaret Davies, amassed a collection of work by the most important names in the Realist, Naturalist, Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and Fauvist movements at a time when modern art, especially French art, was largely ignored in Britain.


10. impressionist

10. Debussy (Claude Debussy, 1862-1918), French composer, the founder of Impressionist music.

德彪西(Claude Debussy,1862—1918),法国作曲家,印象派音乐的创始人。

11. I admired Holbein, Giotto, and Da Vinci, and later I also came to like Ingres` work, and even Realism, Surrealism, and the work of Courbet, Dali, Duchamp and others. However, my biggest influences are the post-impressionist painters Cezanne and Gauguin.


12. impressionist

12. Impressionist artist through the light of the factual description of color, expression of feelings and objective color, to achieve an objective beyond the images, will be aimed at the performance of the real vision of realistic painting to the extreme, in the painting took on an objective color the peak of reproduction. On the third part in the post-Impressionist paintings reflect the emotional sense of color, as well as their respective art forms of the subjective performance of colorful language. In a rational representation of the arts have been almost perfect at the same time, post-Impressionist artist who is no longer satisfied with just an objective vision simply reproduce the true color images of natural feeling, they make their own color at the performance of the true free sensual, according to works and subject color images need to re-create, in order to emphasize the self-emotion, the performance of personality, its own subjective sense of emotional thinking and artistic expression as a new subject, in the spirit of performance art, the expansion of the oil color space and the existence function.


13. impressionist的意思

13. The impressionist school expression way adapted the time change, has brought the huge visual impact to the people.


14. Xia: I want to ask you a more interesting question, that is, the emphasis on color and light is also an obvious example of impressionist school.


15. The Impressionists were greatly influenced by his work, and it was this association with the impressionist school that finally brought about recognition of his talent.


16. Does the writer belong to the Impressionist school?


17. impressionist

17. She loved classical music and Impressionist paintings, but her favorite artist may have been Alfred Hitchcock.



18. Looking a lot like one of his paintings, this water-lily pond in Giverny, France, is one of the many legacies left by French Impressionist painter Claude Monet.



19. The analysis of historical and cultural background from the start, to explore the theory and impressionist painting of a Japanese sensibility high impact.


20. Impressionist paintings of the Japanese sensibility and style of painting where the influence of high alert (Jilin Normal University Fine Arts College, Jilin Siping 136, 000) pick to: Where high painting style picture colors, brilliant bright, exaggerated powerful.

论日本浮世绘和印象派绘画对凡·高绘画风格的影响陈擎(吉林师范大学美术学院,吉林四平 136000)摘要:凡·高的绘画风格画面色彩,灿烂明丽,夸张有力。

impressionist 单语例句

1. The exhibition will showcase the most representative works of 14 Impressionist painters such as Manet and Degas.

2. A drawing by French impressionist Edgar Degas was stolen from a museum on Wednesday night in the Mediterranean city of Marseille.

3. A woman with impeccable taste, she enjoys classical music and impressionist paintings.

4. The London sales resembled a Who's Who of impressionist and modern artists.

5. While speculation is mounting over the new territory for Chinese collectors and investors, a recent Sotheby's preview points in the direction of Impressionist and Modern Art.

6. The common feature of the three artists is their impressionist touch spontaneous composition of the subject matter.

7. The exhibition Corot to Monet brought by Sotheby's Hong Kong offers 20 pieces of artwork featuring leading Realist painters and later the great Impressionist generation.

8. The two Impressionist paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet were found in an abandoned car parked at a psychiatric clinic on Monday afternoon.

9. The exhibition Corot to Monet brought by Sotheby's Hong Kong offers 20 artworks by leading Realistic painters and masters of the Impressionist generation.

10. Jia went even a step further with his unconventional handling of the impressionist approach.

impressionist 英英释义


1. a painter who follows the theories of Impressionism



1. relating to or characteristic of Impressionism

e.g. impressionist music

Synonym: impressionistic