

rife:[英 [raɪf] 美 [raɪf] ]


rife 基本解释

形容词盛传的; 流行的; 普遍的; 越来越普及的

rife 相关例句


1. The thesis is rife with errors.


2. The flu is rife.


rife 网络解释

1. 普遍的:swivel carriage 回转刀架 | rife 普遍的 | biased sample 混合样品

2. 流行的:vivid鲜明的, | rife流行的 | rifle步枪

3. 李弗=黎菲=来甫:rifeo李弗=里佩乌斯=利弗司 | rife李弗=黎菲=来甫 | rime诗句集==x

4. 大量的:rile 激怒 | rife 大量的 | riot 混乱

rife 双语例句

1. It is the most powerful color on the planet and it is rife with contradictions.


2. In fact, I am rife with too much information.

事实上 我知道太多你的事了

3. It is the most powerful color on the planet and it is rife with contradictio.



4. In the past 10 years, I've realized that our culture is rife with ideas thatactually inhibit joy.


5. It is the most powerful color on the planet it is rife with contradictions.


6. rife什么意思

6. It is an epic vision, but one rife with uncertainty.


7. rife什么意思

7. We can find a local real estate bubble in China at the time the cause of: real estate speculation has been rife, swamped land speculation; land supply mechanism behind, regulations unsound; financial order disorders, uncontrolled credit expansion; power rent-seeking, 政企不分for land speculation, trading power for money to open the door to further promote the formation of a bubble.


8. rife在线翻译

8. In Greece, tax evasion seems to be rife among the professional classes, with very few citizens declaring high incomes; one response from the government has been to try to encourage the use of receipts.


9. To be sure, the rebel forces are often no kinder, and banditry is rife.



10. All sorts of rumours were rife, and the speculators attached to the Shanghai Stock and Bond Exchange swallowed these rumours eagerly, while at the same time they themselves manufactured and circulated new rumours.


11. At the same time, using five term Rife-Vincent window function, effectively inhibited the spectrum leakage.


12. rife

12. The Pilgrim fathers sailed to the new world from England to escape religious persecution which was rife across Europe at the time.


13. Child poverty is in the worst 2% nationally, gun crime and gang activity are rife.


14. This article is rife with error.



15. Mrs Helstone was hardly under the sod when rumours began to be rife in the neighbourhood that she had died of a broken heart.


16. A significant intellectual problem is posed for theism by virtue of the fact that it asserts the existence of a God with unlimited power, wisdom, and goodness in the face of the existence of a world acknowledged to be rife with both moral evil and suffering.


17. rife是什么意思

17. In the first part, frequency offset of facsimile signal is estimated by using the amendment Rife algorithm, then frequency is corrected according to the value of frequency offset. The detection of the remote control signal and phase synchronization signal, selection of speed can be accomplished in the second part of software module.



18. She is not mentioned in the Iliad or Odyssey though magic was rife in Homeric times.


19. But the scene, rife with over-produced starlets and goody-two-shoes boy bands, has been a little saccharine for Western tastes. That's changing, with indie bands finally catching a break and hip-hoppers like Eun Ji Won toying with with Latin fusion for a truly original sound.


20. I can tell you, it's rife. It's throughout.


rife 词典解释

1. (通常指坏事)普遍的,盛行的,常见的,充斥的

If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common.

e.g. Speculation is rife that he will be sacked...


e.g. Bribery and corruption were rife in the industry...


rife 单语例句

1. He added that although the interest rate increase took place on October 28, rumours had been rife in October so people became more cautious in buying properties.

2. The cricket world has been rife with speculation that the strangulation of one of the world's best known cricket coaches involved cheating in matches.

3. Teenagers in areas rife with drugs often admire dealers, envy their income and aspire to emulate them.

4. Speculation is now rife Peaches will have to convert to Judaism so the couple can tie the knot in a traditional service.

5. Copying and counterfeiting from home and abroad remain rife in this country, even as the public and private sectors renew calls and efforts to safeguard intellectual property.

6. Unemployment is rife and even those with jobs can see the guillotine dangling over their necks.

7. The third obstacle is the deterrence theory, which is quite rife and rampant in the US.

8. While the partisan conflicts that divide the people are rife in the West, the Chinese leadership has sought to unify the nation to focus on development.

9. Speculation was rife that defeat by Stoke would be the end, but a goalless away draw left the situation unchanged until Wednesday's announcement.

10. Sexual discrimination remains rife when female university graduates seek employment, according to a survey published Sunday by the Shanghai Women's Federation.

rife 英英释义


1. excessively abundant

Synonym: overabundantplethoric

2. most frequent or common

e.g. prevailing winds

Synonym: prevailingprevalentpredominantdominant