

alarming:[英 [əˈlɑ:mɪŋ] 美 [əˈlɑ:rmɪŋ] ]


过去式:alarmed;   过去分词:alarmed;   复数形式:alarms;

alarming 基本解释

形容词使人害怕的,扰乱人心的; 使人惊慌的; 告急的; 危言耸听的



alarming 网络解释

1. alarming是什么意思

1. 使人惊动的:alarmedly 惊恐地 | alarming 使人惊动的 | alarmism 危言耸听


2. 使人惊恐:alarming devices 警报装置 | alarming 使人惊恐 | albedo perception 反照知觉

3. 信号报警:15. 遥控 Remote controlling | 16. 信号报警 Alarming | 17. 声光信号 Acoustic and light signals

alarming 双语例句

1. They were handing out glossies of Spider Man signed by the movie's director to the many people waiting in line, including an alarming number of adults dressed up like Spider Man and mixed between the kids.


2. In this system, each of the following functions have achieved: Real-Time Data Acquisition; Control orders issued; Iintelligence Time Management; Automatic Tuning; Automatic switching operation mode; Fault Monitoring and Alarming.


3. alarming是什么意思

3. Real-time monitoring the insulation status of circuit on-line by the use of leakage current detecting and alarming devices, it can efficiently avoid the electric fire caused by earth fault, and it only alarm but not deenergize the circuit upon detection of leakage.

摘 要:建筑物低压配电线路由于绝缘故障产生漏电,漏电造成能源浪费、危及生命安全,甚至引起电气火灾,漏电是引发电气火灾的主要原因。

4. With procedures design of the elevator control system can achieve the elevator door's opening and closing control, and the elevater's indication under the call, moving from top to bottom, starting-up, delay closed, Ping layer, opening the door, making signals in the queue, close to the escalator and alarming control under the mode of the elevator's operation mode.


5. Settlers, too, came from distant countries, some with an alarming novelty of skill, others with an offensive advantage in cunning


6. Psocids, belonging to Liposcelididae, Psocoptera, are worldwide and commonly found in various processed and unprocessed dry foods. Outbreaks of psocids could pose an alarming threat to stored product. Routine fumigations of warehouses and storage facilities with methyl bromide and PH_3 have failed to control these pests.


7. The market is at turning point so that all appear some comments even highly alarming.


8. Of course, 9 statuary itself are not the thing with alarming what, do not have necessary promotion to arrive height of national mainstream culture, also need not imperscriptible approbate be no good.


9. The control unit is PHILIPS LPC2292. Through power supply circuit, switch circuit, communication circuit, man-machine interface circuit and the applied procedure built-in the operate system, to realize telemetry, remote signaling, remote controlling, alarming, showing and communication.


10. A set of integrity automatic fire alarming system is the beneficial guarantee of the people's life and property when a high building fire occurs and it's the key of if people can discover the fire quickly and accurately to put it out at the embryotic place of the appearance of fire.


11. alarming的翻译

11. A set of integrity automatic fire alarming system is the beneficial guarantee of the people%26rsquo; s life and property when a high building fire occurs and it%26rsquo; s the key of if people can discover the fire quickly and accurately to put it out at the embryotic place of the appearance of fire.


12. Dehydrated and with his blood-sugar levels and blood pressure down to alarming levels, the 57-year-old former president was on November 16th taken to hospital, and given intravenous glucose and saline drips. His health stabilised enough for him to be taken back to prison on November 19th, by when Taiwan`s high court was mulling over his appeal.


13. alarming的翻译

13. Gathering card of alarming information was connected to computer, computer outputs control signal to drive voice and light alarm or other device.



14. There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate.


15. alarming的翻译

15. She had not seen him yet, and he wondered how he could apprise her of his presence without alarming her.


16. alarming的翻译

16. The effects are made worse by the fact that we are cutting down trees at an alarming rate and not reforesting many used up areas, leading to fewer trees to absorb and process the carbon dioxide in the air.


17. To study the influence of meteorological conditions on the prevalence of tracheobronchitis and to establish the best prediction model of the morbidity trends of tracheobronchitis associated with meteorological factors, further to offer service for early-alarming and prediction.


18. Programme producers will not ask you to appear to spell out these complexities, but will allow you to horrify viewers and listeners with alarming news.


19. What do you mean by alarming the citadel at this time of night consecrated to me?


20. Revenue growth of the market are even more alarming, from 2005 to 2008 the average compound growth rate is 23.9 percent.


alarming 词典解释

1. 使人惊恐的;令人忧虑的;让人担心的

Something that is alarming makes you feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.

e.g. The disease has spread at an alarming rate.


e.g. ...the alarming increase in crime.



...the alarmingly high rate of heart disease.

高得令人担心的心脏病发病率alarming 单语例句

1. Troubled electrical appliances retailer Gome is planning to raise capital through a share sale to counter alarming profit drops.

2. Health authorities and AIDS activist groups say the stigmatization surrounding the virus and resulting reluctance to be tested is especially alarming.

3. The alarming loopholes we have witnessed in this incident must be plugged immediately so that such potential does not translate into actual harm.

4. But equally shocking and worrying to many parents, teachers and lawmakers is the alarming number of children now addicted to the Internet.

5. The scandal exposed about Shanghai's driving schools provides a clue to the alarming number of traffic accidents on our streets.

6. It is also important that others in the sector reflect deeply on the alarming messages coming from the series of Shanxi coal mine disasters.

7. The results will prove alarming for parents, whose children spend hours on the computer.

8. Experts'warning about the adulteration of melamine in livestock feed is more alarming than the one about toxic eggs.

9. The current debt limit crisis was alarming, as many people believed that the US government would actually default this time.

10. This is an alarming realization as natural resources and the environment are being degraded and destroyed at a record pace.

alarming 英英释义


1. frightening because of an awareness of danger