

pianist:[英 [ˈpɪənɪst] 美 [piˈænɪst, ˈpiənɪst] ]



pianist 基本解释

名词钢琴家; 钢琴师; 钢琴演奏者


pianist 网络解释

1. 钢琴家:最后,新线请出了当年凭借(pianist)夺得奥斯卡最佳改编剧本的七旬老将罗纳德.哈伍德(Ronald Harwood)主刀本片剧本. 罗纳德.哈伍德在好莱坞接活一向标准极高,而这次相中显然也是冲着诺贝尔奖得主的名头去的.

2. 钢琴家,piano 钢琴:4. violinist小提琴家 , violin 小提琴 | pianist 钢琴家,piano 钢琴 | 5. well-known adj. 著名的

3. 钢琴师-凯越:macbeth 麦克白-新线,D9 | pianist 钢琴师-凯越,D9 | oliver twist 雾都孤儿-英皇.D9

4. 钢琴家;钢琴师:performance 执行,实行,演奏;演出 | pianist 钢琴家;钢琴师 | plow 犁,犁形器具

pianist 双语例句

1. pianist的意思

1. Cornetist Nick LaRocca, clarinetist Larry Shields, trombonist Eddie Edwards, pianist Henry Ragas and drummer Tony Sbarbaro have become footnotes in jazz history, and the sound they made seems rhythmically clunky and predictable today. But as the fanfare for a revolution Livery Stable Blues will never be forgotten.


2. The pianist's works tend to fall into two categories: contemplative contemporary instrumental and classically influenced compositions.


3. I'm sorry, your holiday is bad 2、Yesterday she overslept that she didn't catch the early bus 3、In my opinion, you never because small and not learn something 4、Liu xiang is love sports, he is a genius 5、Zhu bluestone mouth suitable candidate, because his spoken English is unique 6、He is in a 70-year history of the competition on the first Chinese pianist in the award 7、He majored in three gorges university, Japanese and French 8、Today's newspapers without what's new 9、My dad on study are very strict to me 10、Because she failed the exam, so she mock henceforth seriously study

我很抱歉,你的假日过的不好 2。昨天她睡过了头,以至于她没赶上早班车 3。在我看来,你永远不会因为小而不能学东西 4。刘翔很爱运动,他是一个天才运动员 5。朱青石嘴合适的人选,因为他的英语口语是独一无二的 6。他也是在有着70年历史的这项大赛上第一个获此奖项的中国钢琴家 7。他在三峡大学主修日语和法语 8。今天的报纸上没有什么新鲜事 9。我爸爸在学习上对我要求很严 10。因为她考试不及格,所以从今以后她比武认真对待学习

4. pianist的解释

4. Example:That famous pianist expressed the music wonderfully with his nimble fingers.


5. He is not a very accomplished pianist, but he can knock out a tune.



6. In the course of adjusting the sound, we exchange the tone quality with the pianist constantly.


7. You tell me, a man who studys veryhard on the music theory, then he could be a great pianist?


8. I was introduced to the remarkable talents of Emily Remler on David Benoit's album in tribute to both his father and the late pianist Bill Evans, Waiting for Spring.

我被介绍的出色人才的埃米莉Remler对大卫贝努瓦的专辑都在赞扬他的父亲和已故钢琴家Bill Evans称,等待春天。

9. He has appeared as pianist at the Edinburgh International Festival and the Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room in London.


10. The pianist is a man of parts.


11. I look on him as a promising pianist.


12. I look on her as a promising pianist.



13. Lontano is the third album by 64-year-old Polish trumpeter Tomasz Stanko to team him with a trio of exceptionally talented young countrymen who started playing with him while still in their teens: pianist Marcin Wasilewski, bassist Slawomir Kurkiewicz and drummer Michal Miskiewicz.

Lontano》这张专辑可算是典型的ECM之声,冷冽﹑寂静﹑优雅,纯正道地的北欧风味,史坦柯的小号声响有一种近乎纯粹的质感,那种冷冽的调调令人联想起Miles Davis,除此之外,Wasilewski凝聚而清脆的琴声同样令人失神。

14. He was the first Chinese pianist to win this prize.


15. I love cooking, music, movies, enjoy to hear nice pianist and sinfonia....


16. At this concert, three Taiwanese-born musicians will perform world-renowned music and rich-in-local-flavor Taiwanese folk songs. They are pianist Ms Sophia Yang, piano teacher and chamber music coach of the music department at Hong Kong Baptist University; Ms Yi-chun Chen, cellist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic; and Mr. Joseph Vickers, violinist of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta.

本场小型音乐会节目邀请任职「香港浸会大学」音乐系助理教授之钢琴家杨淑媛、「香港爱乐管弦乐团」大提琴手陈怡君及「香港小交响乐团」第一小提琴手戴豪逸等 3 位出生於台湾之音乐家,演奏深情诗意的世界名曲及及表现乐天和希望之台湾民谣。

17. Pianist is a film I have considered to see for a long time, however maybe it requires big courage to keep on such a soul-stirring journey not only because the cruel reality what the jews had to face during the second world war, but also purely the melodies flowed under the pianist's hand.


18. Pianist Evgeny Kissin was born in Moscow on October 10, 1971 and began to play by ear and improvise on the piano at the age of two.


19. As a pianist, I will write more and more songs that most people will like to sing.


20. pianist什么意思

20. In June 2003 at the age of 6, Esther was introduced to Sott Holshouser, principal pianist of the Houston Symphony, s his youngest student.


pianist 词典解释

1. 钢琴家;钢琴演奏者

A pianist is a person who plays the piano.

e.g. ...the brilliant Romanian pianist Radu Lupu.


pianist 单语例句pianist

1. If someone does a hatchet job on a solo pianist, his or her personal reputation and business interests are both damaged.

2. On Sunday night, the young French pianist will return to once again share his stage charisma and virtuosity.

3. Often afterwards, the classically trained pianist Hu accompanies her children during music lessons.

4. Pianist Wu Ying will also collaborate with the orchestra to play the Yellow River Piano Concerto.

5. Composer and pianist Carter Larsen will be the guest lecturer at an upcoming art class hosted by Shanghai Grand Theatre.

6. The Polish pianist won scholarships starting at an early age, and he performed his first concert with an orchestra at age 12.

7. The Russian conductor and virtuoso pianist uses skillful fingers to tickle the keyboard with perfect rhythm.

8. The Croatian pianist was born in 1975 and plays classical crossover music.

9. Many household names took a back seat among the multiple nominees as Rita and Cuban pianist Bebo Valdes totaled four bids each.

10. Pianist Xia Jia will perform with bass player Zhang Ke and drummer Bei Bei.

pianist 英英释义


1. a person who plays the piano

Synonym: piano player