

prominent:[英 [ˈprɒmɪnənt] 美 [ˈprɑ:mɪnənt] ]


prominent 基本解释

形容词著名的; 突出的,杰出的; 突起的


prominent 同义词



prominent 反义词



prominent 相关例句


1. Sully has a prominent nose.


2. A single tree in a field is prominent .


3. A single tree in a field is prominent.


4. She had access to some very prominent people.


prominent 网络解释

1. 显著的:特征(Feature)是用户可见的(User-Visible)、显著的(Prominent)软件系统的质量、属性和方面;是系统提供的、可由用户在外部看到的服务,这些服务满足了用户的需求.

2. 着名的:他引用一位著名的(prominent)艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心4. Susan以为自己会很快适应那儿的生活,可后来发现事情没那么容易,于是她开始想家(homesick)

3. 突出:不良Poor:亮域和暗域间对比很少,整体感觉乃整区暗中带有少许亮域,具有突出(prominent)的明暗模式特征,使钻石看起来极不迷人. 桌面下区域经常呈现阴暗(黑暗中心),有时结合了极暗的腰上刻面与极暗的放射状主刻面. 由于腰上刻面太暗,

prominent 双语例句

1. The massive dome, which is the prominent architectural feature, has since often been used as a model for the design of Islamic mosques.


2. prominent在线翻译

2. She was prominent in the fashion industry.


3. Contribution to performance shares of new debt required to play different route through the Fund consider, can be seen from Table 1, involved the partial stock funds in the IPO first day return and partial shares of the overall average level of funds equivalent to the new contribution to the fight not prominent, participating in the new play...


4. Below current macroscopical economy environment, want to achieve the goal that our country economy grows steadily continuously, can base oneself upon expands actively at holding to inside needed policy, and must put demand of consumption of the farther dweller that start in more prominent place.



5. With the constant development of optical communication technology, and the rapid growth of the proportion of data service in the bearer network, the issue of optical network-data network convergence seems more prominent and urgent.


6. Xinyang is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization, after 8000 years of Cultural Revolution, cultural deposit rich and heavy, Historically, many prominent literary and military personnel come from Xinyang.


7. The reduction was most prominent in children aged 5-14 years (52%) and for macrolides (65%).


8. Among those views, the most prominent are the views related to rise-fall. nationality and situation of era.


9. Among them the prominent contradiction is the miscibility of polymer blends of almost the entire polymer.


10. A person has become much less constrained the development of Guangdong Province, one of the prominent problems.

本报讯 人多地少已经成为制约广东省发展的突出问题之一。

11. Therefore, in elderly patients with drug treatment, to strengthen the rational use of drugs is a more prominent problem.


12. prominent的近义词

12. Initial neurologic exam was notable for generalized choreic movements involving facial as well as limb muscles. Prominent head nodding was described.


13. Particularly the roof forms the most prominent, and the main veranda Hall歇山, the hanging mountains, mountain hardware, saving tip, 卷棚form.



14. Tracey Emin is one of the most prominent members of the generation of young artists that emerged in London in the early 1990s.

翠西 艾敏是90年代初伦敦出现的英国年青艺术家群体中最为卓越的艺术家之一。

15. In recent years, the accelerated pace of construction enterprises, the increase in the number of workers laid off, a large number of rural surplus labor into the construction field, peasant workers account for 60%, resulting in an increasingly complex labor relations, labor relations have become increasingly prominent, especially in arrears, the deduction for 134, 143 farmers particularly serious problem, which triggered the labor dispute cases and mass incidents has risen.


16. This is well illustrated in the 2002 bankruptcy and reorganization of Kmart, a prominent discount retailer.


17. This is well illustrated in the 2002 bankruptcy and reorganization of Kmart, a prominent discount retailer


18. Upfront section captures major domestic and international fnancial news happening in every week; Profles section is about the interviews of prominent CEOs and entrepreneurs.


19. Through the details of the win, the booth design fully reflects the characteristics of Chongqing Stock Exchange, trading of property rights has become the most prominent of the General Assembly on one of the bright spots.


20. Located at the core of the Raleigh-Durham-Cary CSA, the Park is a globally prominent high-tech research and development center that serves as an economic driver for the region.


prominent 词典解释

1. 重要的;杰出的;著名的

Someone who is prominent is important.

e.g. ...a prominent member of the Law Society.


e.g. ...the children of very prominent or successful parents.


2. 显著的;突出的;鲜艳的;引人注目的

Something that is prominent is very noticeable or is an important part of something else.

e.g. Here the window plays a prominent part in the design.


e.g. ...Romania's most prominent independent newspaper.



Trade will figure prominently in the second day of talks in Washington...


Entries will be prominently displayed in the exhibition hall.

参赛作品将陈列在展厅显眼的地方。prominent 单语例句

1. Most department stores in Beijing have also seen a prominent increase in sales, according to statistics provided by the Beijing Municipal Business Committee.

2. He also is charged with ordering the kidnapping of a prominent journalist and a businessman, who were interrogated by army intelligence agents and released.

3. The signage was also prominent enough to be spotted for those traveling by car.

4. An exhibition by 12 of the nation's most prominent landscape painters suggests a return to the tradition of shanshui.

5. Their leaders have promised to give Sunni Arabs a prominent role in politics, but sectarian tensions and haggling have dragged on since the partial cabinet was announced.

6. Abe was given the powerful chief cabinet secretary's position on October 31 when Koizumi elevated prominent hardliners in a reshuffle.

7. He learned so much about the field he attracted the attention of a prominent scholar, who even made changes to his own work based on Cai's suggestions.

8. An exhibition featuring many prominent Chinese artists of paintings and calligraphic works was presented as part of the festival.

9. Local TV channel reports said that some prominent political leaders were stopped from boarding flights heading for the capital Islamabad.

10. But selling all assets excluding Prominent Hill may also leave OZ with enough money to pay all loans and some remaining cash.

prominent的近义词prominent 英英释义



1. conspicuous in position or importance

e.g. a big figure in the movement

big man on campus

he's very large in financial circles

a prominent citizen

Synonym: biglarge

2. having a quality that thrusts itself into attention

e.g. an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom

a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book

salient traits

a spectacular rise in prices

a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center

a striking resemblance between parent and child

Synonym: outstandingsalientspectacularstriking