

porous:[英 [ˈpɔ:rəs] 美 [ˈpɔrəs, ˈpor-] ]


porous 基本解释


形容词能穿透的,能渗透的; 有毛孔或气孔的; 漏洞多的; 易穿过的

porous 相关例句


1. porous在线翻译

1. This clay pot is porous.


porous 网络解释

1. 多孔:科学家指出,骨骼的矿物密度对妇女的健康是十分重要的,当妇女年青时,她们的骨骼密度会增加,达到顶点,但当她们的年龄增加,她们的骨骼会变得薄弱、多孔(porous)和容易骨折.

2. 多孔状:而一般在应用上最常使用的胶原蛋白型态可为纤维状(fibrillar)、管状(tublar)、多孔状(porous)、薄膜(membrane)、海绵状(sponge)及注射剂(injectables). 进一步简述各种型态胶原蛋白的制法,如:多孔性胶原蛋白海绵为胶原蛋白在酸中膨润(swollen),


3. 多孔性的:因此,在自动切割基板背面材料中所介绍的好处,例如多孔性的(porous)碳化矽比矽晶有热传导的优势,只会改善射频功率元件在最大操作功率、操作温度、以及可靠度等表现,这些益处将帮助缩短用成本效益的方法把元件制作在碳化矽上的差距.

4. 多孔的:porosity 孔隙率,孔隙度 | porous 多孔的 | porphin 卟吩

porous 双语例句

1. After analyzing the mechanism of the sand entry of perforated well, based on the theory of linear elasticity and considering the effect of temperature-change stress and drag force of the fluid flow through porous medium, a new model for forecasting the sand production of perforated well is established.



2. The results indicate: the porosity of porous TiNi alloy sintered 8 hours at 980 ℃ was 45 vol.

实验结果表明:在980℃下采用氩气保护烧结8小时可以制得孔隙率达到45 vol。

3. You see it was made of poor quality metal that was too porous.


4. Sometimes, though, the system is porous and they don't have uniform rules.


5. That is the finite difference equations are not consistent with the differential equations of non- Newtonian fluids in porous media.


6. porous

6. Unlike rice and wheat, and unlike even regular corn, popcorn has a non- porous hull that traps steam.


7. porous是什么意思

7. According to the Theological properties of non - Newtonian fluid in porous media, and combining with features of water flooding, a 3D mathematical model of percolation of non - Newtonian fluid in oil and water phase is established.


8. porous的解释

8. Photoelectricity integration; porous silicon; non -acid hydrothermal method; anodization


9. The dimension is related with capillary number and saturation as well as viscosity in a non regular porous field. Furthermore, the limits of fractal theory application in porous flow mechanics are discussed.


10. porous

10. Hankel transform, elastic saturated porous medium, non? axisymmetrical steady dynamic response


11. If the water then hits a non porous layer of rock that stops its progress and sits, perhaps for thousands of years deep within the earth, the silica will settle and eventually form a solid gel, trapping the remaining water within its structure.


12. porous在线翻译

12. Based on the nonequilibrium thermodynamic theory and combined with the conservation laws of energy and mass, non-hygroscopic porous medium brick is taken as the object of study in the present thesis. A comprehensive theoretical model was established to describe heat and mass transfer of porous media, and numerical calculation was performed. The results calculated show that: a.


13. They are in a normal lithography processing steps is completed, using chemical etching method in place of the commonly used dry etching process, which quickly transferred to the required micro-pattern on the porous anodic aluminum oxide film.


14. porous在线翻译

14. Three protozoa (Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus, Amoeba proteus) were isolated from soil. The porous simulation with glass bead, soil column and root box incubation experiments were made to study the association of protozoa movement with phosphorus translocation and its influencing factors. The effects of protozoa on corn growth and corn straw mineralization were also involved. The results showed that protozoa movement in glass bead column was greatly controlled by the pore sizes. Bodo edax, about 5-7 m, could pass through the pores of 28-2011 m in diameters. Colpoda cucullus (30-60 m) could move through the pores of 155~116 m. However, no Amoebaproteus(100~150 m) was found in the effluents from all the columns. All the three protozoa made 32P redistribution in soil column.

本研究利用土壤中常见的3种原生动物(梨波豆虫Bodo edax、僧帽肾形虫Colpoda cucullus、大变形虫Amoeba proteus),通过玻璃珠孔隙模拟、土柱及根箱培养试验,研究3种原生动物运动与磷素运移之间的关系及其影响因素,以及原生动物对玉米磷素营养的影响,同时对3种原生动物在玉米秸秆分解中的作用做了初步的探索,研究结果表明:原生动物的运动与孔隙密切相关,Bodo edax(5~7μm)能够穿过28~20μm孔隙,Colpoda cucullus (30~60μm)只能穿过155~116μm的孔隙,而Amoeba proteus(100~150μm)不能从玻璃柱中流出。

15. Furthermore, the expressions of effectiveness and polarization curve for the porous electrode were presented.



16. The optimum reaction condition of microporous starch was 8 h reactiontime, 50℃, pH 6.0 and 1.5%α- amylase. Porous starch prepared had good quality of water and oil adsorption.


17. A structured parallel diffusion model was developed to describe the intraparticle mass transport of proteins in porous chromatographic matrices.


18. Objective To quantitatively measure the new bone conducted by porous block β-tricalcium phosphate implanted in the defects of calvarium of rabbits.


19. The porous Teflon reference junction is easily replaced if it becomes fouled or plugged.


20. The electret hybrid film consisting of porous PTFE and Teflon FEP is prepared through co_melting method at high temperature and with corona charging.


porous 词典解释

1. 多孔的;能渗透的

Something that is porous has many small holes in it, which water and air can pass through.

e.g. The local limestone is very porous.


2. 多漏洞的;松懈的

If something such as a defence or a barrier is porous, it can be penetrated or crossed easily.

e.g. Mr Balaguer is deploying more soldiers along his country's porous border with Haiti...


e.g. Once a tough defensive team, the Saints now have the most porous defence in the league.


porous 单语例句porous的解释

1. The highly porous quality of baked purple sand clay is what makes it an excellent material to make teapots from.

2. Criticism is exactly what the authorities deserve - the excuses they have concocted are too porous for anyone with some common sense to believe.

3. There are more than 11 million illegal aliens living in the country today and thousands are crossing the porous southern borders illegally each day.

4. Most of them enter Israel virtually unimpeded through the porous border with Egypt, which largely lacks a fence and other security measures.

5. The material is porous and will admit substances to pass through, but can be used to filter out particles of a particular size.

6. Iraq and the US accuse Syria of not doing enough to stop the flow of foreign fighters into Iraq through its porous borders.

7. Syria says it is doing all it can to safeguard its long, porous border.

8. All Palestinian bombers since 2000 came from the West Bank, which has a much more porous border with Israel.

9. And given China's porous taxation and income monitoring system, tax evasion remains a serious problem.

10. Thousands of Pakistani soldiers have been deployed along the porous and rugged border, but tribesmen in the area openly say they would protect Taliban.

porous的近义词porous 英英释义


1. full of pores or vessels or holes

Synonym: poriferous

2. allowing passage in and out

e.g. our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous

Synonym: holey

3. able to absorb fluids

e.g. the partly porous walls of our digestive system

compacting the soil to make it less porous