

mimic:[英 [ˈmɪmɪk] 美 [ˈmɪmɪk] ]


过去式:mimicked;   过去分词:mimicked;   现在分词:mimicking;   复数形式:mimics;

mimic 基本解释


名词巧于模仿的人; 复写品或仿制品; 摹拟笑剧的演员

及物动词摹拟; 模仿,学样; [生]拟形,拟色

形容词模仿的,摹拟的; [生]拟态的; 假装的

mimic 相关例句


1. The actor amused the audience by mimicking some well-known people.


2. There are insects which mimic leaves.


3. He mimicked the teacher's voice.


mimic 网络解释

1. 模仿:萨平顿和斯蒂格利茨(sapington and stiglitz,1987)曾经提出,如果国家是仁慈的(benevolent)、合同是完全的,所有制就无关紧要(irrelevant),因为国家所有者总可以模仿(mimic)私人所有者.

2. 毫米波单片集成电路:由于微波/毫米波单片集成电路(MIMIC)能够在一个基片上制作出宽带接收机或宽带功率组件,从而能做出重量小于25磅,体积小于90立方英寸,能随1000g冲击加速度的小型宽带灵巧的投掷式干扰机和多倍频程相控阵干扰单元.


3. 秘密客:说起这位导演,影迷绝不陌生,从(Mimic)、(Hellboy)到(Blade II),他的影像处理、说故事的掌控能力,愈来愈好. 但如果你拿这些片子想像会是一部怎样的电影,却又大错特错.

4. mimic的反义词

4. mimic:micro-millimeter wave monolithic integrated circuit; 毫米波单片集成电路

mimic 双语例句

1. mimic什么意思

1. After reaction the product, raw material and mimic enzyme were in different layers and can be easily seperated, both the solvent and the enzyme can be retriev...


2. The sister species Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius cydno recently diverged to mimic different model taxa, and our experiments show that their mimetic coloration is also important in choosing mates.


3. A rapid expansion of hot gas would mimic a nuclear explosion.


4. Listen to some examples of B. B.'s playing; attempt to mimic his vibrato sound. A few things to take notice of - although his vibrato is very distinctive, he doesn't use it all the time.

time。听一听BB King的一些演奏,试着模仿他的颤音,需要注意的一些事情:尽管他的颤音与众不同,他也不是总是在用。

5. The models is more realistic, because with a lattice consisting of two different kinds of vertex, it can mimic fee station. traffic accident, two- level crossing, and et al.


6. The cover for Boys featured a mimic of Roxy Music's country life.


7. Strangely, when in skilled hands, can mimic moderate wide angles as well as short telephotos.



8. The two mimic antigen epitopes of SjC TPI obtained are imitative epitopes of the configuration antigen of SjC TPI.

本研究获得的模拟抗原表位M1及M2为SjC TPI的空间构型抗原的模拟表位,具有较好的抗原性

9. The DNA sequencing data showed no homology between the sequences of the deduced amino acid of the two mimic antigen peptides and the amino acid of SjC TPI.

DNA测序结果显示这两个模拟抗原表位的氨基酸序列与SjC TPI无同源性。

10. The PC-based simulator consists of the database engine MELCOR code, the man-machine interface modules MANAGER & DISPLAY, the communication module SERVER and the supplementary modules. It can be used successfully to realize some very important functions, such as the variable database management of MELCOR code, the plant mimic screens, simulation computation control, restart and replay, etc.

该仿真系统主要由仿真核心程序、同步通讯程序、人机界面程序等几个部分组成,可以工作在一台普通的微型计算机上,成功地实现 MELCOR程序变量的运行数据库管理、电站动态图形显示、仿真计算控制、再启动和仿真重演等重要功能。

11. However I am unable to mimic Polar Bear and let it be with me everyday.


12. Rick and Lisa were on their stomachs, side-by-side, environmental suits adjusted to mimic the colors and textures of the area's fernlike ground cover.


13. As with all aspects of football we have attempted to mimic this change in CM4, however please bear in mind that ONLY professional players with the right attitude will reap the benefits from such things, players who don`t look after themselves will still find themselves burnt out and on the scrap heap at an early age (thinking of no English midfield maestro in particular).


14. As with all aspects of football we have attempted to mimic this change in CM4, however please bear in mind that ONLY professional players with the right attitude will reap the benefits from such things, players who don`t look after themselves will still find themselves burnt out and on the scrap heap at an early age (thinking of no English midfield maestro in particular; ).


15. mimic什么意思

15. Results Two mimic antigen epitopes (M1, M2) of SjC TPI were obtained. The immuno sera of mice against the positive phages could recognize both the SjC TPI and the protein of the positive phages.

结果 获得SjC TPI分子的两个模拟抗原表位M1和M2 ,Westernblotting分析结果表明由这两个模拟抗原表位免疫小鼠产生的免疫血清能识别SjC TPI分子和含此两抗原表位的噬菌体外壳蛋白。

16. He loved to mimic the different accents of his neighbors, and he would turn their life experiences into tall tales. Everyone who listened to his stories responded with laughter and applause.


17. The table of content will mimic the folder structure on disk.


18. Serum containing SSTG was obtained at different time after perorally administrated with different dose of SSTG. The cardiomyocytes were deprived of oxygen and glucose to mimic hypoxia reoxygenation injury and were treated by serum containing SSTG when reoxygenation. LDH content in supernatant was detected after reoxygenation. LDH release suppression rate was used to study the time-effect and dose-effect of serum containing SSTG.


19. mimic的反义词

19. His victims have included actress Brigitte Bardot and, yes, Pope John Paul II--and he is considered a skilled mimic.


20. But if we properly understand how organisms in the environment protect us, maybe we can give a vaccine or mimic their effects with some innocuous stimulus.


mimic 词典解释

1. 模仿;戏仿;(开玩笑地)学…的样子

If you mimic the actions or voice of a person or animal, you imitate them, usually in a way that is meant to be amusing or entertaining.


e.g. He could mimic anybody...


e.g. He mimicked her upper-class accent.


2. 模仿;仿效;效尤

If someone or something mimics another person or thing, they try to be like them.


e.g. Don't try to mimic anybody. You have to be yourself if you are going to do your best...


e.g. The computer doesn't mimic human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.


3. 善于模仿他人(或动物)的人

A mimic is a person who is able to mimic people or animals.

mimic 单语例句mimic是什么意思

1. This was designed to mimic relatively normal conditions in human bodies for cell growth.

2. The Color Picker is a concept pen that can scan colors from and mimic that color for drawing.

3. The researchers believe the machines will catch on as technological advances allow robots to mimic animals far better than before.

4. Software that takes a sociological approach can mimic the deductive powers of Sherlock Holmes.

5. Isoflavones are ingredients in soy products that mimic the female sex hormone, estrogen.

6. ETFs are designed to mimic the performance of market indexes and are traded like stocks on an exchange.

7. They are designed to mimic the performance of market indexes and are traded like stocks on an exchange.

8. Newer generation rocker shoes also claim to mimic the " naturally " unstable human gait.

9. Gu admits his appearance was the main impetus and prerequisite for his becoming a mimic of the venerable chairman.

10. The oils appeared to mimic estrogen and block the male hormone androgen.