

decrepit:[英 [dɪˈkrepɪt] 美 [dɪˈkrɛpɪt] ]


decrepit 基本解释

形容词衰朽; 衰老的,老朽的,破旧的; 头童齿豁; 蓬头历齿

decrepit 网络解释

1. 衰老:世界男人帮[]消息:妇女进入更年期一般都会出现如停经等明显的生理变化. 但男性的这种变化过程大多模糊不清. 专家认为,一些生理变化可作为男性衰老(decrepit)的标志--1.视力:眼球晶状体随年龄增长不断变厚,男子50岁以后会逐渐出现明显视力衰退和聚焦不准.

2. 破旧,衰老的:decline 倾斜,拒绝 | decrepit 破旧,衰老的 | decry 谴责

3. 衰老的:defiant#大胆反抗的 | decrepit#衰老的 | defunct#死的

4. 衰老的,破旧的:decorum--礼节是人的装饰--礼节,礼貌 | decrepit 衰老的,破旧的 | decry--受到责难,低头cry--责难,贬低

decrepit 双语例句

1. With each passing month the city is darker, a bit more decrepit and home to more child-beggars.


2. When you are gradually decrepit of time, you need to be peaceful of enjoy at in home


3. Plenty of other countries are struggling with decrepit infrastructure?


4. Who also can not see you the decrepit facial appearance.


5. Dow Jones Newswires noted that BR-163? C? C a mostly decrepit two-lane highway that connects north Mato Grosso state to the massive Amazon state of Para? C? C is seen as a cheap transport route for soybeans out of the Amazon River port of Santarem.


6. Dow Jones Newswires noted that BR-163 –– a mostly decrepit two-lane highway that connects north Mato Grosso state to the massive Amazon state of Para –– is seen as a cheap transport route for soybeans out of the Amazon River port of Santarem.


7. Liverpool`s architectural landscape combines a large-scale World Heritage Site, decrepit buildings and a variety of renovations, refurbishments and new builds.


8. decrepit

8. It's decrepit and just filled with scars.



9. Most of the Non IT executives do not seem to understand the complexity of sustaining old and decrepit systems.


10. Once I account that Hengyang is an ancient and decrepit book, it's difficult to apprehend.


11. Are there more contributing reasons and causes for the current decrepit state of things?


12. But it was the old Valley, unloved and decrepit, and about to be unused.


13. decrepit

13. India bridles at its growing dependence on Chinese telecommunications and power equipment, vital for modernising its decrepit infrastructure.


14. The cancer cells are in different differentiation periods: the chromatin of the young cancer cell's nucleus is rich in color and its cytoplasm is basophilous. The young cancer cells don't form into typical glandular cavity; The mature cancer cell is columnar or cubical and its nucleus is located at the base of the cell in gland tube-like arrangement; The decrepit cancer cell stain thin while its nucleus stain dense. The severer's nucleus disintegrate into small fragments. The decrepit cancer cell's arrangement is disorganized, only keeping its glandular shape.


15. decrepit的意思

15. He seated himself on a wooden bench, with his back against a decrepit vine, he gazed at the stars, past the puny and stunted silhouettes of his fruit-trees.


16. He seated himself on a wooden bench, with his back against a decrepit vine, he gazed at the stars, past the puny and stunted silhouette s of his fruit-trees


17. decrepit的意思

17. Joran was so excited and eager to get going that he set out immediately after returning to his small apartment to collect what few valuable items he had, which include the rest of his savings, a decrepit silver dagger, and an enchanted amulet passed down from his deceased father.


18. Jia, Lin's love tragedy on the one hand, reflects the pursuit of individual freedom of thought and democratic preliminary decrepit feudalism of the conflict, it reflects the era's most important social problem is the blood and tears against feudalism, as well as for new The ideal of social life and reflect the ideals and pursuits.


19. decrepit的反义词

19. Standing on a golden perch behind the door was a decrepit-looking bird...


20. decrepit在线翻译

20. Has your mind become as decrepit as your face, Empusa?


decrepit 词典解释

1. 破旧的;年久失修的;衰老的

Something that is decrepit is old and in bad condition. Someone who is decrepit is old and weak.


e.g. The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station.


e.g. ..a decrepit old man.


decrepit 单语例句decrepit的意思

1. But I don't feel ancient or aged, nor am I decrepit.

2. The old jeep was so decrepit that every night Liao endured bites from mosquitoes that came in through the window he couldn't close.

3. But approaching them dressed as a decrepit witch or a horror movie villain is sure to make more of an impression.

4. These brand new structures have yet to find occupants, and their emptiness looms over the remaining clumps of decrepit hutongs.

5. Demand boomed as Chinese carriers upgraded decrepit equipment at the start of reforms that would ignite China's economic boom.

6. Chen said that 28 percent of students in Gansu province are studying in decrepit buildings, and many are suffering from malnutrition.

7. The many decrepit factory buildings in Hong Kong are a testimony to this massive industrial migration.

8. At those mostly decrepit, traditional courtyard homes I discover they have already moved away.

9. We're not decrepit, and when you see us naked it's not a horror show.

decrepit 英英释义


1. lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality

e.g. a feeble old woman

her body looked sapless

Synonym: debilefeebleinfirmricketysaplessweakweakly

2. worn and broken down by hard use

e.g. a creaky shack

a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape

a flea-bitten sofa

a run-down neighborhood

a woebegone old shack

Synonym: creakyderelictflea-bittenrun-downwoebegone