

downer:[英 [ˈdaʊnə(r)] 美 [ˈdaʊnɚ] ]



downer 基本解释


downer 网络解释

1. downer的反义词

1. 镇定剂:downdrift 往下漂流 | downer 镇定剂 | downfall 衰败

2. downer的反义词

2. 令人沮丧的人:downdraught 倒灌风 | downer 令人沮丧的人 | downfall 没落

3. 停工 断纸停机:down-ender翻卷机 | downer停工 断纸停机 | downfaultedbasin断陷盆地

downer 双语例句

1. Downer's remark has been the most fiecely worded so far among those from all the US allies that support the pre-emptive strikes against Iraq.


2. downer的解释

2. We have medicine to reduce our pains, downer drugs for the insomnia, but we never wonder why we let all kinds of diseases emerge in our society, and we don`t elaborate a well-articulated system to resolve them.


3. The Human Society is suing the US government saying it isn`t keeping sick and cripple cows out of the food supply, the sue comes after the largest beef recall ever, involving a California meet-packing plant using so called'downer'cow


4. downer在线翻译

4. It is cento below its rich guest a paragraph textual: This not the night of Mian, I sit on the bed to smoking the Peel cigarette on the hand disturbedly, regard it as downer is sucked euqally suddenly, next light spit aerosol firmly, look at enlarge of one continuously white smoke to come dispersedly, diffuse in the prolonged in air not to come loose, cigarette lighted the stub that leaves next black not smooth ball only, the gules heart that I throw it in me to love most inside ashtray, horizontal cadaver is alled over over there lie wildly full its gone brethren.


5. In the riser, severe particle clustering existed and the particles in clusters showed evident backmixing. While in the downer, rather loose clustering was observed and the particles in clusters flowed in the same direction as the macro-flow. Backmixing of particles could hardly be found in the downer.


6. downer的翻译

6. Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, monkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity I-bar, O-ring, T-square, octahedron, zigzag chain, gable roof, cross stitch, set square, arch dam, cam shaft, cone buoy, U-bolt, ?


7. Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, m onkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity


8. Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, monkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity


9. downer的近义词

9. The article introduces design processof systems soft ware especially, includes the upper-computer monitoring and control procedure, and the downer-computer control procedure, provide the overall design philosophy that the procedure writes, and also glozed some important programs.


10. It's a real downer to not have a safe vacation.


11. It would be a real downer if we have to wait for a table at the restaurant.

我要是真找不到我的钱包,那才真是a real downer。

12. downer的翻译

12. At the time it was said I chose to leave, but that was not the case and I want Liverpool fans to know that. Houllier told me I was going and it was the biggest downer of my career.


13. What's more, the visual murk creates emotional murk; the experience is such a downer that it's hard to find moments of up.


14. downer在线翻译

14. Know when it's becoming a downer and a barrier to a strategy of effectiveness—like complaining about a fly in your soup.


15. downer

15. It sounds like a real downer.


16. They are too much of a downer to me.


17. A real downer if we have to wait for a table at the restaurant.


18. This would be very helpful for the further design of complex inlet structures of downer reactors.


19. LL: That's a real downer. Let me help you look for it.


20. downer

20. Tom is definitely a downer——every time when I come up with a good idea, he tries to shut it down.


downer 词典解释

1. 镇静剂;安眠药

Downers are drugs that make you feel sleepy or very calm.

e.g. She was taking uppers and downers at the time.


2. 令人悲伤(或沮丧)的情景

If you describe a situation as a downer, you think that it is very depressing.

e.g. For divorced people, Christmas can be a downer.


downer 单语例句downer

1. Downer said that because of Australia's active military role in removing Saddam from power, a boycott of the country's wheat would annoy many Australians.

2. Downer said one reason for the few casualties inside the embassy was the blast coating on the windows.

3. Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer welcomed the vindication of the US military jailers, saying it was consistent with Australian consular advice that Hicks had been treated humanely.

4. In another diplomatic attempt to convince Pyongyang to accept a deal, close US ally Australia was sending Foreign Minister Alexander Downer to DPRK on Tuesday.

5. " We're absolutely thrilled that Saddam Hussein has been captured, " Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said in a statement.

6. Downer even warned that Australia would not automatically help the United States if US forces joined a war between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

7. Downer said it was too early to say for sure that Italy would actually carry out its withdrawal in the timeframe announced.

8. Speaking in Seoul Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer called Monday for urgent action to prevent a deadlock over agriculture from torpedoing the world trade talks.

9. Downer said in Beijing he would try to impress upon Pyongyang that it would enjoy " great opportunities " if it abandoned its nuclear program.

10. Iraq was also discussed but Downer refused to give details on a possible timetable for the withdrawal of Australian or Japanese troops.

downer 英英释义



1. a drug that reduces excitability and calms a person

Synonym: sedativesedative drugdepressant