

fragrance:[英 [ˈfreɪgrəns] 美 [ˈfreɪgrəns] ]



fragrance 基本解释

名词芳香,芬芳; 浓馥,香气; 香水,常用于广告语


fragrance 相关例句



1. The flowers spread their fragrance far and wide.


fragrance 网络解释

1. 香精:而香精(fragrance)在日常生活中於大部分的精油或化妆品及香水中被广泛使用,近来SPA休闲蔚为风潮,精油SPA治疗师或精油销售员,大多数都是因为接触精油产品而造成接触性皮肤炎,临床上是以红、肿、发痒,甚至合并水泡或是脱皮来表现,

2. fragrance的近义词

2. 香味:我说说我个人的感觉, 上扬就是直冲鼻腔罗, 当然是新鲜的咖啡豆才有可能散发嘛, 在研磨时就明显地闻到乾香味(fragrance), 如花香(野姜花...), 香料味(肉桂,胡椒,香草...), 柑橘柠檬皮的酸香味, 核果味, 糖香(红糖,焦糖,奶油糖香)等等,

3. 香气:在这个范围下红酒复杂的香气(fragrance)才能充份表现,也能降低涩味及苦味得口感. 至于淡口感的红酒如Beaujolais或Rosé,适饮温度约在摄氏12-16度之间. 另外,陈年葡萄酒或FortifiedWine如雪利酒(Sherry)或波特酒(Port)则需要较低的温度.

fragrance 双语例句

1. Afterwards, Du Kang found that it was the fermented sorghum seeds which gave off the alluring fragrance.


2. His mind binds you to the earth, his fragrance lifts you into space, and in his durability you are deathless.


3. As a climbing rose, Crown Princess Margareta is ideal trained against a wall, perhaps by an entrance where the fragrance can be enjoyed.


4. The process is transitory and fragrance while beautiful and massiness.


5. fragrance什么意思

5. The natural meat flavor essence has digested and concentrated the water miscible material in the meat, containing many kinds of amino acid, peptide, nucleic acid, carbohydrate and inorganic salts, etc., the ones that have maximumly kept the products naturally. The material series of flavor made by spray drying, microencapulation technology is fully embodying various kinds of meat flavor characteristics, the fragrance is pure, flavor is strong, quality is steady, and has solved many technological problems of the traditional essence, such as: not able to bear the high temperature, wear fragrant time short, keeping time short, stores terms expecting much, meat fragrant smell is unnatural and not strong, and to improving product quality, reduce the production cost, raise the market competitiveness played important function.


6. fragrance

6. The childrens hand hold fragrance the jasmine of the strong fragrance and dedicate to give oneself of mother.



7. Through the ages, Shengzhou Tea is famous for its fragrance, pure and mild taste.


8. fragrance是什么意思

8. My days become even warmer in the smelling of her pleasant fragrance.


9. fragrance的解释

9. Cow dung - It turns out you can make an incredibly pleasant smelling vanilla fragrance from extracts of cow dung.


10. It is the hometown for Biluochun, a tea with delicate fragrance.


11. fragrance的反义词

11. I patted her on the shoulder and said jokingly, I thought that the jasmine was used for decoration in women's hair because it was clear and round like a pearl; I did not know that it is because its fragrance is so much finer when it is mixed with the smell of women's hair and powder.


12. Fragrance and Blossom develops 5000 sqm malls for the 424 families.


13. There is a strong pure myrrh fragrance, typical of the English Roses.


14. fragrance

14. Mixed fragrance: tea, myrrh and fruit.


15. There is a powerful fragrance - an outstanding example of the English Rose fragrance, based on the myrrh note introduced with `Constance Spry`.


16. Classic old rose fragrance with myrrh.


17. There is a light myrrh fragrance.


18. If the fragrance molecules emanated from a woman`s body resemble those from a man`s body when the two smell—the women`s scent and the man`s muskiness, encounters, their genes are compatible.


19. From the Greece and Rome who absorbed fragrance with oil to the rose essential oil which is refined by applying distillation in Arabia and the dense fragrance of palace which was constructed with muskiness and slurry, various fragrant products, fragrant greases, fragrant creams, aromatic essential oils, flavor and perfume, people are enchanted to various fragrance and are willing to obtain them with high cost.


20. NO.5 perfume - this achievement for a perfume's fragrance myth, countless women have become the world's Zhuangtai favorite.


fragrance 词典解释

1. 香味;香气;芳香

A fragrance is a pleasant or sweet smell.


e.g. ...a shrubby plant with a strong characteristic fragrance.


e.g. ...the fragrance of his cologne.


2. 香水

Fragrance is a pleasant-smelling liquid which people put on their bodies to make themselves smell nice.

e.g. The advertisement is for a male fragrance.


fragrance 单语例句

1. Zhu said that the camellia oil extracted with traditional techniques gave out a marvelous fragrance when cooked in a pot.

2. Pamela - who is a staunch vegan and animal rights activist - is currently working on a new natural fragrance line.

3. The cassia bud falls from the moon, the fragrance flutters out of clouds.

4. The Japanese also mix chestnuts into their rice, the nuts perfuming the cereal with the subtlest fragrance.

5. The white chilli is also fried so that it does not taste spicy, but instead adds fragrance to the dish.

6. The choreographer uses fragrance and flowing water to represent the pressure on people today and their elusive spirituality.

7. Kathy and Rick Hilton threw a party at Le Cirque to welcome daughter Paris'new fragrance into the world.

8. The giant shrimp in citrus jar is visually exciting but do savor the lemongrass and orange fragrance just when the lid is opened.

9. Although the clove blossoms are small, their fragrance will linger in your memory.

10. Participants get to create their own cocktail and fragrance combinations designed to match their own personality and preferences.

fragrance 英英释义


1. a pleasingly sweet olfactory property

Synonym: bouquetfragrancyredolencesweetness

2. a distinctive odor that is pleasant

Synonym: aromaperfumescent