

sniff:[英 [snɪf] 美 [snɪf] ]


过去式:sniffed;   过去分词:sniffed;   现在分词:sniffing;   复数形式:sniffs;

sniff 基本解释

及物动词嗅; 发现; 鄙视地说; 深深吸入; 忿忿不平地说

不及物动词鄙视; 嗅,闻; 呼哧地吸气; 寻找,好奇地查看

名词吸气,擤鼻声; 一股气味

sniff 相关例句



1. He sniffed the fresh morning air.



1. My roommate sniffed at my idea of becoming an artist.


2. sniff的意思

2. They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.



1. Take a sniff at everything and distinguish the good from the bad.


sniff 网络解释

1. 闻:1)观看(see)观看酒的颜色是否有光泽清澈;2)旋动(swirl)旋动使空气进入酒中,可以使红酒的单宁变得更柔和;3)闻(sniff)闻酒香是否和谐或者有难闻的气味;4)细尝(sip)把酒吸入口中,鉴别酒在口腔中的味道;5)品尝(savor)品尝口中的酒是否柔顺,

2. (吸气):/snicker (窃笑) | /sniff (吸气) | /snub (责骂)

sniff 双语例句

1. sniff是什么意思

1. She was born in the training lab of the Belgian company, Apopo, in Tanzania. HereAfrican Giant Rats- the size of a cat- are taught to sniff out explosives hidden in the ground. Adter



2. All you have to do is stay down there and sniff it and you can live forever.


3. You happened to lumber over and sniff one of the copies of the Dharma Flower Sutra.


4. Think of how grateful that sweet boy will be to have you talking to him, rumpling his fur, and taking him out for a little adventure where he can sniff, roll, run and explore to his doggy heart`s delight?


5. It's his job to sniff out abuses of power.


6. When hackers sniff out a data packet from Internet traffic, they reconstruct it to intercept conversations.


7. sniff的意思

7. Plus the smell is yummy and I still smell it subtly the next day when I sneak a sniff of my son's hair.


8. When people sniff androstenone, Vosshall said, roughly a third detect vanilla, a third report urine and the final third smell nothing at all.


9. I'll sniff around and try to find out.


10. I bet my broker could sniff out some good ones for you.


11. Every time you turn your back to me, I sniff your hair.


12. Every morning I wake up, I`d sniff my clothes and see if it`s smelly.


13. sniff

13. We will wait for until ordered otherwise, not by self-appointed peck sniff s like you


14. If you were up here right now I would lick your face and sniff your crotch.


15. sniff

15. Let your dog sniff a treat you are holding, but don't let him have it.


16. sniff的反义词

16. They can sniff out the savor of prey or blood even beyond 1 km.


17. Wizard of these very clever: no fall-sheng, the weather sniff out an early decline of life, on a hurry to go.



18. It's their job to sniff out abuses of power.


19. The use of dogs to sniff out all forms of drugs is a widely accepted practice.


20. He tried to sniff out the reason for the unpleasant feeling s between them.


sniff 词典解释

1. (忍住不哭或表示不赞成时)抽鼻子

When you sniff, you breathe in air through your nose hard enough to make a sound, for example when you are trying not to cry, or in order to show disapproval.

e.g. She wiped her face and sniffed loudly...


e.g. Moira looked around and sniffed. 'This place badly needs a decorator.'...


2. 闻;嗅

If you sniff something or sniff at it, you smell it by sniffing.

e.g. Suddenly, he stopped and sniffed the air...


e.g. She sniffed at it suspiciously.


3. 嗤之以鼻地表示;轻蔑地说

You can use sniff to indicate that someone says something in a way that shows their disapproval or contempt.

e.g. 'Tourists!' she sniffed.


4. 轻视;蔑视

If you say that something is not to be sniffed at, you think it is very good or worth having. If someone sniffs at something, they do not think it is good enough, or they express their contempt for it.

e.g. The salary was not to be sniffed at either...


e.g. Foreign Office sources sniffed at reports that British troops might be sent.


5. 用鼻子吸入(胶毒等)

If someone sniffs a substance such as glue, they deliberately breathe in the substance or the gases from it as a drug.

e.g. He felt light-headed, as if he'd sniffed glue.



...teenage glue sniffers.


6. 嗅到;感觉到

If you get a sniff of something, you learn or guess that it might be happening or might be near.

e.g. You know what they'll be like if they get a sniff of a murder investigation...


e.g. Have the Press got a sniff yet?...


7. 一丝;一点儿

If you say that someone has not had a sniff of something, you mean that they have not had even a small chance of getting it.

e.g. Winterton has never had a sniff of a government job in his entire twenty-one years in parliament.


相关词组:sniff aroundsniff outsniff round

sniff 单语例句sniff的近义词

1. The country that created the world's first cloned canine plans to put duplicated dogs on patrol to sniff out drugs and explosives.

2. After that you have to sniff the inside of the cylinder which will let you anticipate the taste of the tea.

3. Hehe is curious about everything and may stop to sniff at a dustbin or play with other puppies.

4. The girl raised her hand to let the horse sniff at it and gently brush her slender fingers with its whiskers.

5. Though it has become harder to sniff out a scoop at the congress, some tricks to get hold of top officials for a short talk still work.

6. But then, you may take just one sniff and keel over.

7. Maryland and Virginia have become the first states to train dogs to sniff out phones hidden in socks and books and under mattresses.

8. Don't sniff if you happen to be a millionaire for it doesn't give you any promise of owning the rare.

9. They head for the border the moment they sniff something ominous in the air.

10. Rescue workers sent dogs to sniff for victims buried under the pile of twisted steel, boulders of concrete and shattered glass.

sniff 英英释义


1. sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose

Synonym: snuff



1. inhale audibly through the nose

e.g. the sick student was sniffling in the back row

Synonym: sniffle

2. perceive by inhaling through the nose

e.g. sniff the perfume

Synonym: whiff