

where:[英 [weə(r)] 美 [wer] ]



where 基本解释

副词哪里,在哪里; 到哪里; 某种情势或位置




where 相关词组

1. where its at : 事情的核心所在;


where 相关例句


1. That is just where you are wrong.


2. Where did you go?


3. Where shall we go?



1. where的翻译

1. I'll meet him where I first met you.



1. Where does he come from?


where 情景对话



A:Where is (section B/ seat 42F/ the exit) located?


B:This way, please.



A:Where have you been?


B:I just got back from (camp/ school/ class).



A:Where can I catch a taxi?



B:The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.


where 网络解释

1. 在哪:职务分析为管理活动提供各种有关工作方面的信息,这些信息概括起来就是提供每一工作的7w: 用谁(Who) 做什么(What) 何时(When) 在哪(Where) 如何(How) 为什么(Why) 为谁(For Whom) 职务分析获得的信息有多种多样的用处.

2. 在哪里:(5)明确交谈场合--- 在哪里(Where)进行交谈. 谈判桌上的交谈与休闲场合下的交谈是不同的. 不同的地点,谈话的氛围、态度与主题等也有所不同. (6)明确交谈技巧--- 怎样交谈( How)效果更好. 交谈中如能正确使用一些技巧,

3. 在什麽地方:四W法则:任何时候都要了解孩子跟谁在一起(who), 在什么地方(where), 在干什么(what)以及在什么时候回家(when)

where 双语例句

1. where的解释

1. Mat Head, was a female, the spouse of Quetzal Macaw, and here is where the story begins.


2. It is suitable to use in the fields where suffer great damage from the termites and require environment protection, and installation with pipe.


3. I remember that old Frio river where I learned to swim.


4. O seven apples on a with's tree With seven seeds to plant inside of me In springtime I grew a magic song Then skipping along, oh I sang the song to everyone I looked at the world through apple eyes And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie I danced with the peanut butterflies Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye A thousand sugar stars Oh put then in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf insede a girl, you say And off I'll go from June to May Oh whistling round the world I met a golden swan upon the road Who was a handsome prince, so I was told I asked it the way to yesterday Then I was a sailor, and through the day I sailed away Bluebird seas I sailed With mermaids riding whales Oh whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go down Winder Way Oh whistling round the world Through apple eyes Oh there are rose-coloured skylines Where flying silver spoons Eat melting marmalade moons Through apple eyes I see for millions of miles The sun's a diamond shining In the nighttime of a summer day A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world

o七个苹果,就同的树七种子植物里面的我在春天,我成长的一个魔术歌然后跳到沿线,哦i唱这首歌给大家我一看,在世界通过苹果电脑眼和削减自己一片阳光馅饼动作与花生蝴蝶直到时间一天天过去,并告诉我说,你好,但波再见 1000糖颗星哦付诸表决,然后在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼insede一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去,从6至5月哦吹口哨环游世界我遇见了一名金色天鹅后,道一位英俊的王子,所以有人告诉我我问它的方式,以昨日那么,我是一个水手,并通过我每天航行距离蓝鸟公海航行i 与mermaids骑鲸哦哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会走络筒机方式哦吹口哨环游世界通过苹果电脑的眼睛哦,还有玫瑰有色skylines 如飞行银汤匙吃熔化果酱的月亮通过苹果电脑的眼睛我看到数百万英里太阳的一颗钻石闪耀在夜间的一个夏天,一天 1000糖颗星哦,他们在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去哦吹口哨环游世界让的哨子环游世界哨子环游世界

5. where的反义词

5. Suckah: Y'all reckon ya know where to go?


6. where的意思

6. The tape is where I will be making the cut.


7. This is the original Sakata San Wai Tsai rural village where farmers set up limited liability company, that is, the original production team.


8. Hi, Mom. Where are you?


9. Nor is it the only place where a few officials have endeared themselves to the electorate by means of the utter disorder of their private lives.


10. The backyard of the temple is where the monks live.


11. where的近义词

11. Where the formulation of standards is otherwise provided for by law, such legal provisions shall be complied with.


12. where的近义词

12. The main floor is currently under construction. This hole is where the steel pillars will stand. To make an extra story for the dorms, the completion date has been postponed by one more month. However, quality always comes first.


13. where的解释

13. NIV I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me.


14. The second category includes pipe-line and successive approximation, where in general only Sigma Delta, counting and slope A/D converters are not taken into account in this comparison, since only wide-band or Nyquist converters are considered in this book.



15. However, where was to start? Who was to point out a way for me?



16. This is most often used forapplications where quality is at a premium.


17. What moved me even more was finding a copy of a page out of the yearbook from my graduation year. It was the page where my classmates and I were wearing our square hats.


18. If it isn't retry till you get it where you want and CA it in place.

如果不是重试,直至你得到它想要和CA ,它在的地方。

19. where的意思

19. NO matter where you go, you can see that computer have an affect on people's lives.


20. where什么意思

20. Where it's white flower blooms...


where 词典解释Usually pronounced /weə/ for meanings 2 and 3. 义项2和3在句中通常不作重读。

1. (用于疑问句)在哪里,从哪里,到哪里

You use where to ask questions about the place something is in, or is coming from or going to.

e.g. Where did you meet him?...


e.g. Where's Anna?...


2. (尤用于动词和形容词后引导从句,表示某物所在或某事发生的地点)那里,那儿

You use where after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, to introduce a clause in which you mention the place in which something is situated or happens.

e.g. People began looking across to see where the noise was coming from...


e.g. He knew where Henry Carter had gone...


3. (用于疑问句)在哪一地点,在哪一阶段,在哪方面

You use where to ask questions about a situation, a stage in something, or an aspect of something.

e.g. Where will it all end?...


e.g. If they get their way, where will it stop?...


4. (尤用于某些动词和形容词后,引导表示地点、某事物所处状态、阶段等的从句)在哪儿,从哪儿

You use where after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, to introduce a clause in which you mention a situation, a stage in something, or an aspect of something.

e.g. It's not hard to see where she got her feelings about herself...


e.g. She had a feeling she already knew where this conversation was going to lead...


5. (用于引导从句进行对比)然而

You use where to introduce a clause that contrasts with the other parts of the sentence.

e.g. Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their community, others took music lessons...


e.g. Sometimes a teacher will be listened to, where a parent might not.


where 单语例句

1. Ye Dong graduated from the University of International Business and Economics where he majored in economic cooperation and received a bachelor's degree in economics.

2. What now makes him proud and excited is developing the business in China, a land where he saw " opportunities and future " for Wall Street English.

3. American business is in the best position to tell where American interests lie.

4. This is where Hong Kong's experience in modern business management and sport administration according to the law can make a difference for the better.

5. Fang sets his sights mainly on the academic and business worlds, where puffing up resumes and scholarly theses is a common practice.

6. The idea came to Rao after spending 10 years in the United States, where he attended Stanford University's business school and later founded a social networking website.

7. I cannot tell you where I get them because it's a business secret.

8. We were standing along the road where illegal drivers wait for business.

9. The nature of the airline business is to follow that trend and provide people with access to regions where their businesses are growing.

10. Shards of twisted metal were scattered by rails at the bustling Atocha station at the spot where an explosion severed a train in two.