

ileum:[英 [ˈɪliəm] 美 [ˈɪliəm] ]



ileum 基本解释


ileum 网络解释

1. 回肠:(3)回肠 (ileum)位于右侧及下腹部,弯曲增多. 黏膜皱襞逐渐变得低平,数量减少. 空、回肠间无明显界线. 3.大肠(large intestine) 大肠分为盲肠、结肠和直肠三部. 盲肠附有蚓突(阑尾). 1)盲肠为大肠的始端,其前面和前腹壁直接或间接贴靠,

2. 小肠:这手术称为小肠导管(ileal conduit),因为那截小肠(ileum)有如导管,将尿液从肾脏经输尿管引导至体外. 若用的是大肠(有称结肠colon),手术就称为大肠导管(colonic conduit). 截取了用作人造尿道口的那段肠子后,医生会将肠的两端重新接驳起来.

3. 往返肠:infusion 注射 | ileum 往返肠 | central compartment 中央室

4. 迥肠:identical twins 同卵双胎;同卵孪生 | ileum 迥肠 | iliac artery 髂动脉

ileum 双语例句

1. The origins of tumor were stomach in 11 patients, duodenum in 3 patients, ileum in 9 patients, jejunum in 8 patients, and transverse colon in 1 patient, respectively.


2. Following stomach-, duodenum- and ileum-specific delivery of OM to the rats, the metabolism of OM increased significantly as the microbial population multipled and anaerobic environment intensified. So it is suggested that the hepatopath should extend the time of therapy by administration with OM injection.


3. Approximately 50 cm of ileum, located 200 cm from the ligament of Treitz, was herniated into the lesser sac.


4. In the segments of ileum incubated with U50488H(10 nmol*L-1) for 1 h, the sensitivity for U50488H was reduced, the concentration-response curve was shift to right, but the sensitivities for OMF, NM and DADLE were unchange.

在U50488H(10 nmol*L-1)中温育1 h的回肠,对U50488H的敏感性下降,浓度反应曲线右移,但对OMF,NM,DADLE的敏感性不变。

5. The results showed that the average feed intake and average daily gain of broiler was increased by hawthorn entract supplementation (P.05), the FCR was improved in anaphase, and the sum of Escherichia Coli in Ileum and Cecum was decreased (P.05). it showed positive effect on the colonization of Lactic bacteria in Jejunum, Ileum and cecum.


6. The ontogeny of NKA-IR in jejunum and ileum later slightly than seen in the duodenum (about 1 day). On 30 days after birth, they have showed the distribution feature of adult. 4. In rat colon, the NKA-IR initially appeared in the myenteric plexus at the 17th day of embryo. Subsequently, the NKA-IR could be observed in longitudinal muscles, circular muscles, muscularis mucosae, lamina propria, mucosa plexus and suhmucosa in succession with the development of colon. The distribution character similar to mature could be found at 30 days after birth.



7. However, diets supplemented with antibioyics and prebiotics could improve the growth of villus. Although Zinc bacitracin could decrease the Gram-positive bacteria, but it couldn`t suppressed Coli form. Added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis to the feed could increase the growth performance and decrease the number of Coli form in jejunum and ileum, and the results were better than added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis alone. The results show that mannanoligosaccharide posses the potential to replace the antibiotics as growth promoter.


8. Xanadu is based on nine ileum Inya Lake built an attraction, but few traces of Midao artificial polish, which nature itself since even the rural farmhouse, it Qingchun ancient folk custom, and the tranquil lakes and mountains of leisure, people feel that this clearly is a completely forgetting heaven's paradise.



9. Results: One patient had intestinal angiodysplasia in jejunum and three in ileum, another one had jejunal lymphangiectasia.

在检查过程时如果没有禁忌症则给予病人静脉注射hyoscine-butylbromide 20 mg,midazolam 2-5 mg及meperidine20-50mg以达轻度麻醉的效果。

10. Plasma levels of diamine oxidase and serum levels of interleukin-8(IL-8) were measured at different time points including before shock, 2h, 6h and 24h after successful resuscitation of shock. Ileum tissue at 5 cm away from approximal ileocecal portion was removed and the change of morphology, distribution of lymphocyte, count of PMN and villous height, width and surface area were examined and measured.

在休克前、复苏成功后2h、6h、24h 取外周血,测定血浆二胺氧化酶含量及血清白介素-8(IL-8)水平;取距回盲部近端5cm 处回肠组织进行光镜组织形态学观察,淋巴细胞分布检测和多形核中性粒细胞计数,并测量回肠绒毛高度、宽度和表面积。

11. 052Mg/ml GLJ restrains the isolated ileum of Guinea pig agitated by 7.8X10~4mol/L Histamine, the action of 0.013mg/ml GLJ is not evident.


12. Figure 6: Transverse CT image in a 24-year-old woman with Crohn ileocolitis shows thickening of terminal ileum and cecum with fibrofatty proliferation in right lower quadrant.

图6 为一位24对女性克罗恩回结肠炎横轴位CT图像,显示回肠末端及盲肠增厚,伴有周围纤维脂肪增值。

13. Results Forty patients with Crohn's disease, seen women and 33 men, underwent DBE, and the ileum was inestigated in 38 patients. There were 25 cases of ileitis, 2 of colitis, and 13 of ileocolitis. Jejunal lesions were found in two and ileal lesions proximal to the terminal ileum were found in 24 patients with Crohn's disease. DBE was superior to radiological study to detect aphthae, erosions, and small ulcers in the ileum.

结果 通过双气囊小肠镜检查发现的40例克罗恩病患者中女性7例,男性33例,其中对38例患者进行回肠检查。25例回肠炎,2例结肠炎,13例回肠结肠炎。2例有空肠病变,24例回肠病变发生在末段回肠。

14. ileum的解释

14. It was concluded that the effects of administration of YT by ip and endermosis is contrary to that of administration by po. The Neostigmine-induced hyperperistalsis of the small intestine was inhibited and the inhibitory effect of Atropine enhanced by ip and sc administration of YT suggesting the mechanism of YT involved the antagonism of Ach. But the contraction of isolated rabbit ileum was not inhibited by YT.



15. The results showed that ABP had an up-trend to pH value of rectum, cecum and colon, and groupⅢand groupⅣsignificantly decreased the pH value of cecum and colon(P<0.05, or P<0.01), but didn't have significant difference on pH value of rectal(P>0.05), pH value between antibioties group and control group didn't have significant differences(P>0.05).Groups added with ABP had the same effect or had better effect on inhibition of intestinal E. coil and promotion of intestinal salutary bacteria in contrast with antibiotics groupP>0.05, P<0.05 or P<0.01With the increasing of the addition of ABP in groupⅡ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, there were more inhibition of intestinal E. coli and promotion of intestinal salutary bacteria, and there were significant difference between groupⅡand groupⅣ(P<0.05 or P<0.01 The duodenal epithelial cell thickness in all experimental groups had no significant difference; With the increasing of the addition of ABP, the epithelial cell thickness of jejunum and ileum increased significantly than that of the control group and experimental groupⅠP<0.05orP<0.01Compared with the control group, groupⅡ, ⅢandⅣimproved intestinal villi height and reduced recess depth significantly(P<0.05 or P<0.01In the duodenum, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳgroup improved intestinal villi height and reduced recess depth significantly than groupⅠP<0.05 or P<0.01There were no significant difference for the depths of recess of jejunum and ileum in all experimental groups, and the intestinal mucous membrane had no significant difference between groupⅢandⅣ.ABP increased significantly villus height and depth of recess ratio(VH/CD value in duodenum, ileum and jejunum(P<0.05 or P<0.01), therefore ABP could improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, and then improve the growth perfonnance for pigs.


16. The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum.


17. C Diagram of the surgical findings shows that approximately 230 cm of gangrenous jejunum and ileum, located 120 cm from the ligament of Treitz, was herniated through the retrocecal recess.


18. ileum的意思

18. Immunological stress; Broiler; Terminal ileum; Endogenous loss of amino acid


19. Both national and international fame has been won in such academic areas as artificial lens replacement, corneal transplantation, intervention therapy for coronary diseases and arterial fibrillation, blood-activation and stasis-elimination and anti-senility in traditional Chinese medicine, poly-vertebral tumor resection and replacement, gynecological tumor cavascopic operation, interventional radiological therapy on tumors, bladder tumor resection and ileum neocystostomy.


20. Both national international fame has been won in such academic areas as artificial lens replacement, corneal transplantation, intervention therapy for coronary diseases arterial fibrillation, blood-activation stasis-elimination anti-senility in traditional Chinese medicine, poly-vertebral tumor resection replacement, gynecological tumor cavascopic operation, interventional radiological therapy on tumors, bladder tumor resection ileum neocystostomy.


ileum 英英释义



1. the part of the small intestine between the jejunum and the cecum