

embarrass:[英 [ɪmˈbærəs] 美 [ɛmˈbærəs] ]


过去式:embarrassed;   过去分词:embarrassed;   现在分词:embarrassing;

embarrass 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使)窘迫,(使)局促不安; (使)困难


embarrass 相关例句


1. When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.


2. Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question.


3. Wearing the heavy coat embarrassed his movements.



4. Embarrassed by his heavy luggage, he could not walk fast.



5. The decline of sales embarrassed the company.


embarrass 网络解释

1. 尴尬:Bob 和弗兰克一直不和.令他们尴尬(embarrass)的是,他们将到同一个部门工作.4. 小时候,我总告诉妹妹说狼(wolf)来了,把她吓得直哭.(intimidate)

2. 使困窘,使局促不安:embark 乘船; 从事,著手 | embarrass 使困窘,使局促不安 | embed 嵌入,深植

3. 用棍子打屁股--尴尬 vivid 鲜艳的:barbarian 野蛮人 | embarrass 用棍子打屁股-->尴尬 vivid 鲜艳的 | revive 复活

4. 使尴尬(embrace拥抱):Idiot白痴,笨蛋 | Embarrass使尴尬(embrace拥抱) | Damn it.该死!

embarrass 双语例句

1. It is all right to tell a joke or an anecdote if it is in good taste and will not embarrass the speaker.


2. embarrass什么意思

2. Although it`s more challenging than the stuff i have been dealing with before, but it`s acctually not as hard as i thought it would be. i m even less nervous then whatching the TV since speed of speaking was more slow down, and i haven`t ran into any vocabulary, only feel embarrass about the pronuciation`s and the grammer`s error i have maken, evey time i look back, i saw there was too much to improve--make me want to take thousand times effort than before. but you never see the big improvement in the short time.

虽然干这个比我原来干过的傻事更有挑战性一点点,但其实也没有想像中那么困难,甚至还不如看电视紧张,电视可比这个语速快多了,到也没遇到过什么生词,只是自己为自己的的语法发音错误感到丢人,感觉自己还差得很远,有太多需要改进了,还要比以前付出百倍的努力。不过据我的经验一个月之内根本不会看到什么进步,每个月只能艰难的迈上一小节台阶,keep walking。

3. Its trustees had not been able to procure fresh contributions for paying the ground-rent, and discharging some other debts the building had occasioned, which embarrass ed them greatly


4. It was as if he preferred not to embarrass his guest in the odious task.


5. embarrass

5. You feel abit wild or impulsive and may act in an impulsive manner whichcould embarrass you later.


6. I don't want to embarrass you and give you up.


7. And you are in a position to embarrass them and they do not like it.


8. Through all of the pain and embarrass*ent...


9. You'd better watch your table manners. Don't embarrass yourself and me.


10. You can let your mistake torment you, embarrass you and hold you back.


11. And if you embarrass me, I will kill you.


12. We live better than him. In this case, we are so eager to meet him in the street to let him see our success and happiness, we can geck at him to the eye and let him embarrass and regret.


13. embarrass

13. You'll embarrass both of you, she says.


14. He did embarrass the government and kept them on tenterhooks for years before he was finally arrested.


15. embarrass

15. It would embarrass me to have to turn to lessons from someone like Martin Yan, the celebrity chef and public-television staple.

我要是向大众电视上的名厨 Martin Yan学习做菜的话,去看教老外做中国菜的电视烹饪节目,那该是多丢人的一件事啊!

16. She tries to explain to her friend not to get mixed up with trouble makers, because they are white and all they want to do is embarrass a little black boy.


17. embarrass的解释

17. I don`t want to embarrass you.


18. As to personal shortcomings; unless they are related to political and organizational mistakes, there is no need to be overcritical and to embarrass the comrades concerned.


19. embarrass

19. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just wanted to ask you a question.


20. No, I don't want to embarrass our hostess.


embarrass 词典解释Be careful with the spelling of this word.


1. 使尴尬;使窘迫;使害羞

If something or someone embarrasses you, they make you feel shy or ashamed.

e.g. His clumsiness embarrassed him...


e.g. It embarrassed him that he had no idea of what was going on.


2. 使(公众人物、组织等)难堪;给…出难题

If something embarrasses a public figure such as a politician or an organization such as a political party, it causes problems for them.

e.g. The Republicans are trying to embarrass the president by thwarting his economic program...


e.g. The Government has been embarrassed by the affair.


embarrass 单语例句

1. Analysts say the move will embarrass Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who has banned cabinet members from visiting the shrine.

2. I had no idea this frequently used sentence of courtesy would turn around to embarrass me.

3. A Malaysian minister admitted yesterday he was featured in a widely circulated sex video, triggering a fresh scandal that could deeply embarrass the government ahead of snap elections.

4. If you ask tough questions that embarrass the teachers, you disrespect them.

5. It doesn't bother me as much as embarrass and hurt me.

6. The new report will embarrass local governments because environmental losses turned out to be even more serious in 2005 than in the previous year.

7. Israeli troops continue to target militants in the territory, despite objections from Abbas that such actions embarrass him and undermine his control.

8. Political analysts had not expected an independent probe or open trial for Khan, since those might embarrass the military.

9. An astonishing 44 percent of the reactions were classified as " impolite, " intended to deeply embarrass the joke teller.

10. These translations either scare or embarrass foreign customers and may cause misunderstanding on China's diet habits.

embarrass的意思embarrass 英英释义


1. cause to be embarrassed

cause to feel self-conscious

Synonym: abash

2. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

e.g. His brother blocked him at every turn

Synonym: obstructblockadeblockhinderstymiestymy