

self:[英 [self] 美 [sɛlf] ]



self 基本解释

名词自己; 本人; 本性; 私利

形容词同一的; 纯净的; 单一的

及物动词使自花授精; 使近亲繁殖



self 相关例句


1. His true self was revealed.


2. self在线翻译

2. Much importance is attached to the development of the individual self.


3. She always thinks of others and never of self.


4. He looked just like his old self.


5. She hates her former self.


self 网络解释


1. 自己:属于病理性免疫应答.引起超敏反应的抗原称为变应原(allergen).免疫的概念 传统免疫的概念--针对外来病原微生物产生的,对机体有利的抗感染防御能力.现代免疫的概念--机体对"自己"(self)或"非己"(nonself)的识别,

2. self是什么意思

2. 自我:这个"自我"(Self)不是传统意义上的"自我"(ego,self),而是"深广的生态自我"[35]. 在自我实现中,人不再是孤立的个体,而是无所不在的关系物;自然也不再是与人分离的僵死的客体,而是"扩展的自我". 因此,

self 双语例句

1. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclin ed to possess high levels of self-confidence.



2. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclin ed to possess high levels of self-confidenc e.


3. Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more.


4. self什么意思

4. But in life, emotionally, is my biggest non-self-tolerance, I worried, I will ponder, I will not quiet...


5. It has made great progress in molecular recognition, molecular self-assembly and molecular devices et al.


6. Raiders live on the fringes of Westerosi society — sometimes self-styled lords, other times wildmen, but always dangerous to the houses that control the Seven Kingdoms.


7. The influence of steam-system key factors on the Long-term volume stability, including shrinkage and creep, of C50 high- performance concrete is systematic studied and the comprison expression between the internal humidity and self-contraction of C50 high-performance concrete is established in the Steam- environment.


8. The paper mainly deals with following three aspects: offering a frame of filtering system in collecting high-precision data of weak signals when strong electromagnetic interferes and analyzing the corresponding errors, discussing common digital filtering theory and its realization with field programmable gate array, applying self-adaptive theory to reducing noise.


9. Very rarely, I find that my silver cord connecting me to my dreamtime self has become damaged.


10. Product leaders do not stop for self-congratulation. They are too busy raising the bar.


11. By studying on self-similarity and Fano factor curve of time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve in guinea pig, we conclude that time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve differ from random noise, and have the certain temporal structure that exits in re-ordered guassian time series.


12. The Introduction starts off the discussion by outlining the notion of self-interpretation as one which has its roots in early American literature, which greatly affects Faulkners writing.


13. self是什么意思

13. He is a good man to help others during the procedure of his self-development.


14. self是什么意思

14. A. preset electronic quick break protection:without any extemal quick fuse, it can ptotect it self and give an alatm befote starting or during the proceddof starting, oreratine and soft stop.


15. I`m not self-conscious and do not care about what others think of me.


16. In secondary school, I was always self-conscious about my height.


17. I get self-conscious opening presents in front of people.


18. self

18. I had no reason to feel self-conscious, I reminded myself.


19. Native speakers mainly employ I think for turn-taking/holding or mitigating, while Chinese EFL learners may use I think for some other functions as well, such as upgrader, interrupting, self-repair and reformulation, listing, reasoning/illustrating, summarizing, etc.

本族语者主要将I think用于承接话轮,保持话轮,减弱语气,而中国英语学习者除以上功能外,更多地用I think实现加强语气,插话,自我纠误,列举,推理/说明,总结等语用功能。


20. First, by means of the sand-pile experiment with one slope, it is discovered that self-organized criticality in granular mixtures is strongly influenced by the non-uniform degree of granular material.


self 词典解释

1. 自身;本性;本我

Your self is your basic personality or nature, especially considered in terms of what you are really like as a person.

e.g. You're looking more like your usual self...


e.g. She was back to her old self again.


2. 个性;自我

A person's self is the essential part of their nature which makes them different from everyone and everything else.

e.g. I want to explore and get in touch with my inner self...


e.g. The face is the true self visible to others.


self 单语例句self在线翻译

1. Netanyahu told them any country would act in self defense if it were targeted by thousands of rockets as Israel has been by Gaza militants.

2. It has thus provided a powerful legal safeguard for the full exercise by the Tibetan people of the right of self - government.

3. South African Finance Minister Trevor Manuel has called the process a " self reinforcing, deteriorating spiral ".

4. The book contains large full page portraits of each director she has worked with as well as self portraits of her as each character.

5. They dare not use any stern words to criticize the students who disrupt classroom order for fear of being accused of " hurting student's self respect ".

6. He doesn't exclude the application of psychological hints and guidance to eliminate the patients'worries and provide a clearer picture of their true self.

7. " Creating conflicts on resource issues for their self interests is a common practice, " he said.

8. Liang said he wants to lose 20 kilograms and regain confidence and a positive self image.

9. I really admire her for the image she has created - and the fact she keeps her real self and her brand separate.

10. I also became self conscious of the curious stares I got while strolling around, trying to familiarize myself with my new surroundings.

self 英英释义


1. your consciousness of your own identity

Synonym: ego

2. a person considered as a unique individual

e.g. one's own self



1. (used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self

e.g. self-knowledge

