

orthodox:[英 [ˈɔ:θədɒks] 美 [ˈɔ:rθədɑ:ks] ]


orthodox 基本解释


形容词正统的; 规范的; 公认的; 普遍赞同的

orthodox 同义词



orthodox 反义词



orthodox 相关例句


1. The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and pumpkin pie.


orthodox 网络解释

1. 东正教:看完那本书, 我知道一个事实,那就是基督宗教(Christianity)分成3大系统, 天主教(Catholic) 东正教(Orthodox) 新教(Protestant). 我写在这里是为了记住它, 最近脑子都是木的, 什么东西都记不住, 特别是单词, 才学了一天, 第二天又忘记了,

orthodox 双语例句

1. The autocephalous Orthodox Church in America, officially established in 1970, has as its stated goal the unification of all Orthodox Christians in the US and Canada on a territorial basis.


2. Religion More than 95% Roman Catholic; other religions include Polish Autocephalous Orthodox, Russian and Greek Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim.



3. No doubt that this book is one of the most authoritative and orthodox textbooks in this field.


4. On the strictly orthodox side the most elaborate and learned attempt at conciliation is that by Mr.


5. orthodox的近义词

5. Today most of the population practices Orthodox Christianity of the Georgian Orthodox Church (81.9%).


6. In France and Spain as well as Greece, where most people are Orthodox, the clergy was viewed with the most suspicion.


7. Bateson had a most orthodox Oxford education and a most unorthodox career.


8. orthodox的反义词

8. I do not wish to quarrel with the assumptions made about the benefits of orthodox education.


9. The young generation today don't like orthodox teaching.


10. Some farmers do resort to orthodox and unhealthy methods to boost their productions.


11. orthodox的近义词

11. But we have to be cognizant of that in China, there is an orthodox view of sex.


12. orthodox

12. Seeds have been categorized as orthodox, recalcitrant and intermediate seeds according to their dehydration behaviors.


13. The results showed that the loss of desiccation tolerance of imbibed mung been seeds was a quantitative feature, and that the changes in desiccation tolerance of imbibing orthodox seeds could serve as a model system for the study of seed recalcitrance.


14. Kenotic theology is in reality a variant but new form of orthodox, biblical faith.


15. People's dignity right can be said to be the orthodox, proper source of the social change.


16. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches have lots of very different beliefs from most Protestant Churches.


17. orthodox的翻译

17. This is the first day of the Greek Orthodox Great Lent.


18. Just being influenced by the famous neo-Confucianists and orthodox scholar-officials in Song represented by Zhu Xi, could academies in Fujian district display fair academic prosperity and lasting vitality when facing social crises of the prohibition of pseudo-academy and the transition of the Song and Yuan Dynasty.


19. orthodox的翻译

19. Herbal medicine is closest to modern orthodox medicine, and many traditional drugs such as aspirin are derived from plants.


20. orthodox在线翻译

20. Theodore anticipated the heresy of Nestorius; Ibas and Theodoret were indeed restored at Chalcedon, but only after they had given orthodox explanations and shown that they were free from Nestorianism.

西奥多预计异端的涅斯; ibas和theodoret确实恢复迦克墩,但只有后,他们已作出解释和东正教表明,他们免费从景教。

orthodox 词典解释The spelling Orthodox is also used for meaning 3. 拼写 Orthodox 亦用于义项3。

1. 正统的;规范的;广为接受的

Orthodox beliefs, methods, or systems are ones which are accepted or used by most people.

e.g. Payne gained a reputation for sound, if orthodox, views...


e.g. Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.


2. (人)正统派的,传统的,循规蹈矩的

If you describe someone as orthodox, you mean that they hold the older and more traditional ideas of their religion or party.

e.g. ...orthodox Jews.


e.g. ...orthodox conservatives.


3. 东正教(会)的

The Orthodox churches are Christian churches in Eastern Europe which separated from the western church in the eleventh century.

e.g. ...the Greek Orthodox Church.


orthodox 单语例句

1. After a slow vote count, the announcement of the final results took the country by surprise on Orthodox Christmas Eve.

2. Anger also flared in this Russian Orthodox part of the Caucasus mountains, ethnically and religiously distinct from the nearby Muslim regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

3. Some orthodox writers have harshly criticized young writers whom they claim put aside literary pursuits and " blindly adjust their writings to readers'bad tastes ".

4. Their position was in contrast with the official stand of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which said the decision should be left to the girl's family.

5. The Coptic Orthodox Church announced a state of mourning over the pope's death.

6. A Russian Orthodox Church stands at the western end of the street, directly in front of the former czarist park.

7. Orthodox believers mark Epiphany on January 19 by immersing themselves in icy waters regardless of the weather.

8. Orthodox Christians celebrate the religious holiday of Epiphany according to the Gregorian calendar on January 19.

9. Most of those filling downtown were Orthodox Jews, many of them teenage girls in long skirts or youths wearing knit skullcaps.

10. Orthodox education programmes usually neglect training in humanistic factors such as literature, etiquette and communicating.

orthodox是什么意思orthodox 英英释义


1. adhering to what is commonly accepted

e.g. an orthodox view of the world