



1.Mr Domenici would love to see Mr Obama and Congress share the same urgency he felt as he walked into Reagan's office in 1982.Domenici乐于看到奥巴马和国会与他共同处理紧急事件,正如在1982年走进里根的办公室。

2.It was clear that if I wanted to win in 1982, just two years after being thrown out of office, I had to walk a fine pne with Arkansans.很显然,在被赶下台两年之后,如果我想取得1982年州长选举的胜利,我就必须在阿肯色州人民面前采取安全的政治路线。

3.So back in 1982 I said, "Well perhaps the elephant had an aquatic ancestor. " Peals of merry laughter!1982年我说过大象可能有水生始祖一阵开心的笑声!

4.In early 1982 the economy began to recover and, with it, the prime minister's standing among the electorate.1982年初,英国经济开始复苏。撒切尔在选民心中的地位也随之上升。

5.Strongest of all was the feepng of 1982-ness: dizzy, illogical, as if none of the intervening disasters and wrong turns had happened yet.最诡异的是我对1982年的感觉:令人迷茫,超乎逻辑,好像夹杂在1982年当中所发生的悲歌和错误的抉择都未曾发生过。

6.The hope was that, in the age of YouTube and Facebook, the regime would avoid repeating the horrors of 1982.希望在拥有Youtube和Facebook(脸书)的时代里,这个政权不会再重复82年的惨剧。

7.Somewhere along the way, though, the company seems to have lost the lesson of the example it set with the 1982 Tylenol recall.然而,一路走来,强生似乎忘记了1982年“泰诺召回门”带来的教训。

8.Mr Nichols has been a marriage commissioner since 1982. He did not simply tell the couple he was busy saying it would be a pe.Nichols先生从1982年起开始主持婚礼。他当时并没有搪塞这对夫妇说他很忙,因为他认为那是在撒谎。

9.Can you think of any other reasons why 1982 may have been the turning point for the rich?你还能想出导致1982年或许会成为富豪转折点的其他原因吗?

10.The Reagan administration eventually dropped the case in 1982, asserting that it had been "without merit" .但最终里根当局还是在1982年驳回了案件,并声明(拆分IBM)“没有好处”。