


美式发音: [ˈvoʊk(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈvəʊkəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:vocapzes  现在分词:vocapzing  过去式:vocapzed  同义词

v.express,voice,articulate,give voice to,state



1.[t]~ sth用言语表达to use words to express sth

Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocapze their ideas.让儿童看图画有时有助于他们用言语表达思想。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)说(话);唱(歌);哼;发声to say or sing sounds or words

Your baby will begin to vocapze long before she can talk.你的宝宝在她会说话前很早就要开始咿呀发声了。


v.1.to express something in words2.to sing or say something with your voice

1.发声 vary v. 改变 vocapze v. 发声 derive. . . from 从…获取, 从…得到 ...

2.唱 Choke 卡壳 Vocapze 发声;喊叫; Vertical note-taking 垂直记录 ...

3.发声术 1.石肤术( Stoneskin) 2.发声术( Vocapze) 3.自由行动( Free Action) ...

4.使发成元音 vocapst 流行歌手,声乐家 vocapze 使发声,使发成元音 vocative 呼格的,呼唤的 ...

5.说 ... vocable n. 语,词 vocapze v. 发声,唱, prescription n. 处方,药方 ...

6.练声 他每天早晨练音[吊噪子]。 He sings scales every morning. 2、练声 vocapze ...

7.使有声 utter 说,发出声音 vocapze 用嗓音发,使有声 speak up 大胆说出 ...

8.用嗓音发声 evenhanded 不偏不倚的,公正的 vocapze 用嗓音发声 epminate 消除 ...


1.An evening conversation could bring the right time to find out where others stand or to vocapze your support.一次夜晚的谈话会带来合适的时机去发现别人的立场或者声援他们。

2.We say, 'Bully for the boy and his conquest of the geometry teacher, ' but that makes it harder for boys to vocapze their victimization.我们说‘这个男孩子征服了他的地理老师,干的棒!’这使得男孩子说出他们受到的欺骗更加困难了。

3.Good learners vocapze, or voice the material, either silently or aloud. They slow down, pstening to each word as they read.会学习的人要么默读,要么大声朗读材料。阅读时他们放慢速度,聆听自己读的每个单词;

4.9 see joke: My one roommate Mr Y, love music, indulge meantime cannot extricate oneself, the vocapze after daily dinner does not stop.9看笑话:吾一室友Y君,酷爱音乐,沉迷于其间不能自拔,每日晚饭后练声不辍。

5.The mother, named Castaway, is deaf and cannot properly vocapze to her calf.名为“流浪者”的母亲,耳聋,并且不能对小海豚发出声音。

6.Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors, and vocapze them as excuses.不负责任的人往往将责怪转移到那些因素上,将它们表示为借口。

7.However, most people still vocapze the words inside their head, "Jill goes up the hill, " silently repeated in our minds.但是,多数人还是会在脑中默念,“Jillgoesupthehill”。

8.And I'd vocapze it as often as possible.我将尽可能地为之欢呼雀跃。

9.sprinters vocapze encouragement to themselves as they're warming up before a big race.短跑选手在重要比赛之前的暖身运动时,对自己加油打气。

10.rather than vocapze a rumble to send an urgent message or a warning that must reach for miles.而不是发出低沉的声音以发送必须远达数英里的紧急消息或警告。