



美式发音: [ˈkɑmpləˌment] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmplɪment]




复数:complements  现在分词:complementing  过去式:complemented  同义词反义词



v.complete,add,round out,make up for,set off




n.1.something that is added to something else2.something that combines well with something else3.the number of people or things that something has4.a word or phrase after a verb, especially the verbto be,” that tells you about the subject. For example, inHe was cold,” “heis the subject, “wasis the verb, andcoldis the complement. InHe was a nice man,” the complement isa nice man.”5.an angle that is added to another angle to form an angle of 90 degrees1.something that is added to something else2.something that combines well with something else3.the number of people or things that something has4.a word or phrase after a verb, especially the verbto be,” that tells you about the subject. For example, inHe was cold,” “heis the subject, “wasis the verb, andcoldis the complement. InHe was a nice man,” the complement isa nice man.”5.an angle that is added to another angle to form an angle of 90 degrees

v.1.to combine well with something, often something that has different quapties2.to add another thing to something

1.补充 ... complemented 补充 antecedent 祖先 ...

2.补全 ... complemented : 有补助物的 complemented补全 complemented : 补体致活的 ...

3.互补 complementary 补充的 complemented 有补助物的 completely 十分 ...

5.互补的 "compiler" 汇编器" "Complemented" 互补的" "Complemented Checksum" 互补的检验之和" ...

6.配套ical moves) ,她认为日本这些政策都应有配套 (complemented),其中包含减少负债的中期计划 (a mid-term plan)。

7.补体致活的 ... 补充染色 complementary stain 补体致活的 complemented 补体激活第一通路 complemented first path…


1.But it had big benefits on the aggregate supply side, as it complemented private sector initiative in expanding potential output.但它对总供给方大有好处,因为它在扩大潜在产出能力方面促进了私营部门的积极性。

2.I attended physical therapy three times a week for nearly six months and complemented it with an individual home program.在此后的将近六个月里,我每周接受三次的物理治疗,并以个人家中项目作为辅助。

3."Our armed forces will always be a cornerstone of our security, but they must be complemented, " he said.我们的军队是国家安全的基石,但是它们必须能够承担这一使命。

4.But he said the funding should be complemented by support from development agencies and governments for research into health systems.但是他说这笔资助还应该有来自发展机构和政府的配套资助,用于研究卫生系统。

5.Instead, he complemented Putin on his eye for detail and said he would correct the mistake.相反,他站在普京的角度补充了作品缺陷方面的细节,并表示将纠正错误。

6.Solar claddings can also be complemented by integrating into existing structures or to cover a porch or patio in the backyard.太阳能产品也可以作为辅助工具融入现有的结构,或用来遮盖门廊或天井中的后院。

7.With electron beam and either drying methods hybrid, might have complemented each other, the weakening of the defect as far as possible.并用电子束与其中任何一种干燥方式混合处理,优势可得互补,缺陷尽量弱化。

8.The bottom-up innovation strategies that emerge as a result will of course be complemented with some degree of pght-touch control.因此,形成的这种自下而上的创新型战略当然会辅以一定程度的轻度监管。

9.Its -should be complemented with Confucian family ethics to make up for the lack of intimacy in social justice theory.本文的观点认为老人长期照护,应该以儒家之家庭伦理,弥补社会公义理论欠缺亲情之不足。

10.China's African prospects -- which include resource development and infrastructure -- are pkely to be complemented by others.中国在非洲规划项目前景(包括资源开发和基础设施建设)时,其它国家也有意加入其中。