




1.第一 one 1;two 2;three 3;four 4;five 5;six 6;seven 7; 数字类 (1st )第一; (2nd )第二…


4.第一个 AC.2nd 空调二等车 AC.1st 一等车 托玛侬神庙( Thommanom) ...

7.一日 七鳍鲶科 Heptapteridae 一日 1st 一百二十 rmb120 ...


1.after October 1st of 1949, this was a day on which a country formed uniform institutions and identified with its sovereignty.在1949年10月1日之后,这是一个国家形成一致的制度与主权认同的日子。

2.Duration is a week or two. 1st step is to educate the top management or executives on Lean Sigma awareness.在此阶段周期通常为一周或者两周。第一步是培训高层管理者或者主管对于精益西格玛的认识。

3.1st, in 2008 the Chinese economy recedes, is anticipated within the matter moderately, arises suddenly the factor by no means.2008年中国经济适度回落,属“预期之内”的事情,并非突发因素。

4.I shall call on him on May 1st and shall call again about a week later.5月1日我将拜访他,大约一星期之后我再来拜访。

5.The marches have begun again: on May 1st, up to a milpon people across the country took to the streets, by no means all of them Hispanic.抗议游行活动已经开始:在5月1日,全国多达100万的民众走上街头,绝非他们所有的人都是西班牙裔。

6.Littlejohn's grandfather, Alexander Littlejohn, was a 1st class steward in charge of pfeboat 13 when the ship began to go down.利特尔约翰的祖父亚历山大-利特尔约翰当时是头等舱的管事,船舶开始沉没时主管第13号救生艇。

7.The 1st factor was that after the defeat in World War 1 there were enough open minds in the German higher ranks ready to examine new ideas.第一,在第一次世界大战战败后,德国高层有很多开明人士准备去检验和接受新观点。

8.Along with the 1st Maryland Regiment they were able to repel the British, allowing Washington and his troops to make a safe retreat.此役他们协同马里兰州第一步兵团击退了追击的英军,使得华盛顿所部得以全身而退。

9.So, 1st National Ace Pigeon BDS is for the small subscriber base of that magazine not inclusive of any national competition.所以“冠军国家鸽王赛BDS”是杂志少量订户的冠军,并不包括任何国家赛。

10.Now the party is all the more anxious as it prepares to celebrate, on July 1st, the 90th anniversary of its founding.这几天CPC则比以前更加焦虑,因为他正准备着建党90周年的周年庆祝。