

be used to

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1.Hot air, hot water or steam should be used to thaw mud pnes or other equipment essential, and do not thaw by fire or flame.应当用热空气、蒸气或热水使钻井液管线和其他类似设备解冻,不能用明火烤或烟熏。

2.Laser surgery may be used, to increase drainage of aqueous fluid out of the eye, especially if medications do not help enough.可行激光手术增加房水自眼中引流,尤其是药物无法完全发挥作用时。

3.A real speech will give you a valuable opportunity to see how these grammars can be used to communicate powerfully.一篇真正的演讲能给你宝贵的机会去了解这些语法是如何在语言交流中发挥巨大作用的。

4.Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.对于含有两个或更多个逻辑级别的行标头和列标头的数据表,应该使用标记来关联数据单元格和标头单元格。

5.Ornamentals can be used to mark the border other property or to provide privacy from neighbors.观赏植物能被用于标志地界,或者隔开邻居提供隐私。

6.The BREAK command can be used to break the report into a set of records based on a particular column value.BREAK命令可用于基于特定列值将报表分成一组记录。

7.Still, I had no idea when I began to be used to raising my head and to gazing upon the sky.不知道从什么时候开始,我成为一个时常会抬起头看看天空的人。

8.DataPower can be used to ensure this cap is not exceeded or to send notifications to ensure that any overage is appropriately billed.可以使用DataPower来确保不会超过此上限,或发送通知来确保恰当地收取超限事务量的费用。

9.But the test is not mandatory, and the company says workers' smiles will not be used to determine promotions or demotions.但是这项测试都不是强制的,公司说的员工的微笑得分并不会成为他们的升迁的依据。

10.Satelpte photos from a French weather bureau will be used to determine how much money subscribers should receive.保险公司将使用传自法国气象局的卫星图片计算退款金额。