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1.史蒂文 Stanley 史丹尼 Steven 史帝文 Stev 史帝夫 ...

4.林智文 Steve 斯蒂夫 Steven 斯蒂文 Stevens 斯蒂文斯 ...

7.史提芬 柯有伦[ Alan Kuo] 马浚伟[ Steven] 麦浚龙[ Juno Mak ] ...


1.Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard said he felt the referee had been intimidated by Chelsea's players and had "cracked" .利物浦队长杰拉德表示,显然被车仔队员的威逼吓破了胆,狠狠的黑了他们一把。

2.Steven Gerrard has spoken of his depght following the result of the court hearing held in London on Wednesday morning.史蒂文杰拉德在周三早上伦敦法院审理的结果出来后,表达了他的欣喜之情。

3.Tracy and Steven had been up for two and a half hours, preparing our breakfasts and tidying the train.特莱丝和斯蒂文已经起床两个半小时了,正为我们准备早餐和打扫卫生。

4.STEVEN: Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days. He'll need the whole studio, and we won't rehearse for a week.史蒂文:迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片。他需要整个演播室场地,这样一来,有一个星期我们都不会再排练了。

5.A defiant Steven Gerrard has backed Fernando Torres to break Liverpool's goalless record at Stamford Bridge to secure a place in Moscow.斗志昂扬的史蒂夫•杰拉德支持费尔南多•托雷斯,认为他能打破利物浦在斯坦福桥零进球的记录,确保利物浦在莫斯科的一席之地。

6.All this follows news that Steven Gerrard could be out for three to four weeks with a hamstring injury sustained with England on Wednesday.之前我们还报道了斯蒂文·杰拉德的伤情。队长在本周三代表英格兰队的比赛中伤到了腿筋,将缺阵三到四周。

7.RITA: Can't you leave us alone for a minute? I'm just trying to make Mary Beth look good, Steven.丽塔:难道你不能让我们单独呆一小会儿吗?我正想使玛丽·贝思看起来漂亮点,史蒂文。

8.First there was a internet story about Steven Hawking saying discovering apens would actually not be so good because of this and that.首先这有一条来自网络的新闻,说史蒂芬·霍金宣称,因为这样那样的原因,主动发现外星人并不好。

9.Steven: Connie, I might have to leave early today.史蒂文:康妮,我今天可能要早走。

10.Steven: How much experience has she had in television?史蒂文:她在电视台工作上有多少经验?