

lapse:[英 [læps] 美 [læps] ]


过去式:lapsed;   过去分词:lapsed;   现在分词:lapsing;   复数形式:lapses;

lapse 基本解释

名词流逝; 小错,疏忽; 行为失检,失足; [法](权利等的)失效,消失

不及物动词退步; 陷入,堕入; 失效,终止; [法]转归

lapse 相关例句


1. The lease has lapsed.


2. Several hours lapsed before he woke up.


3. Then the conversation lapsed and all was still and quiet.


4. I fear she has lapsed again.



1. Her grief over her child's death was not at all relieved by the lapse of time.


lapse 网络解释

1. 失效:(1)在权力可能被行使的期限中,在服从于权力的财产范围内,撤回(withdrawal)权力持有人被对待的方式与可撤销信托的委托人相同;以及(2)当权力失效(lapse)、撤销(release)或放弃(waiver)时,

2. lapse

2. 过失:以失误心理学为基础的失误分类方法强调人的行为与意向的关系. Reason以关系分类法的观点,在Rasmussem的SRK模型基础上,用概念法提出一种概念分类方案,将所有的失误分为:疏忽(slip),过失(lapse)和错误(mistake).

lapse 双语例句

1. Then they are asked to estimate how much time or money each lapse of memory cost.


2. She had a lapse of memory.


3. A lapse of memory; a lapse in judgment.



4. You took advantage of my memory lapse.


5. lapse在线翻译

5. The major findings of the study are as below:(1) During the process of recovery, lapse, and relapse, we find that these abusers maintain drug-related identity in the aspects of their mind, behavior, family-interaction, attitude, life style, and relationship at every stage.


6. When the temperature of ambient air increases with altitude, the lapse rate is negative, or inverted, from the normal state.



7. Increase Subscription, and upon lapse of a designated period or satisfaction of certain conditions, the shareholders of the


8. Upon the lapse of such period, such bill shall be deemed to have been approved; in such case and in the case where the Senate approves it, further proceedings under section 150 shall be taken.


9. lapse

9. His case was discussed among psychologists at the time as a curious instance of the lapse of memory consequent upon physical and mental stress.



10. The collective contract shall become effective upon the lapse of 15 days from the date of receipt thereof by the labor administration authority, unless the said authority raises any objections to the contract.



11. Apart from the termination of ministership of individual Minister under paragraph one, the ministership of the Prime Minister terminates upon the lapse of the period under section 171 paragraph four.


12. Here, we use a high-throughput automated time-lapse light microscopy approach to systematically analyze over 10, 000 single cells from 15 cell lines in response to three different classes of antimitotic drug.


13. When the creditor's right lapses, the right of pledge shall also lapse.


14. Failure has removed Frederick found the steering cylinder, piston rod end nut falling off cause the piston to shift cylinder cavity and there is no bar under the same cavity, can not afford to set up the pressure, causing a sudden lapse motion.


15. Roy learns that his political opponents plan to disbar him for an ethical lapse, but he vows to remain a lawyer until he dies.


16. Despite the variations, there could be no doubt of their identity with the dedicatory verses of Amiatinus; Corpus was of course the original, not Culmen, and Anglorum, not Britonum; the other differences were perhaps due to a lapse of memory, or this version may represent the original draft of the dedication.

等,虽然有所变化,就可能毫无疑问,他们的身份与奉献小诗的amiatinus ;语料库是的,当然原来的,而不是culmen ,anglorum ,而不是britonum ;另一个差异,也许是因为事隔记忆体中,或这个版本可能也代表了原草案的奉献。

17. Change as change is mere fux and lapse; it insults intelligence. Genuinely to know is to grasp a permanent end that realizes itself through changes.


18. Only continuous verbs can take postverbal words of time-quantity as durative adverbial and those with instantaneous verbs indicate the lapse of time after the comletion of act.


19. lapse的解释

19. Here we demonstrate by in vivo time-lapse imaging of optic tectal cells in Xenopus laevis tadpoles that enhanced visual activity driven by a light stimulus promotes dendritic arbor growth.


20. It Provides convenience for the warehouse stock management of the business enterprise, and also avoids the lapse of manually operation in a large extent.


lapse 词典解释

1. 闪失;过失;失检

A lapse is a moment or instance of bad behaviour by someone who usually behaves well.

e.g. On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.


2. (一时的)疏忽,大意,开小差

A lapse of something such as concentration or judgment is a temporary lack of that thing, which can often cause you to make a mistake.


e.g. I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race...


e.g. He was a genius and because of it you could accept lapses of taste...


3. 陷入,进入(某种安静或静止状态)

If you lapse into a quiet or inactive state, you stop talking or being active.

e.g. She muttered something unintelligible and lapsed into silence...


e.g. Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep.


4. (通常指短暂地)进入,陷入(某种说话或行事方式)

If someone lapses into a particular way of speaking, or behaving, they start speaking or behaving in that way, usually for a short period.


e.g. She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme...


e.g. Teenagers occasionally find it all too much to cope with and lapse into bad behaviour.


5. (时间的)间隔

A lapse of time is a period that is long enough for a situation to change or for people to have a different opinion about it.

e.g. ...the restoration of diplomatic relations after a lapse of 24 years...


e.g. There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication.


6. (时间)流逝,消逝,推移

If a period of time lapses, it passes.

e.g. New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed.


7. 结束;终止

If a situation or legal contract lapses, it is allowed to end rather than being continued, renewed, or extended.

e.g. Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed...


e.g. Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties.


8. 停止信教;背弃信仰;脱离宗教关系

If a member of a particular religion lapses, they stop believing in it or stop following its rules and practices.

e.g. I lapsed in my 20s, returned to it, then lapsed again, while writing the life of historical Jesus...


e.g. She calls herself a lapsed Catholic.


lapse 单语例句lapse

1. Chi said he was unaware that any plagiarism had taken place, but was still asked to submit a letter criticizing himself for the lapse in supervision.

2. Kunming Orphanage could not give her any useful information about her life before she was adopted because of the lapse of time.

3. The message Ferguson has been drumming into his players is that one lapse of concentration on Saturday could be fatal.

4. This was clearly a lapse in judgment which I'm sure no one who is reading this is exempt from.

5. Assault weapons were banned under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban from 1994 to 2004, but Congress allowed the ban to lapse.

6. Other than that lapse, the American was at his best for long stretches.

7. He admitted that he'd forgotten to water the mushrooms a couple of times, a lapse that almost killed off his entire crop.

8. Musharraf said some people had said there had been a major security lapse, but he did not want to make any hasty comment.

9. " There has been a security lapse, " said Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed.

10. So it's really strange that only one suspect and supervision lapse by only one official for all the 74 elevators were found.

lapse 英英释义


1. a failure to maintain a higher state

Synonym: backslidinglapsingrelapserelapsingreversionreverting

2. a mistake resulting from inattention

Synonym: oversight

3. a break or intermission in the occurrence of something

e.g. a lapse of three weeks between letters


1. go back to bad behavior

e.g. Those who recidivate are often minor criminals

Synonym: relapserecidivateregressretrogressfall back

2. drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards

Synonym: backslide

3. end, at least for a long time

e.g. The correspondence lapsed

4. pass into a specified state or condition

e.g. He sank into nirvana

Synonym: sinkpass

5. pass by

e.g. three years elapsed

Synonym: elapsepassslip byglide byslip awaygo byslide bygo along

6. let slip

e.g. He lapsed his membership