

dialogue:[英 ['daɪəlɒɡ] 美 [ˈdaɪəˌlɔɡ, -ˌlɑɡ] ]



dialogue 基本解释

名词对话; 对白; (文学、戏剧、电影等中的)对话; 意见分歧者之间的意见交换


不及物动词对话; 进行非正式的意见交换


dialogue 相关例句


1. The stubborn mayor finally consented to a dialogue with the strike leaders.


2. Plays are written in dialogue.


dialogue 网络解释

1. 对白:写一个主角得定珠、结良友、黑鵰作伴、曲折拜师、远游莽苍、斩山魈、得紫郢剑、食首乌、享朱果、训马熊、收猩猿、诛妖人......那是绝无仅有的. [另外的要素,还包括冲突(conflict),题材(content),对白(dialogue)等,暂不涉猎这个方面的讨论]

2. 对话,对白:dialect 方言 | dialogue 对话,对白 | diameter 直径


3. (二):Dialogue(二) | CLIVE HARRIS:Good morning.Geraldine.克莱夫.哈里斯:早上好. 杰拉尔丁. | GERALDINE:Good morning,Mr.Harris.杰拉尔丁:早上好,哈里斯先生.

dialogue 双语例句

1. This part tries to explore several key issues in Ideological and Political Dialogue Teaching from three aspects; i.'e.; creating dialogue environment; role play of dialogist; design of topics and choice of content. It also points out several misunderstanding and alienation phenomenon that should be avoided when applying Ideological and Political Dialogue Teaching.


2. This dissertation only dabbles into a minor part of the television dialogue analysis, and there is still much to be delved in.


3. At the start of the national dialogue, president Abbas set a time limit: 10 days.


4. The paper highlights the importance of meaningful national dialogue and the empowerment of civil society and of marginal actors in particular.


5. dialogue的解释

5. Qazi:I hope that a constitutional review will be used as a vehicle to promote national dialogue and reconciliation...


6. Them. In today`s political environment, due to the actions of both parties that sense of common purposeis at times lacking in our national security dialogue.


7. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Fayyad's resignation is meant to enhance and support the national dialogue.

巴勒斯坦总统Mahmoud Abbas 说Fayyad的辞呈想加强并支持国家的磋商。

8. In this activity, Imago Dialogue Technique is used to train and direct them.



9. United States President Barack Obama on the 16th at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, delivered a speech dialogue with the Chinese youth.


10. This is a simulation of human-machine dialogue process.


11. dialogue什么意思

11. I wish to mention here a particular sign of hope, which Pope John Paul II has underlined, namely interreligious dialogue.


12. dialogue在线翻译

12. If we are to create a sound environment for regional economic development, we must have dialogue on financial policies.


13. dialogue

13. Dialogue two Mom: Honey, I have to go now. Could you finish cooking the soup?

妈 亲爱的,我得走了,你可以把汤煮了吗?

14. But actually the dialogue mechanism is slackening and breaking, and the unified flowing process of dialogue is cut off.


15. dialogue

15. Makoto Nakajima, Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, and Mr. Sang-Woo Jun, Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office. A memorandum was signed by the three Commissioners at the end of the Dialogue.


16. Our governments will launch a China-UK anti-terrorism dialogue and intensify exchanges and co-operation in this area.


17. A reflection of our institution`s dialogue with diverse international artists, Nether Land invites reflection on the paradox of cultural and national identity.


18. Chapter Four focuses on Spence's study of the encounter and dialogue between different cultures.


19. dialogue的解释

19. But a methodological dialogue between different schools of free market economists would not have been possible without Friedman's initial dislodgment of the collectivists from the scientific high ground.


20. I prefer dialogue to long-winded speeches, so you can always interrupt me and raise your questions.


dialogue 词典解释in AM, also use 美国英语亦用 dialog

1. 对话;谈话;讨论;交换意见

Dialogue is communication or discussion between people or groups of people such as governments or political parties.

e.g. People of all social standings should be given equal opportunities for dialogue...


e.g. They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities...


2. (书、电影或戏剧中的)对话,对白

A dialogue is a conversation between two people in a book, film, or play.

e.g. The dialogue is amusing but the plot is weak...


e.g. He is a very deft novelist too, with a superb ear for dialogue.


dialogue 单语例句

1. Canada's proposals offered vague, noncommittal language by which Washington would join only in a " dialogue " to " explore " cooperative action.

2. He also called on the youths to establish a political party and to join the dialogue.

3. They should discuss the issues calmly in order to resolve them in good faith and seek to make such dialogue regular and earnest.

4. He noted that only through dialogue and talks can the peninsula's peace and stability be safeguarded.

5. This kind of candid and open style of dialogue played an irreplaceable role in nurturing mutual trust and dissolving suspicion between the two countries.

6. He added that China will hold candid discussions with the US side on the issue, as part of the dialogue on the macroeconomic policies.

7. Xi urged the two sides to treat each other candidly and to enhance dialogue and communication.

8. Wen appreciated Costa Rica's active role in supporting China's dialogue and cooperation with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.

9. China will hold its maiden dialogue with foreign ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Troika in September.

10. Carpenter also pointed out some constructive developments of the dialogue, such as the first strategic security dialogue.

dialogue的反义词dialogue 英英释义


1. a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people

e.g. he has read Plato's Dialogues in the original Greek

Synonym: dialog

2. the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction

Synonym: dialog

3. a conversation between two persons

Synonym: dialogduologue

4. a discussion intended to produce an agreement

e.g. the buyout negotiation lasted several days

they disagreed but kept an open dialogue

talks between Israelis and Palestinians

Synonym: negotiationtalks