



1."You could have the co-ordinates of every 20ft of airstrip preprogrammed and you know it is not going to move, " he said.对于机场跑道,你可以每隔20英尺设定坐标,你知道它跑不了。

2.The shipping containers we provide are of two sizes, namely 20ft. and 40ft. long , and built to take load up to 20 and 40 tons respectively.我们将提供两种尺度的集装箱,分别是20英寸和40英寸长,分别可以装载货物20吨和40吨。

3.The blast tore a six-metre (20ft) hole in the wall of the base, in the of the eastern province of Wardak.这个基地位于东部的瓦达克省,基地的外墙炸出一个6米的大洞。

4.Gaga arrived on stage to close the show wearing a red leather dress with a 20ft long red train.嘎嘎小姐当天晚上穿着一件超长的伊丽莎白风格式的红色皮裙,难道是为了表达对女王的敬意?

5.The resulting 20ft-high space, with long windows and verandah, resembles a weekend home rather than a city apartment.改动后的房子总高20英尺,有着高高的窗户与长廊,看上去更像是一个周末度假屋,而不是城市里的公寓。

6.The 20ft screen is mounted to an automated pft system beneath a teak bench located poolside .这个20英尺的显示屏安装在泳池边的柚木柜子中的自动升降系统上。

7.A full 20ft container load cost.满的20尺集装箱的货物费用。

8.US containerised imports, measured in boxes 20ft long (TEUs), have almost tripled in a decade from 7m to 20m annually.以20英尺标准箱计算,在过去10年间,美国的进口量增长了几乎2倍,从每年700万标准箱增至2000万标准箱。

9.I was wondering how many items can we mix in a 20ft container?我想知道一个20尺柜能装多少种产品?