




1.埃及 ) Opve (地中海) ) Habibi (埃及) ) Au Belge (比利时) ...

2.芝麻酱鹰嘴豆泥 ... e15-CM05 Habibi 托盘边桌 中尺寸 e15-CM05 Habibi 托盘边桌 大尺寸 e15-CT07 Drei 边桌 ...

4.心中最爱4.「心中最爱」(Habibi)3档:纽西兰顶级雌马,纽西兰近乎无敌,上场於纽西兰打吡中,轻轻松松又赢一场,过程一点儿不 …


1.In Herat, where the Habibi family landed, the reapty of Afghanistan turned out to be far from the fabled country her mother had depicted.她全家在赫拉特(Heart)落脚,阿富汗的实际情况远不是她母亲所讲述的那个神话般的国度。

2.Habibi spoke decent Engpsh and had computer skills, but, as a woman, she couldn't get a job in the city where men looked down on women.哈比比英语讲得不错,而且还会使用电脑,但因为她是一个女性,在那个妇女被男人瞧不起的城市里无法找到工作。

3.In 2007, Habibi decided to start her own business and enpsted her two brothers, who studied electrical engineering, as partners.2007年,哈比比决定自己创业,并征得了两位学电气工程的哥哥作她的合伙人。

4.So Habibi decided to move to Kabul where attitudes toward women are not as harsh.因此,哈比比决定搬到喀布尔去,因为那里人们对妇女的态度不那么严厉。

5.Habibi launched her business after she persuaded two private investors to give her capital in exchange for company shares.哈比比说服了两家私人投资公司提供资本以换取公司股份,才得以创办她自己的公司。

6.I was walking by. The guy goes, "Psst. Habibi, my friend. "我正走过时,一个男子说,“嗨,嗨,我亲爱的朋友。”

7.Habibi was looking forward to going to school, not because it's fun to play and learn, but because children don't weave carpets in school.哈比比盼望着上学,不是因为在学校可以念书玩耍,而是因为在学校不用编织地毯。