

naivety:[英 [naɪ'i:vətɪ] 美 [nɑˈivti, -ˈivɪti] ]


naivety 基本解释



naivety 网络解释

1. 天真烂漫;无邪的行为:ユニーク unique 唯一的;独特的 | ナイーブ naivety 天真烂漫;无邪的行为 | バランス balance 平衡,均衡

2. 天真烂漫:naivete 纯真 | naivety 天真烂漫 | naked call 无担保承购期权

3. naivety什么意思

3. 天真:飢餓Hunger | 天真Naivety | 禮儀Etiquette


4. 纯真:naively 质朴地 | naivety 纯真 | naivetyrusticity 质朴

naivety 双语例句

1. naivety在线翻译

1. This lantern group regards a big tree as the background and the lovely pig as its main subject, using the particular way to describe the little charming naivety vividly.


2. Therefore, Lao-Zi is always humble and also empties his minds, so he could return to the condition of naivety and honesty.


3. People, loses their naivety and become hypocritical after bedecking.


4. naivety的意思

4. With an air of charming naivety, the panda is the most popular star in zoo.


5. Mozart s music is characterized by its naivety and clari ty.


6. But this kind of experience can get in the way of the vision you have, and spoil the helpful naivety and arrogance of youth.


7. naivety在线翻译

7. Sw edes found this skit trem endously funny, partly for the faux-m afia encounter at the beginning(w hich m ocks Sw edish naivety in dealing w ith Russian gangsters)but also for the glorious pastiche of Russian visual and m usical clichés in the second half.


8. Weaving its way thickness and size, one inch in length from four to 150 Gen Zhu - si advanced, sophisticated delicate as fine wings; Crude, Bamboo is full advantage of the flexibility of Hope skillfully inserted addendum wild, uninhibited, for his naivety.


9. It is the naivety of children.


10. What you have lost is a lot of naivety and idealism about the political economy of development.


11. naivety

11. It's a mixture of narcissism and naivety.


12. When they start to look evil, it is usually out of naivety.


13. naivety的反义词

13. Therefore, his naivety, which is our innate nature, is embodiment of compassion.


14. And I have just provided them with a final proof of my naivety.


15. naivety是什么意思

15. As that was news to me, I wondered if I was alone in my naivety.


16. Li Yu; personality; being employed to write; experience; naivety


17. And maybe for the quality of naivety, even some fond, people who contact with him will feel sympathy with him.


18. naivety在线翻译

18. Whether there are also times when it is received eight one beauties depending upon the partner, the しれません full-blown, naivety, if it is the hatchet, the smiling face overflows the around you, becomes your yourself present adjusting and returns probably will be.


19. He claims mathematical naivety, but he is clear on one thing: the importance of understanding the structure of random events, their significance and, especially, insignificance.


20. Basic assumptions are treated with a naivety which emphasizes how fanatical these people really are.


naivety 单语例句

1. For those children with no stage experience, the director said their naivety added a strong dose of reality to the story.

2. Mann is impatient with them because what they preach is naivety at best and outright lies at worst.

3. Unquestioning investor trust and naivety is always an invitation to hustlers and sharks.

4. At a personal level, this Western naivety has been frustrating to me.

5. You can see his joy in the charming naivety of his dancing pose and the lovely wave of his black and white fur.

naivety 英英释义


1. lack of sophistication or worldliness

Synonym: naivetenaiveness