

hog:[英 [hɒg] 美 [hɔ:g] ]


过去式:hogged;   过去分词:hogged;   现在分词:hogging;   复数形式:hogs;

hog 基本解释

名词猪; (供食用的)阉公猪; 像猪般的人; 自私的或贪婪的人

及物动词独占,贪心占取; 使拱起


hog 相关例句


1. The guy hogged the whole park bench.


2. Drivers who hog the road leave no room for other cars.



1. He eats like a hog.


hog 网络解释

1. 猪:美国空军A-10雷霆二式是美国空军第一种专责密接支援的攻击机,也能执行前进空中管制任务,导引其它攻击机对地面目标进行攻击,所以一部份同型机也被编号为OA-10. 官方称它为Thunderbolt II,可是飞行员却因为它的外型与强悍性能称之为疣猪(Warthog)或简称为猪(Hog).

2. 成猪:家猪分为3种类型,大骨架脂肪型(脂肪层厚,宰后体重至少100千克)、咸肉型(宰后体重约70千克)和猪肉型(宰后体重约45千克). 猪也是制造皮革的来源. 如今猪几乎都是在完全封闭的环境下饲养的. 参阅野猪(boar)和成猪(hog).

3. 阉猪, 肥猪:boar 种猪 | hog 阉猪, 肥猪 | gilt 小母猪

4. hog:harley owners group; 哈雷车主俱乐部

hog 双语例句

1. People call me a water hog because I hang out where it's wet.


2. Here swine, because it is the terminology that pig, hog cholera for swine fever.

在这里用swine,是因为它是猪的术语说法,猪瘟为swine fever。

3. The wetted red-brick shows the smelly coulor of hog's blood, strongly contradicated with the green leaves under the wall.


4. I`m gonna cut your dick off and boil it in hog fat.


5. You cannot live here. This is my home! shouts Ground Hog.


6. Shouted something close by; but no one, except the pewter soldier, saw that it was a piece of the hog's-leather hangings; it had lost all its gilding, it looked like a piece of wet clay, but it had an opinion, and it gave it


7. hog什么意思

7. Shouted something close by; but no one, except the pewtersoldier, saw that it was a piece of the hog's-leather hangings; it had lostall its gilding, it looked like a piece of wet clay, but it had an opinion, and it gave it


8. He grows up tucked away in a jungle hiding place, alongside newfound buddies Timon and Pumbaa (a meerkat and a wart-hog, in case you're wondering), before eventually plucking up the courage to return to the Pride Lands and take back what's rightfully his.

他在一个丛林藏身处,靠新发现的伙伴 Timon 和 Pumbaa(meerkat 和一个疣-猪,以防万一你觉得奇怪)中的离开长大打横褶,在最后鼓起勇气之前回到自傲土地而且收回什么合法地他的。

9. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog.


10. hog的意思

10. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open tire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog.


11. Currently, the stock is already Hog Unit leader, is a star in new shares.


12. Very small genus of twining vines of North America and Asia: hog peanut.


13. Expecial this:Don't hog my girlfriend.


14. He's making a hog of himself.


15. Because he is making a hog of himself.



16. He is making a hog of himself.



17. A: He's making a hog of himself.


18. He's *** a hog of himself.


19. When you have lots of features, there are chances that it might become resource hog.



20. Objective:To study the technological procedure of extraction and preparation of superoxide dismutase, hematin and peptone from hog blood.


hog 词典解释

1. 猪(英国英语中常指阉公猪,而美国英语中泛指猪)

A hog is a pig. In British English, hog usually refers to a large male pig that has been castrated, but in American English it can refer to any kind of pig.

e.g. We picked the corn by hand and we fed it to the hogs and the cows...


e.g. Johnny Warrick has a hog farm in Alabama.


2. (贪心地)攫取,独占

If you hog something, you take all of it in a greedy or impolite way.

e.g. Have you done hogging the bathroom?...


e.g. Now, Bert, quit hogging the limelight.


3. see also: road hog

4. 彻底地干;一不做二不休

If you go the whole hog, you do something bold or extravagant in the most complete way possible.

e.g. Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.


hog 单语例句hog的反义词

1. There is little doubt that the more financially carefree people out there are willing to live high on the hog.

2. But i don't want to hog this thread, so relent to others to carry their views through too.

3. Jamison is enjoying the newfound celebrity generated by the hog hunt, but he said he prefers hunting pheasants to monster pigs.

4. Hog futures have climbed 21 percent on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the past year.

5. The KRX is the only securities and derivatives exchange in the Republic of Korea, with gold and lean hog as its major trading commodities.

6. The same global economic slowdown that halted six years of rising demand for gasoline, cotton and copper also set the stage for cutbacks in hog supplies.

7. He is courteous to everyone and would never hog you with attention if you are rich and famous.

8. China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals declared in 1969 that the hog deer was extinct in the wild in China.

9. It is an open secret that many hog breeders feed one or two pigs with normal fodder for their own meals.

10. Li said the hog futures market would help breeders to measure the supply and demand situation of the industry and smooth price swings.

hog是什么意思hog 英英释义


1. domestic swine

Synonym: piggruntersquealerSus scrofa

2. a sheep up to the age of one year

one yet to be sheared

Synonym: hoggethogg

3. a person regarded as greedy and pig-like

Synonym: pig


1. take greedily

take more than one's share