

bile:[英 [baɪl] 美 [baɪl] ]


bile 基本解释


名词胆汁; 愤怒; 坏脾气

bile 网络解释

1. 胆汁:(3)肝脏分泌的消化液储存在胆囊(gall bladder),胆汁(bile)是黄绿色而味道很苦的液体. 它具有调节胃部送下来的食物碎酱的酸碱度回复成中性的功用. 它也是一种界面活性剂(surfactant)能促使脂肪更容易被肠壁吸收.

2. 胆液:胆液 (bile) 是由肝脏制造后再输到胆囊储存的一种分泌物,其中最大量的成份是水,另外有胆盐、胆色素及胆醶,当含脂肪食物进入十二指肠,会刺激胆收缩,把胆液挤压至十二指肠,胆盐把脂肪乳化 (变成细微小滴),增大脂肪接触脂肪酶的面积,

3. 胆盐:只是丧失了赤痢菌原先该有的细胞入侵能力.活而不长(VNC)的状态虽然不是新鲜的现象,但是对於研究尚有很多未能深入之处,值得我们规划长期研究,分别检讨如下:另外一篇文章不完全在探讨肠炎弧菌的VNC状态.该文章在探讨胆盐(bile)在肠炎弧菌致病性的作用,

4. bile

4. 胆汁, 愤怒:Polenske value 波伦斯基值(水不溶挥发性脂肪酸值) | bile 胆汁, 愤怒 | pulp sluice 纸浆堰

5. bile:balanced inductor logical element; 平衡感应器逻辑元件

bile 双语例句

1. It was proved that bile is the most important FOP storage in animal body.


2. I have been more than 40 years of Chinese medicine, but never used bear bile.


3. For the development of bear bile products provide a reliable guarantee.


4. No one's going to die for the lack of bear bile, 'she said in a telephone interview.


5. It simply said this: bear bile extraction is now being used to produce toothpaste.


6. According to Wang Wei's view that what bear bile is used 123 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, and has an irreplaceable role.



7. According to records, in order to bear bile medicine in China has 3, 000 years of history, bear bile in Chinese medicine was considered to be an indispensable ingredient.


8. bile的反义词

8. Fourteen cases were converted to laparotomy (including 4 cases of type I Mirizzi syndrome, 4 cases of type II which all converted to laparotomy. 2 cases with the location of cystic duct into the common bile duct much lower than normal one, 2 cases with the confluence of cystic duct and cho ledoch locating in the posterior wall of choledoch. 1 case with a public wall shared for about 2 cm between the cystic duct and the choledoch).

结果 全组90例,术中中转开腹14例(包括Mirizzi综合征Ⅰ型4例Ⅱ型4例全部中转;胆囊管汇入胆总管过低2例;胆囊管开口于胆总管后壁2例;胆囊管与胆总管共同一侧壁,并并行约2 cm 1例;右肝管汇入胆囊管1例,开腹术中证实)。

9. bile的反义词

9. The electrooxidation or-reduction of BR is not only the electron transfer process of itself, but also relates to BV, bile-purpurin, choletelin and etc..


10. We have studied the electrochemical oxidation reactions of bilirubin, biliverdin, bile-purpurin and choletelin in H〓O+DMF mixed solvent and found that the oxidation reactions of these bile pigments were greatly sped up by the introduction of water into DMF, and discussed the effect of water on their oxidation mechanisms too, and determined the reaction rate constants in the mixed solvent.



11. Conclusion] The technological process of the isolation and purification of natural glycididazole acid and taurocholic acid from the bile of cattle and sheep was established, which laid the foundation for industrial production of glycididazole acid and taurocholic acid.


12. Under optimization conditions, the vires of bile salt hydrolase was enhanced to 7.4 times.


13. Objective:To investigate the causes, prevention and management of iatrogenic bile duct injury.


14. In front of the girls XiaoBin don't show his small bile, crustily skin of head.


15. To study the diagnosis and treatment of primary liver cancer with bile duct cancer thrombus.


16. bile

16. Methods laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct with biliary fiberendoscope were performed in 126 cases operation, primary suture or T duct drainage were used.


17. Diseases mentioned include Wilson`s disease (a disease of copper metabolism, but his copper enzymes are fine), cancer, primary sclerosing cholangitis (an inflammatory disease of the bile ducts), alcohol abuse and Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency– a genetic condition where the person has trouble eliminating excessnitrogen from the body.


18. bile的解释

18. Target sign, cluster sign and air in the cavity were special CT manifestations of hepatic abscess. Abscess caused by different etiologies had different features, which included infection by blood stream or bile duct abnormalities, amebic liver abscess, and hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with suppurative infection after treated with TAE. Conclusion The CT manifestations of hepatic abscess were characteristic.

随着抗菌素的广泛应用,肝脓肿的炎症演变的不同阶段,CT征象表现多样,虽有一些特征性征象,但诊断仍存在一些问题,为提高术前诊断的正确性,探讨CT征象的特征性改变,本文收集经临床证实的肝脓肿 5 4例分析如下。1 材料与方法本组男 3 2例,女 2 2例,年龄 2 9~ 82岁,平均 5 9.5岁。

19. bile

19. The indications for the initial CT were the staging of small-bowel tumor and colon cancer, nonspecific abdominal discomfort, lier abscess, confirmation of the residual stone after open cholecystectomy and choledocholithotomy, and common bile duct stone and lier abscess.


20. Patient of data of 1 case of illness, male, 46 years old, colonitis of sex of liver cirrhosis, ulcer, inputting armour yellow acid in process of fluid of inject of sodium chloride of handkerchief bead sanded star, the patient appeals to abdominal distension, follow the doctor's advice give drop of 20mg of rice of Fu a place of strategic importance to fight crock, into the discovery after crock the liquid becomes white instantly muddy, shut instantly adjust clip changes infusion implement, the patient did not appear harmful response. Sodium chloride of bead sand star applies to handkerchief of yellow acid of 2 discussion armour the infection that sensitive bacterium causes, apply to cholecystitis, bile duct abscess of phlogistic, liver, have the better effect that fight bacterium, in clinical in use very extensive.


bile 词典解释

1. 胆汁

Bile is a liquid produced by your liver which helps you to digest fat.

2. (空腹呕吐时吐出的)苦水

Bile is the bad-smelling liquid that comes out of your mouth when you vomit with no food in your stomach.

3. 愤怒;怒火

Bile is anger or bitterness towards someone or something.

e.g. He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.


bile 单语例句

1. But Wang was still in critical condition after suffering stab wounds to his intestines, bile duct and stomach.

2. What is more important, they are free from physical and mental pain of bile extraction.

3. The center rescued the bear from a factory that extracts bile from live captive bears to make traditional Chinese medicines.

4. A drug that contains bear bile is shown in this file photo.

5. Heavy infestations can also result in a narrowing or blockage of the bile duct.

6. Investigators discovered a package at a San Francisco postal facility sent to Hyun that contained four bags of a substance believed to be bear bile.

7. They say a search of her apartment also turned up more bile, vials and packaging.

8. A hole had been carved in the bear's abdomen to allow a catheter to be inserted each day to extract the bile.

9. But some showed a more tough stance by calling for legislation to ban bile extraction from live bears.

10. It has received a great deal of criticism from celebrities and NGOs over extracting bile from live bears.

bile 英英释义


1. a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder

aids in the digestion of fats

Synonym: gall