

miraculous:[英 [mɪˈrækjələs] 美 [mɪˈrækjələs] ]


miraculous 基本解释


形容词神奇; 奇迹般的; 不可思议的


miraculous 相关例句


1. miraculous

1. The miraculous effect of the traditional medicine of the Chinese minorities has raised some conservative eyebrows.


2. The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy.


miraculous 网络解释

1. 奇迹般的:通常我们可以把圣灵的恩赐分为两大类:奇迹般的(miraculous),以及非奇迹般的(non-miraculous)恩赐. ...


2. 令人惊叹的:100. help children learn a foreign language in a more vivid and interactive way帮助孩子更生动,互动地学习一门外语 | 101. miraculous令人惊叹的 | 102. increase efficiency提高效率


3. 奇迹的:miracle 奇迹 | miraculous 奇迹的 | mirage 海市蜃楼

4. miraculous

4. 不可思议:351. 不断发展 ever-accelerated | 352. 不可思议 miraculous | 353. 天气预报 weather forecast

miraculous 双语例句


1. My ideal is to invent a pair of miraculous chopsticks when I grow up, one of the chopsticks is thin, the other is thick. The small one can minify everything in the world, on the contrary, the thick one can magnify everything. if one day, there is burglar sneaking into my house, I will minify the burglar as small as a fish, and put him into the aquarium by the thin chopstick.


2. This collection gained approval from experts from home and overseas as the best classical music with the ability to develop the brain power, and it consist of incomparable miraculous effect.


3. Thisinscription encircles the image as it does on the Miraculous Medal ofSt.


4. miraculous的近义词

4. In the era of TV shopping rage, the latest release of the foot end of the revolutionary products - Ped Egg Foot File, it is the latest, fastest way to make your feet feel comfortable and healthy, to achieve miraculous results.

在电视购物风靡全球的时代,最新推出了足部革命的终结产品--Ped Egg Foot File,它以最新,最快的方法,使你的脚感到舒适和健康,达到奇迹般的效果。

5. The courage and judgment will give you the natural endowments, ability and miraculous power.


6. And so mao, and zhou en lai, and even in karl, grocho, adn my own beloved mrx wartofsky. how wonderful, and miraculous and surprising, and absolutely out-of-this-world, it would be for me, when my time comes, to go to see marx, my-our-marx, and to see him in a transcendental bazouki dance, dancing with the angels in heaven.


7. Crystal steady economic growth can be worn, Dr. Gina Cheung, Ping body, the crystals miraculous strength and purity of the Buddha is said, can not be said of supernatural legend, so understanding and Crystal Crystal Jie Yuan, Na Fu fortune, is the key to facilitate the security and peace.


8. By miraculous multiplication of the food, the blessing of God was shared by all.



9. Unleash your imagination and draw the most miraculous world of food in your mind.


10. A nutritional analysis of this near miraculous food reveals that mankind could very nearly sustain life on a diet consisting wholly of flaxseeds, get ready for some surprising facts.

营养分析这种近神奇的食物显示,人类可以非常接近,维持生命对饮食构成的全部flaxseeds ,准备了一些惊人的事实。

11. miraculous在线翻译

11. They exclaim (Exodus 16:15) mn hwa while Moses himself once substituted the Hebrew mh-hwa; the name of the miraculous food, however, remained mn.

他们惊叹(出埃及记16:15 )锰郑慕智先生,而自己一旦取代希伯来文正华;的名称,奇迹般的食物,不过,仍然港元。

12. Appreciating this should remove the philosophical problem: consciousness does not, in reality, arise from the brain in the miraculous way in which the Djin arises from the lamp.


13. Is such a miraculous of chicken soup?


14. Hearing is only part of the story of my miraculous inner ear.


15. miraculous是什么意思

15. Dr. Wang cannot control his emotions after seeing 10-year-old Kailee's miraculous recovery.


16. miraculous是什么意思

16. And I let myself be so daring as to state it as if it is a fact, that Hillary Clinton`s miraculous vote lead, is a clear implication of tampering.


17. Second, Hunan has its beautiful and miraculous scenery, which decides the poetic quality and the art inspiration of Hunan Migration literature.


18. At this moment, a miraculous picture suddenly flashed in my mind: a round golden moon hanging in the dark blue sky and beneath which it was the sand field at the seaside planted with limitless jade green watermelons. A boy of 11 or 12, wearing a silver necklet and grasping a steel pitchfork in his hand, was thrusting at a badger with all his efforts. But the badger twisted his bow and escaped through the boy's legs.


19. The miraculous properties of Aloe Vera, Seaweed and organic English Lavender are captured perfectly in this light and refreshing hydrating gel.


20. I have been using Unrefined Shea Butter from you for a week now, and the results are nothing more than miraculous.


miraculous 词典解释

1. 神奇的;奇迹般的;不可思议的

If you describe a good event as miraculous, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected.

e.g. The horse made a miraculous recovery to finish a close third.


e.g. ...a miraculous escape...



Miraculously, the guards escaped death or serious injury...


We miraculously survived the crossing to Muscat.


2. 超自然的;神奇的

If someone describes a wonderful event as miraculous, they believe that the event was caused by God.

e.g. ...miraculous healing.


e.g. ...miraculous powers.



He was miraculously healed of a severe fever.

他的高烧奇迹般地退了。miraculous 单语例句

1. The miraculous growth in the Chinese economy has come at a very hefty price.

2. They have utilized an unprecedented level of Creme de la Mer's Miracle Broth to create a miraculous phenomenon - The Essence.

3. He said the forum will also allow foreign executives to see the miraculous way Sichuan has recovered after the disastrous Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008.

4. The " miraculous " rebirth of Wenchuan will surely lend fresh credit to the nationwide mobilization mechanism, which is justifiably highlighted as the epitome of systematic advantages.

5. The miraculous rise of Tangshan in the past three decades is exhilarating.

6. It was a renowned alchemist who proved that the " miraculous " properties of vitriol springs had nothing to do with true transmutation.

7. He never lost his wonder at what he called the " miraculous, unfathomable alchemy " of moviemaking.

8. Some netizens dubbed Ye " the greatest headmaster in history " and people have all been eager to learn from the school's miraculous escape from the quake.

9. Considering the site's relative youth, these statistics are little short of miraculous.

10. But as miraculous as its biblical apparition may seem, manna is real and some chefs have been cooking with it.

miraculous 英英释义


1. peculiarly fortunate or appropriate

as if by divine intervention

e.g. a heaven-sent rain saved the crops

a providential recovery

Synonym: heaven-sentprovidential

2. being or having the character of a miracle

Synonym: marvelousmarvellous