

provident:[英 [ˈprɒvɪdənt] 美 [ˈprɑ:vɪdənt] ]


provident 基本解释




provident 反义词


provident 相关例句


1. He is provident of his money.


provident 网络解释

1. 顾念将来,节约的:provide 供给 | provident 顾念将来,节约的 | providential 幸运的

2. 有先见之明,节约的:providence 对将来的顾虑,节约 | provident 有先见之明,节约的 | providential 按天意,由神意的

3. 节俭的:sob 啜泣 | provident 节俭的 | improvident 浪费的

4. provident在线翻译

4. 深谋远虑的,节俭的:tuber块茎,凸起 | provident深谋远虑的,节俭的 | provident天意的,幸运动

provident 双语例句

1. In order to prevent骗贷, central provident fund the development of the borrower prior to the establishment of housing provident fund accounts to be 12 months above, At the same time, in full and normal housing provident fund deposit of 12 months or more, and apply for loans at a state can be deposited in the loan.


2. provident在线翻译

2. Provident Fund loans with low loan interest rates, reduction in processing loans related charges, the family members of the provident fund of credit lines can be combined use of the concessions, so as long as they are promptly paid in the payment of provident fund and workers should first apply for the maximum amount they could be, the longest period of provident fund loans.


3. Provident Fund loans with low loan interest rates, reduction in processing loans related charges, the family members of the provident fund of credit lines can be combined use of the concessions, so as long as they are promptly paid in the payment of provident fund and workers should first apply for their maximum amount available, the longest period of provident fund loans.


4. A few days ago, from the Ministry of Construction, Liaoning Provincial Department of Construction, and Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and so on more than 20 cities in the provident fund management center in charge of people gathered in Dalian, on housing reform funds integrated business management system to exchange seminar.


5. For wage management, according to the needs there mainly are have 11 set: basic wages, job wages, floating wages, transportation subsidies, food subsidies, housing subsidies, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, pension insurance, provident fund and bonus.


6. Bank personal loan interest rate of 5.58% residential, both on the repayment amount 878.75 million, plus reimbursement of 58, 950 yuan, more than provident fund loans pay interest 1, 656 yuan.


7. To six years, for example: Provident Fund loans to 4.59% per annum, are also on the amount of 795.75 billion yuan, plus reimbursement of 57294 million.



8. Development policy is difficult housing loans loan funds, housing provident fund is the main source of housing loans from


9. Of solid developers, performance significantly and to develop good credit the development of real estate, Provident Fund loan conditions to be relaxed, multi-storey residential high-rise residential or completed two-thirds of total investment; financing housing units completed the image of the progress of plus or minus zero, the provident fund loans to intervene.


10. provident什么意思

10. Has reduced the ratio of housing accumulation fund deposited in the unit, the application in 2004 by less than 8% of the deposit housing provident fund deposit ratio, the conditions and procedures should be required to re-apply.

减少的比例交存住房公积金的单位,适用于2004年的不到8 %的存款住房公积金存款比率,条件和程序都必须重新申请。

11. provident的意思

11. Beijing conditional based on the principle of voluntary enterprises for enterprise employees in the establishment of supplementary housing accumulation fund, the deposit ratio than the original the proportion of provident fund deposit ceiling of 10% increased by 10 percentage points to 20%.

北京有条件原则的基础上自愿企业企业职工建立补充住房公积金的存比率比原来的比例公积金存款的最高限额为10 %增加了10个百分点至20 %。

12. According to industry sources, the adjusted maximum loan amount of provident fund may be in 15 million, including part of the supplementary fund, the maximum limit will be 30 million or less.


13. And free of charge on behalf of home loan applications were for the provident fund, real estate mortgage registration, notary, insurance and so on, saving to buy a house one time and effort.


14. provident什么意思

14. Center through a host of the Housing Bank to buy second-hand housing provident fund loans outstanding people.


15. provident什么意思

15. Kunming City distribution CMC members, the balance of oil, railroads, the coal industry and housing provident fund deposit of larger flats.


16. And the provident fund lender`s credit rating, it is necessary to carry out personal credit assessment.



17. She has been provident since she was young, so she is thrifty in shopping.


18. New loan ceiling is implemented, borrowers under the housing provident fund deducted from the amount owing on the loan and the length of credit lines can be, the proportion of housing loans accounted total (commercial housing shall not exceed 70% of the total price, depending on the different circumstances of the Housing lower secondary) are unchanged.



19. Has been in Beijing for many years, work units in Beijing, also fixed, but the account is not in Beijing, such personnel in the How to Apply for unemployment, pension, medical insurance and Provident Fund (currently, the three insurance payroll it is withholding, unit and then the three insurance payment to individuals).


20. At present, China`s commercial individual housing loans non-performing loan rate of less than 0.5 percent, housing loans for individual housing provident fund non-performing loan ratio was only 0.24%, which is to improve the quality of bank assets played a very important role.

目前,中国的商业性个人住房贷款不良贷款率低于0.5个百分点,住房贷款,个人住房公积金不良贷款率仅为0.24 %,这是改善银行资产质量发挥了十分重要的作用。

provident 单语例句provident

1. Financial buyout firm Resolution yesterday sweetened its proposed offer for insurer Friends Provident, including a cash element and a commitment on the dividend and clarification on the structure.

2. Many local administrations have made some readjustments to price control policies, such as reducing contract tax and raising the housing provident funds.

3. Housing provident fund accounts will be created for citizens working in the government and government related units within the scope of five districts in Fuzhou.

4. Among the 20 cities'which have relaxed their housing provident fund loan policies, only Chongqing's move was canceled by the central government.

5. The figures include the five percent of income that goes to the Mandatory Provident Fund.

6. Chan noted since the mandatory provident fund is designed as a retirement protection plan, early withdrawal of the accrued benefits will affect the life of retirees.

7. Singapore's Central Provident Fund has been established for over 50 years and still under government coordination with 5 percent investment return guaranteed by the authorities.

8. He introduced some measures of social management Singapore government has implemented such as Central Provident Fund.

9. Support is also given in the form of subsistence allowances and housing provident funds.

10. They have bought a small apartment with a loan that can be covered by their housing provident fund meaning there is no extra expense.

providentprovident 英英释义


1. providing carefully for the future

e.g. wild squirrels are provident

a provident father plans for his children's education

2. careful in regard to your own interests

e.g. the prudent use and development of resources

wild squirrels are provident