

nationalism:[英 [ˈnæʃnəlɪzəm] 美 [ˈnæʃənəˌlɪzəm, ˈnæʃnə-] ]



nationalism 基本解释

名词民族主义; 国家主义; 爱国主义,爱国心; 民族特性

nationalism 相关例句


1. The spirit of nationalism is still far stronger than the spirit of world community.


nationalism 网络解释

1. 民族主義:[新聞出版,銀行業][間諜]:Nano-Assembly纳米装配技术:[智能监视,神经接口][纳米机器人工厂,核弹销毁,纳米百科全... | Nationalism民族主义:[新闻出版,银行业][间谍] | Neural Interface神经接口:[统一场物理][生化间谍,生物存储芯片,虚拟感觉中...

2. 民族主义,民族独立运动:: nuclear arsenal 核军火库 | 2: nationalism 民族主义,民族独立运动 | 3: genetic engineering 遗传工程

nationalism 双语例句

1. It's testament to the fever pitch of nationalism that even iconic figures can suddenly find themselves under attack.


2. nationalism

2. The Comintern, believing that the GMD represents the mainstream of Chinese nationalism and can be used to foment revolution in China, sends an agent, Adolf Joffe, to China to work out a basis for CCP-GMD cooperation.


3. During this transformation period, the position of China in the world worsen and the process of Chinese modernization fallen into the sphere of Japanese hegemony for the nationalism revolution, thought it was a enormous power.


4. This is contrasted with communitarian and particularistic theories, especially the ideas of patriotism and nationalism.


5. Security is a three-dimensioned and intensive concept in this science. The logical prerequisite of history of a new concept of security lies in the fact that the present-day international society is faced with a predicament caused by oldened order, imperialism, ultra-nationalism and religionism and non-traditional threat to security. The international community i...


6. The second issue is economic nationalism.


7. The China Millennium Monument assimilates the aesthetic character of ancient Chinese architecture. It embodies the feature of nationalism and the modernization, as well as the vanguard of constructions.


8. The effect is primarily expressed by four ways as follows:(1)The collapse of the gigantic Ottoman Empire established the border of contemporary national countries in the Middle East; (2)When the Arab Nationalism came into being as a whole ideology, the mundane nationalism made a great progress in non-Arabic countries such as Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran; (3)Inspired by the nationalistic spirit, the wind of modernized reform blew all over the Arabia Islan...


9. The compositinal profession of Ginastera can be divided into three periods: The first period is called Objective Nationalism (1937-1947), where folk elements are used directly in the works. The second period is called Subjective Nationaslism (1947-1954). Ginastera attempted to introduce some new rhythms, melody and symbolic, all of these gives a image of nationalistic spirit of Argentine traditional music. The third period, called Neo-expressionism (1954-1983), but Ginastera started depart from the influence of Argentine nationality music, morover, he brought new compositional techniques into traditional musical form, and started to utilize twelve tone, serial music, micro tone, polyphony... and so on.


10. Can one say that PFLP was able to stand on the principle of anti-nationalism?


11. Under the situation of the separation of its politics from religion in 1848's revolution, Prussian Protestantism was so reliable on the nation that it became the political appendage of that era and an echo in the tide of nationalism.


12. By reviewing the poli-economic formation of nation identity in three historical period, ethno-nationalism, statism, and civic-nationalism became main paradigm of nation identity in respective temporal frame: firstly, under the pressure of western imperialism, the legitimacy of Baku-Han Teisei, liberally Baku-Han regime, was undermined and replaced by the modern Meiji state in order to unite the feud clans to build a strong country. Capitalist development and Koku-tai were imperative to resist against colonization of West imperialism; secondly, Japanese imperialism was substantialized after she defeated Ch`ing China and Russia and acquired new territories.


13. It is good proof the Qing Government's nationality policy, reflecting the nationality contradiction and fighting under the guidance of their big nationalism、nationality discrimination and oppression policy.



14. The purpose of this course is to approach 18th-century British travel writings from the aesthetic perspective of the picturesque, and then examine the idea of nationalism represented in both the picturesque and the travel writings.



15. The national authority of the good nationalism embodies national image and reflects people`s will and feelings.


16. nationalism

16. Nationalism is our form of ******, is our idolatry, is our insanity.


17. At present narrow nationalism and totalitarianism are hampering the right understanding of human rights. At the same time too dependent on national public power is becoming one basic feature in understanding human rights among the third world. It results from a misbelief that the state has the sole power to provide human rights protection. These misunderstandings will do great harm to human rights theoretically and in practice. So to reaffirm the leading spirits of human rights is quite necessary.


18. nationalism的翻译

18. Try to find an issue and invite those well-paid Western journalists do the same thing to Vietnam, Japan, South/North Korea, India, Burma etc...or Russia for that matter and they soon will find out what nationalism means on the streets and among ordinary people.


19. But recent developments in India in the form of Hindu nationalism, propagated and propagandized with great effects by such organizations as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and that generated the Ayodhya temple dispute, are putting India`s capacity to negotiate a viable relation between a unified polity and sectarian religio-politics severely to the test.


20. Should the world not recognise China's new status, runs the implication, an upswell in Chinese nationalism will result, 'he argued.


nationalism 词典解释

1. 国家主义;民族独立主义

Nationalism is the desire for political independence of people who feel they are historically or culturally a separate group within a country.

e.g. ...the rising tide of Slovak nationalism.


2. 民族主义;民族优越感

You can refer to a person's great love for their nation as nationalism. It is often associated with the belief that a particular nation is better than any other nation, and in this case is often used showing disapproval.

e.g. This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.


nationalism 单语例句

1. But if you look at some of the online reactions, you'll detect traces of male chauvinism and shallow nationalism.

2. I'm the sort of person who wishes the Olympics were less about nationalism and more about cheering on those who excel.

3. They have gone through tough vetting by the Chinese government that reflects conflicting agendas of Chinese nationalism and good diplomatic relations with Japan.

4. While Western media may report on fierce displays of nationalism in China, here on the ground I feel an overwhelming Chinese admiration for all things foreign.

5. The Chinese government is always against nationalism and has always done its best to guide it toward correctness.

6. So sticking labels such as " nationalism " or " cynicism ", or even " nihilism " to the book would only mean playing into their hands.

7. While most US citizens hardly talk about nationalism in their country, the excessive patriotism exhibited in US society clearly needs a new definition.

8. The secretary said that discouraging protectionism and economic nationalism is also one of the key objectives of the US at the summit.

9. Medvedev warned that ethnic tensions could break Russia up if the government fails to stem violent nationalism and act more harshly to disperse riots.

10. DP front man Ichiro Ozawa used two words in his criticism of Abe's political pursuit - " nationalism " and " authoritarianism ".

nationalism 英英释义


1. love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it

e.g. they rode the same wave of popular patriotism

British nationalism was in the air and patriotic sentiments ran high

Synonym: patriotism

2. the doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other

3. the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals

4. the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination