

succession:[英 [səkˈseʃn] 美 [səkˈsɛʃən] ]



succession 基本解释

名词继承人,继承权; 继承顺序; [生]自然演替; 一系列,接连


succession 相关词组


1. in succession : 连续地;

succession 相关例句


1. succession

1. He was late for school three times in succession.


2. There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.


3. succession的翻译

3. She had a succession of colds.


4. Henry attempted to secure the succession to the office.


5. The King's oldest son is the first in succession to the throne.


succession 网络解释

1. 继承:表明IPR得以继承(succession). 在著作权方面,缔约国被要求符合1971年最后修正的伯尔尼公约(Berne Convention)保护文学及艺术著作的相关规定,惟该公约第六条之一有关保护道德权(moral rights)不要求遵守.

2. 连续:射击后要及时进行彻底擦拭,并在三、四天内要连续(succession)每天对受火药气体熏染过的零件进行擦拭涂油. 4. 在每年入夏入冬前,进行换油保养时,进行全面擦拭. 二、擦拭保养用油料及材料 1. 枪械用油料 油料是保养枪械的重要物质之一,

3. 继任:第二集:继任(Succession) 柏林,直升飞机吊走了一部电梯,里面困着两位CIA特工. 看到西德妮没有被洗脑,杰克很满意,他劝她不要向CIA承认她杀了Lazarey. 威斯帮助西德妮搬进了新家,他告诉她沃恩不愿回到CIA. 特工小组得知,

succession 双语例句


1. Lan dark blue river in virtue Qin the 150 kilometers of racing current, is most precipitous, most magnificent, the 150 kilometers of most turbulent, mountain shape enter river directly in, river in nearly vertical two mountains between as sleepy beast general, roar as Fei, Xuan Lan succession not unique, wave leap megalith, splash 4 split.


2. succession在线翻译

2. In a succession of parties, he has ever since vowed to bring the LDP down, arguing for a reformed politics that his autocratic style suggests he is unlikely to provide.


3. succession

3. Transformation of productive uses becomes more important than residential succession to explain the new dynamics of urban space Mitchell, 1999; Horan, 2001


4. The succession direction of this kind of state is adumbrative different standing forest can produce differentiation.


5. That we all labor together transmitting the same charge and succession



6. Chips in succession, and accelerated promotion of the technology, and has successfully operated for electricity supply.


7. 37 It rained three days in succession, and consequently all the bridges were swept away.


8. We have seen these stories come and go in rapid succession in recent years.


9. succession在线翻译

9. The reason why administrative guidance can appear in succession and widely used are various.


10. succession在线翻译

10. To Chinese A share IPO market, the supervisor and management has launched a variety of placing methods such as placing new shares to funds, to strategic investors, and to secondary market investors in succession. However, due to the difficulty of data collection, the impact of these changes on Chinese IPO initial and long-run returns is not been studied in the dissertation.


11. Staring out into darkness she listened to the succession of far-off bangs and shudders from the network of pipes.


12. In terms of the custom of unilateral lopsidedness in matrimony and family, this article probes into the origin of confines of child|bearing culture, and finds out that unilateral lopsidedness in family name inherit, social succession, kindred and dwelling patterns are the important causes in formation of confines of child|bearing culture.


13. Increase of fragmentation degree is also shown that the increase of vegetation succession and revegetation's variety.


14. succession的解释

14. And the body structure changes greatly. In this paper, according to the skin of the Vertebrate, Respiratory system., Circulatory system, Nervous system and sense organ, skeletal system and so on, the pointview of transformism, we dissertate the succession rule of the vertebrate from hydrophilous to terricolous, from simplicity to complesity, from low|grade to high|...


15. Results demonstrate that with the succession going on from herbosa→shrubs→coniferous forest→theropencedrymion→evergreen broad-leaved forest, abundance and diversity index of species, biomass and productivity of vegetation all show a rising trend prior to the formation of a mature and stable biotic climax.


16. succession

16. The process of natural succession of restoring vegetation in central Guizhou after rocky desertification in Karst area was divided into the herbosa stage, the stage of herbosa-shrub, the stage of vine-shrub, the stage of subaltern tree forest and the climax stage.


17. It is the same as the Belgium collector, Guy Ullens did, who once ambitioned to establish the art gallery in China is now half-disguisedly selling the collections in succession.


18. Location: Corner Office LUI Jinzhou district Shilibao three streets surrounding municipal perfect, enjoys convenient traffic, the light rail planning will also be passing by here, Shenyang-Dalian, and major highways, Harbin-Dalian railway, the development of a regional follow-up and transport provide the greatest protection, with the city government to the regional economy in succession planning, Lingang Industrial Area and planned to enter the new airport, there is a poised to unlimited business opportunities.


19. Sponsor square anticipation beyond, once the message is announced, bring those who remove a netizen to comment in succession.


20. Quality is what matters: Inzaghi is not a kid anymore but I think he can still play two games in succession.


succession 词典解释

1. 一连串;一系列;连续

A succession of things of the same kind is a number of them that exist or happen one after the other.

e.g. Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead...


e.g. Scoring three goals in quick succession, he made it 10-8...

在短短的时间内他连进三球,最终以 10 比 8 取胜。

2. 继承;继任;继承权

Succession is the fact or right of being the next person to have an important job or position.

e.g. She is now seventh in line of succession to the throne.


succession 单语例句

1. The consumer price index has been dipping for more than 50 months in succession due to people's uncertainty about the future.

2. Many companies controlled by Chinese families experience succession problems as the leaders age but their children are not yet ready to take over the business.

3. Calls to revive Chinese soccer hit a high after the ROK and Japan advanced to the knockout stage in South Africa in succession.

4. The reform was designed to defuse a looming succession crisis for the royal family, which had produced no male heir in four decades.

5. This season he has struggled with a succession of injuries and has faced regular criticism from the press over his fitness and weight.

6. China has eliminated de facto life tenure for leading officials, and realized orderly succession of organs of State power and leaders.

7. The date symbolizes the fall of Barcelona in 1714 during the War of Spanish Succession, in which Catalonia was brought under the control of Madrid.

8. Succession management refers to the process in which a suitable candidate from the corporate talent pool is tapped to fill a pending senior vacancy.

9. Last September Jack Welch chose Jeffrey Immelt as his successor to lead GE, bringing the idea of succession management to the attention of CEOs all around the globe.

10. A succession to Saleh is unclear and the country faces the danger of fragmentation.

succession 英英释义


1. acquisition of property by descent or by will

Synonym: taking over

2. the action of following in order

e.g. he played the trumps in sequence

Synonym: sequence

3. a following of one thing after another in time

e.g. the doctor saw a sequence of patients

Synonym: sequencechronological sequencesuccessivenesschronological succession

4. a group of people or things arranged or following in order

e.g. a succession of stalls offering soft drinks

a succession of failures

5. (ecology) the gradual and orderly process of change in an ecosystem brought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another until a stable climax is established

Synonym: ecological succession