

paintbrush:[英 [ˈpeɪntbrʌʃ] 美 [ˈpentˌbrʌʃ] ]



paintbrush 基本解释



paintbrush 网络解释


1. 油漆刷:),此时可在他旁边找到一支油漆刷(paintbrush),并顺便将油漆刷在油漆桶内沾满油漆. 接著再走过天桥底下的通路,来到码头广场处. 走下码头到尽头处找到一支木棒(stick),接著再从广场往左走,看见一名独眼大汉在此看守,

2. paintbrush

2. 画笔软件:paint bucket tool 油漆桶工具 | Paintbrush 画笔软件 | painter 绘图程序

3. 漆刷:paintblaster涂料喷雾器 | paintbrush漆刷 | paintgun喷漆枪

paintbrush 双语例句

1. paintbrush的意思

1. And this was all before the tricky stuff, when chocolate was cut into fans with a fine-bladed knife, or the final swirl of mango coulis was licked on with a paintbrush.


2. Mr. Li isn`t angry. He holds the paintbrush and adds eyes to the dragon.


3. The paintbrush I use is an 8404 Raphael size 0 paintbrush. It is a very nice brush and is comperable to the WN series 7 brushes.

笔刷的话我用8404 Paphael 0号,非常好的笔,跟温莎牛顿7系列的笔有很高的可比性。

4. Step 5 - In a new multiply layer on top I color everything using a hard edged 100% opacity paintbrush.

步骤5 --在最高I颜色上的一个新的成倍增加层中每件事使用一条艰难的边界100%不透明性paintbrush。

5. The Format Painter is located on the Home tab, it's that little paintbrush icon.


6. When you click the Format Painter, Word copies the formatting of from the start of your selection and the cursor changes to a paintbrush.


7. paintbrush是什么意思

7. Shoe glue edge sends Huang Kexian to use cloth efface dirt, choose plastic color of white next, compare fine paintbrush with, will painty there can is better chromatically effect toe cap on besmear slowly is the easiest and flyblown place, it is very difficult also to be brushed forcibly with wet cloth normally brush neatly.



8. The autumnal winds is like a miraculous paintbrush, a night, effort, take a bluish green wave the wood who ripple to dye gold 灿灿 of.


9. Thanks to his experiences, Liu Qiming learned to gain the nature and essence of things through phenomena. The external constraints and the disturbing reality couldn`t interest him to perform with his paintbrush. What he desires to perform is his answer to these pressure and disturbs, and he tries to stand on a higher view to grasp that invisible hand which controls the real and specific world.


10. Thanks to his experiences, liu qiming learned to gain the nature and essence of things through phenomena. the external constraints and the disturbing reality couldn`t interest him to perform with his paintbrush.

经历了 8ttt8事,刘骐鸣学会了透过现象看本质,外在的约束和现实的纷争困扰,都无法引起他用手中的画笔表现的兴趣,他想要表现自己对这些压力和困扰追问的答案,想让自己站在更高的视点抓住控制现实具体世界的那只看不见的手。

11. Every time I think of this, I have the impulse to pick up my paintbrush.


12. paintbrush是什么意思

12. You're the artist holding the paintbrush of today and painting the future.


13. It looks like your Grandma took her paintbrush and mixed up some colors.


14. I`ll keep it in my pictures with my paintbrush.


15. You are the artist who hold today's paintbrush to describe your future.


16. Metacaluk Cable Coating can be applied using a paintbrush for small application or it can be applied with an airless spray equipment for more extensive projects.


17. And, for those who desire to return to the finger painting days of their youth, Photoshop has a paintbrush tool with countless brush shapes and textures for anyone who just needs to let out their creativity.


18. Eloik put down his work on a piece of newspaper and slipped his paintbrush in the solvent, then left his bedroom at a run.


19. The magice paintbrush didn`t make gold.


20. paintbrush在线翻译

20. And nature's spectacular paintbrush is hardly limited to one mineral or gemstone per colour.


paintbrush 词典解释

1. 画笔;油漆刷

A paintbrush is a brush which you use for painting.

paintbrush 单语例句paintbrush的意思

1. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush in his desk.

2. Wang has used his paintbrush to record his travels around the country and express his sincere love toward the land.

3. I am trying to reproduce the effect of an almost dry paintbrush scraping across the paper.

4. A Chinese artist has been recognised by the Guinness World Records organisation for making the largest paintbrush on Earth.

5. Some Chinese painters have come to see the paintbrush as a kind of golden goose.

6. Liu is known to express flickering emotions through his paintbrush, combining Western expressionism and abstractionism with Chinese traditional painting techniques.

paintbrush 英英释义


1. a brush used as an applicator (to apply paint)