

fortunate:[英 [ˈfɔ:tʃənət] 美 [ˈfɔ:rtʃənət] ]



fortunate 基本解释

形容词侥幸的,幸运的; 带来幸运的,吉利的



fortunate 同义词



fortunate 反义词


fortunate 相关例句


1. It is fortunate that we can all meet tomorrow.


2. The old lady's fortunate enough to have very good health.



3. That is a fortunate start.



4. He's fortunate in having a good job.



5. I feel fortunate to have met them.


fortunate 网络解释

1. 幸运:如果从一开始就给它们冠以不同的称谓,那将是非常幸运(fortunate)的. 不但称谓上的相同和缺乏适用使他们产生了混淆,而且个人在因公共妨害遭受特别损失时可以提起诉讼的事实(虽然一般情况下个人不能就公共妨害提起诉讼)也造成了他们的混淆.

2. 幸运的:fixed#坚决的 | fortunate#幸运的 | free#自由的

3. 幸运的;侥幸的:When can I get such wonderful fortune? 我什么时候也能遇到这样的好运气呢? | → fortunate 幸运的,侥幸的 | → fortunately 幸运地,幸亏

fortunate 双语例句


1. English history is especially fortunate in this respect, the monastic chroniclers including St. Bede, Ordericus Vitalis, William of Malmesbury, Florence of Worcester, Simeon of Durham, Matthew Paris, and Eadmer of Canterbury.

英国历史特别是幸运的在这方面,寺院编年史包括圣比德,Ordericus Vitalis ,威廉马姆斯伯里,佛罗伦萨的伍斯特市,西面的达勒姆,马修巴黎,Eadmer的坎特伯雷。

2. It is fortunate that three of them collapse into one.


3. fortunate

3. It was a lucky, fortunate day.


4. Later on, I was very fortunate to encounter a Good


5. Utilizing strong defense and a few fortunate rolls, crucially kissing into a shape for a razor thin 2-10 carom to go up 9-5, See seemed to be in control.


6. It is clear, then, that my short stories fall far short of being works of art; hence I count myself fortunate that they are still known as stories, and are even being compiled in one book. Although such good fortune makes me uneasy, I am nevertheless pleased to think they have readers in the world of men, for the time being at least.


7. fortunate的解释

7. In one village I did catch a glimpse of more fortunate circumstances.


8. At present I have only this understanding, if fortunate enough to join your trip, I think I will be in the short term to have a better understanding of.


9. This special activities of the general public to participate in the establishment of the huge participation fortunate Award.



10. I felt very fortunate to have been in it, still feel fortunate at every night.


11. Thus, there is fortunate that you, the text, you are no longer alone on this side of the rich in your metaphorical shape to encourage the hearts of a frustrated young people, you become a more open minds of the keys to her, led her depressed inner catheter, an emetic drug, of course, is not out of the filthy, it may be a Lotus.


12. According to historical data from the temple, the origin of Yimin Temple can be traced back to the rebellion of Lin Shuang-Wen in Ching Dynasty in 1782. After the rebellion ceased, the rest of survived soldiers tried to transport at least two hundred martyrs to a burial ground. However, something weird happened on the halfway. The cattle would not go further when they were in Fangliao, Hsinchu. People believed that cattle must know the place was a fortunate land, so they decided to bury the bodies at the foothill behind Hsinchu Yiming Temple.


13. If you do not encounter the following sort of thing, then you should think you are more fortunate than he, and the fate of more than just a man and you kidding


14. Living standards for today`s people are not necessarily more fortunate than living standards for people in the olden days; or else, the people whose lives in the cities are not necessarily better than those in the country side.


15. Before the conference adjourned, we were very fortunate to participate in the Re-opening Ceremony for the Fo Guang Shan. In bidding farewell to the 20th century and welcoming the 21st century, all the BLIA-YAD youth deeply felt a sense of responsibility towards propagating Buddhism.


16. He continued, that these were the people he liked best, athletes who had a business in the open air; that those were the plainest and most affectionate of men, those who lived in the light and air and had to study to keep their bodies clean and fresh and ruddy; that his soul went out to such people, and that they were strangely drawn to him, so that at the lowest ebb of his fortunes, when the world reviled him and ridiculed him most, fortunate men of this kind, highly prosperous as gymnasts or runners, had sought him out and had been friendly to him.


17. Playing for United is unbelievable, more so when you actually sit down and think about how fortunate you are.


18. fortunate

18. I was fortunate enough to meet with Shawn Carnes on Wednesday and fire a set of questions his way, which let me reload with a new batch heading into my meeting with Andy.

因为在周三我已经有幸约见了Shawn Carnes并提了一连串问题,因此我在约见Andy时重新准备了一堆问题。

19. We are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful city as Dalian.


20. fortunate

20. And so have accumulated wealth to a certain extent, you will choose to suffer so fortunate to assume the high responsibility?


fortunate 词典解释

1. 幸运的;有幸的

If you say that someone or something is fortunate, you mean that they are lucky.

e.g. He was extremely fortunate to survive...


e.g. Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces...


fortunate 单语例句fortunate的近义词

1. One of the fortunate things about living in an active earthquake zone is sulfurous hot spring baths.

2. " I'm fortunate enough to meet a lot of good directors that I like, " Chan said earnestly.

3. The world has seen challenging times before and so I was fortunate to be a history major living through history these past couple of years.

4. Wang and his family have been living a humble life but he can still improve the lives of the less fortunate through his charity.

5. " We're just extremely fortunate to come away with a win here tonight, " Thompson told reporters.

6. But at the core of the organization is the hand that reaches out to the less fortunate of the nation's younger generation.

7. A municipal government official said it was fortunate for Dalian that the explosion did not ignite the PX and crude oil storage tanks nearby.

8. Eight food writers were among the fortunate few who had gladly helped him demolish his entire stock over one weekend.

9. Other contestants whose behavior ran afoul of the pageant's standards were not as fortunate.

10. Less fortunate ventures by a number of multinationals in the booming Chinese market do not necessarily point to a deterioration in the country's investment environment.

fortunate在线翻译fortunate 英英释义


1. presaging good fortune

e.g. she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school

rosy predictions

Synonym: rosy

2. supremely favored

e.g. golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust

Synonym: golden

3. having unexpected good fortune

e.g. other, less fortunate, children died

a fortunate choice