

stain:[英 [steɪn] 美 [sten] ]


过去式:stained;   过去分词:stained;   现在分词:staining;   复数形式:stains;

stain 基本解释

不及物动词弄脏; 污染; 被玷污

及物动词玷污,染污; 败坏(名声); 给…染色

名词污点; 色斑; 瑕疵; 着色剂

stain 同义词



stain 反义词



stain 相关例句



1. The coffee stained his shirt brown.


2. stain什么意思

2. His crimes stained the family honor.


3. Blood stained the blanket.



1. His character is without stain.


2. White cloth stains easily.



1. He's got an ink stain on his shirt.


stain 网络解释

1. 着色剂:这道涂装过程须对照标准色板进行修色,修色可全面喷涂,亦可按实际状况作局部加强修色;若用酒精性着色剂来修色,修色完成后,还可以用抹布或钢丝绒来作局部的修补,使其加强阴影对比增加立体感,若用着色剂(stain)来修色则无法进行修


2. 污渍:他自认为是科学家. 况且,他不喜欢一个女子长期为一群追求者所包围. 男人---除了他自己之外---都是龌龊的,和女子处久了必会在那女子心身上留下污渍(stain)这是他不能忍受的. 他的品位,要求无垢的少女.

3. 染料:其实对于硬木作品来说,不应该上漆(paint), 而是要用染料(stain)或不染,再上几层清漆(PU=Polyurethane)或其他保护层,可以保持漂亮的木纹.

stain 双语例句

1. Household possessions and interior design can be damaged as follows: Mud and silt get possessions and valuables dirty Paint and wall coverings peel off Floor tiles are lifted Panels wrap Carpets stain and rot Furnishings such as textiles and furniture stain Books, pho tographs, paintings become extremely fragile Property value decreases after being wet.


2. stain

2. Much rat MRI is smooth as a result sweep show observation group to see thicker loud signal hypodermically adipose layer, tumor interior or outside face see stain shape believe a bad dead band higher.


3. Results Hematoxylin and eosin stain showed pterygium was a disease mainly with proliferation. The P53 and P63 protein was expression in pterygium tissures. The expression of P53 and P63 was significantly higher in pterygium than in normal conjunctiva epithelium The positive rate of the P53 protein in pterygium was significantly higher than normal conjunctivae U=2.500, W=17.500, Z=-


4. The chloropyllin disclosing solution can stain mediastinal lymph node quickly with no acute toxic adverse reaction.


5. As shows that the chlorophyll disclosing solution can stain lymph system and guide clearance of lymph nodes in radical resection of rectal carcinoma.



6. On the other hand, after 7-week gavaging abidingly, the effect of II-RMeOH on the bleomycin-induced chronic pulmonary fibrosis was investigated. The study was evaluated by measuring the hydroxylproline, collagen, transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and microwave Masson`s trichrome stain.


7. At each time point, we observed morphological changes, in situ detected DNA breaks, and observed expression changes of production of lEGs c-Fos and DNA repair enzyme APE/Ref-1 which participated in many kinds of DNA repairs. Results in the experiment were shown as follow:DHE stain indicates: The model of rat MCAO/R was credible, and the damaged regions included cortex (lobus frontalis, lobus arietalis, lobus occipitalis et al and caudatum.


8. stain

8. In 71 samples of 80 kinds of enterprises, products, tea in the BHC and DDT residues have been basically brought under control, but the sensory quality of tea and water is still more serious over the issue, individual products and even have odor, stain, mildew and other issues.

在71 80的企业,产品,六六六和滴滴涕的残留茶种样本已基本得到控制,但茶叶感官品质和水仍然是对这个问题更严重,个别产品甚至有异味,污点,霉菌和其他问题。

9. Hence let them be prudent about the manner and quantity of what has to be kept, and carefully check the character of their personal attendants, lest they themselves incur from the vices of others the shameful stain of dishonour and provide real opportunities for contradictions and false accusations.


10. Stain localization is one of the most frequently found mechanisms leading to progressive failure of materials.


11. The grey green illite detritus with goethite rust stain are found at the boundary clay, Permian/Triassic boundary section in Yianshi, Longyan, Fujiang and Yegang, Huangshi, Hubei.


12. Before the pipe behind her caused the stain.


13. Almonds made a great travel snack, because they`re light, don`t crumble, don`t stain, don`t need preparation, and are filling and nutritious.



14. HCl-Giemsa stain revealed to the hypha of slide culture revealed that all the strains before and after a all possible mating were single nucleated in hypha and phialoconidia.

经玻片培养并以HCl-Giemsa stain后观察细胞核的型态,从染色的型态学上观察并无法区分,观察到均为单一的细胞核。


15. Could give the guilty conscience peace or wash away the stain


16. stain的近义词

16. She stared at the brown stain that splotched the front of her dress.


17. stain什么意思

17. Safranin In microscopy, a permanent red stain used to stain nuclei in plant cells.


18. stain的翻译

18. Paul Ehrlich refines the use of the dye methylene blue in bacteriological staining and uses it to stain the tubercule bacillus.

Paul Ehrlich优化了美蓝染料在细菌染色中的使用,用美蓝给tubercule bacillus。

19. stain的反义词

19. ResultsAbout 20% HaCaT cells that have positive melanin stain around nuclear were observed after 3 day's co-culture. With the time developed, the ratio of positive melanin stained HaCaT cell is increasing and reached its peak (80%) at the 7th day.


20. stain的解释

20. Then melanin transfer was observed with fontana-masson method byα-msh and niacinamide after 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 day of co-culture separately. resultsabout 20% hacat cells that have positive melanin stain around nuclear were observed after 3 day's co-culture.

分别培养人表皮黑素细胞和hacat细胞,接种黑素细胞48h后再将hacat细胞以1∶2的比例与黑素细胞共培养,分别以不同浓度的α-促黑素和烟酰胺干预共培养的细胞9天,fontana-masson 银染法观察共培养模型中黑素颗粒在两细胞间传递的情况。

stain 词典解释

1. 污迹;污渍

A stain is a mark on something that is difficult to remove.

e.g. Remove stains by soaking in a mild solution of bleach.


e.g. ...a black stain.


2. 在…上留下污迹;玷污;染污

If a liquid stains something, the thing becomes coloured or marked by the liquid.

e.g. Some foods can stain the teeth, as of course can smoking.



His clothing was stained with mud.


...ink-stained fingers.

染上墨水的手指stain 单语例句stain

1. CIS also revealed that negative information in the credit report, often dubbed as " credit stain " will usually be retained for seven years.

2. Such outsourcing will also help public offices remove the stain of conflict of interest.

3. In today's context in which organizations are focusing on retaining their key talent, bad bosses can stain the reputation of a company and lead to resignations.

4. But the stain on the paper does not look good even for the cleaner the next day.

5. Last year Lin noticed a large dark stain had started to grow on her face.

6. People said the indelible ink that is supposed to stain voters'fingers for 72 hours could be washed off.

7. We should not let a tiny little stain mar the bigger picture of good neighbourly ties between the two countries.

8. Wang's misfortune is a stain on the country's collective conscience.

9. Most of the garbage is buried in three landfills on the outskirts of Guangzhou, a potential environmental stain on the city.

10. He focused instead on persuading Afghans that producing drugs was a stain on their nation.