

tariff:[英 [ˈtærɪf] 美 [ˈtærɪf] ]



tariff 基本解释

名词关税; 关税表; 价格表

及物动词征收关税; 定税率; 定收费标准


tariff 相关例句


1. tariff的翻译

1. May I see your tariff, please?


2. There is a very high tariff on jewelry.



3. The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.


tariff 网络解释

1. 关税:关税定义 关税(tariff)是指进出口商品在经过一国关境时,由政府设置的海关向进出口国所征收的税收. 关税和非关税措施是衡量一个国家市场开放度的主要标志. 关税是世界各国普遍征收的一个税种. 是指一国海关对进出境的货物或者物品征收的...


2. 关税,税则:关税税则(Tariff) 关税税则概述 关税税则又称海关税则、关税税率表,是指一国制定和公布的对进出其关境(customs boundary)的货物征收关税的条例和税率的分类表.

3. tariff的反义词

3. 费率:然而在所有的服务类别中,全面推行号码携带通常是不可行的,因为它会影响费率(Tariff)的差异,及有关该号码的地区和服务资料. 例如,在免费电话与收费昂贵的服务之间使用号码携带,往往会摧毁这两种服务. 纽西兰希望服务改变号码携带功能,

4. 税:斯密的学说正是当时英国资产阶级经济利益和国际贸易政策 第5章 贸易保护政策:关税 5.1 关税概述 关税的概念 关税的种类 关税的征收方式 5.1.1 关税的概念 关税(tariff)是一国通过海关对进出口商品所课征的一种税收.

tariff 双语例句

1. A tariff is a duty or free levied on goods being imported into the country.


2. tariff的解释

2. The tariff rates of other agriculture products range from 50% to 110%.




4. We got the following resuits:When the market size of the two country is the same and the transportation rate is zero, firm m will locate at the foreign country country if the import tariff rate of the home country is higher than that of the foreign country.


5. Tariffs and non-tariff measures is a measure of a country's market openness of the main signs.


6. tariff

6. EU, some fruits, vegetables or horticultural products in addition to specific tax or complex tax levy tariffs, but also seasonal tariff levied.


7. Combined with the status of village high lift water pump irrigation customers in Gansu province the article puts forward a method and its calculation model about tariff adjustment according to customer power factor.


8. tariff

8. They established a set of interlocking tariff concessions that were extended by most-favored-nation treatment throughout the world.


9. Beijing decided that the preferential tariff at which the winning consortium would sell solar power to the grid would also be applied to other projects in the pipeline, rather than case by case as was typical.


10. tariff什么意思

10. Article 5 The measures on the levy of or exemption from import or export duties on incoming and outgoing passengers luggage and articles and on personal postal matters shall be formulated by the State Council Customs Tariff Commission.

第五条 进出境的旅客行李物品和个人邮递物品征免税办法,由国务院关税税则委员会另行规定。

11. May 1, the Chinese negotiator and foreign affairs chief of land and the matter Zhengxiang advise the Beijing government, saying if not signed, the consular jurisdiction of the evacuation of waste, the abolition of the Boxer Indemnity, and compensation for loss of tariff autonomy and so have the negative.


12. The first big growth spurt took place in the 1960s behind high tariff walls.


13. With economic globalization and further development of free investment and trade, walls of the tariff generally become short, and the traditional trade protection means be limited.


14. The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods.


15. The government has raised tariff walls against foreign goods.


16. We are with some of the largest shipping company, such as MAERSK, HANJIN, APL, HYUNDAI, WANHAI, YANGMING MSC, UNIGLORY, PIL, RCL, NYK, LYKES, MOSK, CSAV, OOCL, EVERGREEN, such as the establishment of good relations of cooperation, and enjoy preferential tariffs, some of the port tariff for the lowest price in Shenzhen and in the port has its own team of professional customs broker and the public all year round to manufacturers; logistics; Cargo Agents of goods import and export declarations and other services, access to public manufacturers; logistics; freight company's praise and trust.

我们与一些大船公司,如MAERSK,HANJIN,APL,HYUNDAI,WANHAI,YANGMING MSC,UNIGLORY,PIL,RCL,NYK,LYKES,MOSK,CSAV,OOCL,EVERGREEN,等建立良好的合作关系,并享有优惠运价,部分港口运价为深圳最低价并且在各港口设有自己的专业报关行及车队常年来为众厂家;物流;货运公司代理货物进出口报关等服务,获得众厂家;物流;货运公司的好评和信任。

17. Article 6 Tariff quotas shall be subject to the administration of trade forms.

第六条 关税配额实行贸易方式全口径管理。

18. If any final user holding quotas commits the acts above mentioned, the SDPC shall refuse to accept its application for import tariff quotas for the following two years.


19. Article 11 The agencies authorized by the SDPC shall be responsible for accepting the applications for the import tariff quotas within their respective areas.


20. So a system of tariff-rate quotas was created to maintain existing import access levels, and to provide minimum access opportunities.

另一组以乌拉圭回合模式为代表,它是 1986—1994 年乌拉圭回合谈判确定的减让公式,即对所有产品都实施平均减让,同时在保证达到最低减让的情况下,允许出现一定的波动幅度。

tariff 词典解释

1. (政府对进口商品征收的)关税

A tariff is a tax that a government collects on goods coming into a country.

e.g. America wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.


2. (公共服务的)收费,费用;(旅馆的)住宿费,服务费

A tariff is the rate at which you are charged for public services such as gas and electricity, or for accommodation and services in a hotel.

e.g. The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium.


e.g. ...electricity tariffs and telephone charges.


tariff 单语例句tariff

1. Those items mainly include tariff duties, consumption tax and business tax.

2. The commission is scheduled to officially launch its investigation under section 337 of the US Tariff Act this week.

3. A preferential tariff arrangement with some African countries will boost the continent's exports to China and activate its trade ties with the nation.

4. But Cham said WTO member states had frequently forgotten Cambodia's LDC status in the entry negotiations when making demands in such areas as tariff cuts.

5. Improved tariff collection capacity is also a major factor in the growth of customs revenue, the spokesperson added.

6. Part of the tariff on wheat imports will be used to promote the cassava industry, he said.

7. Domestic and overseas projects registered after March 1 will no longer enjoy tariff exemption on caterpillar tractors and the high powered agricultural equipment listed above.

8. An ad valorem tariff is a fixed percentage of the value of the good that is being imported.

9. The measure facilitates the trade to make use of the zero tariff preferential treatment offered to Hong Kong goods under CEPA.

10. Some consumers say that the CEPA goods are free of tariff, which implies the prices will be relative cheap.

tariff 英英释义



1. a government tax on imports or exports

e.g. they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries

Synonym: duty


1. charge a tariff

e.g. tariff imported goods