

premise:[英 ['premɪs] 美 [ˈprɛmɪs] ]



premise 基本解释


名词前提; [复数]房屋; [复数][合同、契约用语]上述各点; (逻辑学中的)大[小]前提

及物动词预述(条件等); 提出…为前提; 假设; 作出前提

premise 相关例句


1. Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.



1. If your premise is established, your conclusions are easily deducible.


2. The firm moved to its new premises in 1971.


3. premise

3. Keep off the premises.


premise 网络解释

1. 前提:演绎法是根据于一个前提(Premise),再从这前提,推演而来知识. 这知识是否正确则又有赖于前提的正确了. 到了这里,我们便该知道:科学方法是有范围的,并且这范围是很狭窄的. 利用科学方法所得的知识不过是知识中的局部.

2. 房屋及其附属部件:5. nil 无,零 | 6. premise 房屋及其附属部件 | 7. rear view mirror 后视镜

premise 双语例句


1. It is the premise of accounting information quality to analysis the charater and count cost of digital products.


2. Guizhou province is supposed to, based on the premise of analyzing the advantages and restricti...


3. premise

3. But the premise is to have a fast and well-developed public transport network.


4. It is also considering the introduction of a property tax premise.


5. It is extend consumer credit energetically most fundamental premise, also be the commercial bank is on guard, the mainest measure that controls consumptive loan venture.


6. This chapter points out, after analysing compre-hensively the contradiction existing in the traditionaltheory of AR, that there isn't any substantial rela-tion between the existence of AR and the height of theorgnic composition of agricultural capital, nor anynecessary association between the quantity of AR andthe balance of value of agricultural product and it'sPP; The only factor that determines the existence ofAR is the monopoly of land ownership, which naturallytakes the limitednass of land and the marginal reve-nue product of land bigger than zero as it's premise; The monopoly of land ownership makes the MPP transformto monopolistic enough price determined by the indivi-dual enough price of inferior land; AR as the MPP ofinferior land equals to the balance of IEP and IPP, andDR as the MPP of superior land equals to the balanceof MEP and IEP; All rents are created from the naturalproductive force of labour, both of them coming fromthe deduction of total surplus value.

第三章 绝对地租与垄断足够价格本章所提出的新见解是:(1)全面分析了传统绝对地租理论中存在的矛盾以及这些矛盾由以产生的根源;(2)论证了绝对地租的存在与农业资本有机构成的高低没有任何本质的关系,绝对地租的数量与农产品价值和生产价格的差额也没有必然的联系,绝对地租存在的唯一条件是土地所有权的垄断,而这种垄断又是以土地的有限性和土地的边际收益产品大于零为前提的;(3)揭示了由于土地所有权的垄断所引起的垄断生产价格向垄断足够价格的转化;(4)在劳动价值论和平均利润理论基础上重新阐释了绝对地租的来源及其量的规定,并对级差地租和绝对地租进行了综合考察,指出,全部地租都是由劳动的自然生产力创造的,它们均来自对总剩余价值的扣除,其中绝对地租作为劣等土地的边际收益产品等于个别足够价格与个别生产价格的差额,级差地租作为较优等土地的边际收益产品等于垄断足够价格与个别足够价格的差额。

7. This story can be clearly set a new world before the North Township knife Gaishi leadership Shujun, this is quite different, in the presence of the premise of the hero, but also to control the Sun Ce Sun Quan as the hero side, etc..


8. PROF.: Premise B 8 is: One cat has one more tail than no cat.


9. premise什么意思

9. This thesis argues that, the premise to demonstrate the current value of traditional Wushu Ethic is to reset psychology status. Any format of virtues to meet the requirement of society mainstream, must be transformed and exchanged in order to be used by the current society development, otherwise, it may somehow demonstrates its deviation of society.



10. It was regarded as the most drastic evolution controversy after on the Origin of Species, and it was also premise of most researches nowadays. In this thesis, I hope to keep an object position so as to have cognizance of the influences that Wilson`s theory to sociobiology, and comprehend why he would transform gradually from ant expert to a sociobiologist, and to know which factors make him to do this, finally differentiate and analysediscriminate the controversy.


11. It is beneficial to both enterprises and privatepersons to buy annuity, as well as to spur further development of commercial pensioninsurance, on the premise of the enactment of tax-favored policies.


12. This sets the premise for the earth-friendly battle where the students will pit their powers against the rest.


13. premise在线翻译

13. In the premise of grasping the characteristics of the times and the ideology of Ruan Ji, this thesis confers closely on the text and discusses the aesthetic value and the art characteristics of prose-poems and prose of Ruan Ji.


14. In uses under the allowance law premise, actually uses the ratio method account age analytic method, as well as withdraws the proportion specifically, then according to the actual situation by the company to determine voluntarily.


15. But, by and large, none have rooms on the club premise.


16. In this premise, I can design my happy life.


17. You do not get married in the premise that, will you marry me?


18. premise是什么意思

18. In your best under the premise of milk.


19. That is a strong premise of the book in many areas..


20. Honesty is the vital aspect of traditional Chinese morality and the premise of orderly development of market economy.


premise 词典解释The spelling premiss is also used in British English for meaning 2. 在英国英语中拼写形式premiss亦用于义项2。

1. (企业或机构使用的)房屋及土地;经营场所;办公场所

The premises of a business or an institution are all the buildings and land that it occupies in one place.

e.g. There is a kitchen on the premises...


e.g. The business moved to premises in Brompton Road.


2. 前提

A premise is something that you suppose is true and that you use as a basis for developing an idea.

e.g. The premise is that schools will work harder to improve if they must compete...


e.g. The programme started from the premise that men and women are on equal terms in this society.


premise 单语例句premise的近义词

1. Political reform must be conducted under the premise of adherence to our country's socialist system, and must not deviate from our country's socialist system.

2. Premise of " Employee of the Month " Two slacker Costco workers compete to win when they hear the store hottie will date the employee of the month.

3. They also agreed to expand credit for consumption on the premise that domestic consumers could play a great role in pushing economic growth.

4. And research has failed to support the premise that mastering activities like memory exercises, crossword puzzles and Sudoku improve overall functioning.

5. In logic, a premise is a judgment that can be used to deduce another judgment.

6. While Tam would have welcomed the proposal to build subsidized housing on privately owned land, he said the premise is that that land should have low ecological value.

7. While there may be editing for the sake of nuance, the underlying premise of the draft report will not change.

8. In service trade for example, the premise of their development is cultural exchange and people's emotional identity.

9. It states that the association was allowed to accept donations and obtain legal income on the premise that it was fair and square.

10. Even for the pragmatic goal of screening candidates for the country's elite sports squads, fair play has to be an essential premise in the competitions.

premise的解释premise 英英释义


1. a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn

e.g. on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play

Synonym: premissassumption


1. take something as preexisting and given

Synonym: premiss

2. furnish with a preface or introduction

e.g. She always precedes her lectures with a joke

He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

Synonym: precedeprefaceintroduce

3. set forth beforehand, often as an explanation

e.g. He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand