

protract:[英 [prə'trækt] 美 [proˈtrækt, prə-] ]


过去式:protracted;   过去分词:protracted;   现在分词:protracting;

protract 基本解释


protract 反义词



protract 相关例句


1. The cat protracted its paws.


protract 网络解释

1. 延长:proscribe#禁止 | protract#延长 | protrude#伸出

2. 延长,拖长:attraction 吸引;吸引力;引力 | protract 延长,拖长 | protraction 拖长,伸长,制图

3. 延伸:protozootherapy /原生动物病疗法/ | protract /延伸/ | protracted /拖延的/

4. (及物动词)拖延,延长:Scenarios(名词)脚本 | Protract(及物动词)拖延,延长 | Articulate(形容词,动词)口齿清楚的,清楚表达

protract 双语例句

1. MTT method was adopted to detect cell vitality; Trypanblue rejection methodwas used to protract cell growth curve; FCM was employed to detect cell mortality rate.


2. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it – for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!


3. protract

3. Synonyms: carry on, continue, delay, drag one's feet, drag out, hold, hold up, increase, lengthen, let it ride, make longer, pad, perpetuate, protract, spin out, stall, stretch, stretch out

Notes:prolong 指时间的延长,超过一般或正常的限度,兼有延长得使人感到不必要或不耐烦的意思。

4. On the battlefield we shall be on the offensive and the enemy on the defensive, we shall be employing superior numbers on exterior lines and the enemy inferior numbers on interior lines, and we shall seek quick decisions, while the enemy, try as he may, will not be able to protract the fighting in the expectation of reinforcements


5. Software ChemOffice is an integrated system of chemical software which has some app-functions such as chemistry accounting, chemistry analyzing, chemistry modeling and so on, in which, the Chem3D can simulate and analyze the solid fabrication of molecular on the level of molecular and atom, and it can be used to design chemical model, to protract and compile chemistry structure of high molar picture, to identify and display solid structure as well by using ChemDraw.


6. protract在线翻译

6. Protract the profit of their chilled delirium


7. protract的反义词

7. Marc software, and analyze influence to the craniofacial complex against different strength and direction of protraction, then calculate the stress、strain and displacement values at 320 different conditions, and finally protract the stress anddisplacement nephograms.


8. Discuss A Kind of Method to Protract Data Active Trend Chart in VFP


9. Using this method, we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism.


10. protract什么意思

10. The design scenario of the pipeline location checking system include following several parts: the arithmetic research of the pipeline location checking system (construction of the mathematics platform), data collection part (data collection card), data processing part (protract of the pipeline axes).


11. Application of Excel to analysis of the capacity of working procedure and protract of the control chart


12. Using Excel to Achieve Analysis of Test Data and Protract of Control Graph


13. To protract the suspense, he paused for a considerable period of time before telling us the result of the experiment.


14. protract的反义词

14. Delay always breeds danger, and to protract a great design is often to ruin it.


15. protract的解释

15. Their guest did not protract his stay that evening above an hour longer.


16. Design of Manual Protract Wave in Arbitrary Wave Editor


17. protract的翻译

17. To lose the present in lamenting the past, was voluntarily to protract a melancholy vision. (No.204)


18. This article introduces a method of constructing experiment equipment toolbar which is able to protract experiment equipment graph quickly.


19. The tool provided the creation management and maintenance of template and model, protract and output of operation flow chart and print and output of template and conceptual model.


20. Also, the protract method of the equivalence circuit of the columnar windings of the transformer is given.


protract 单语例句

1. They can only protract the adjustment that should be fundamentally driven by market forces.

protract 英英释义


1. lengthen in time

cause to be or last longer

e.g. We prolonged our stay

She extended her visit by another day

The meeting was drawn out until midnight

Synonym: prolongextenddraw out