

fowl:[英 [faʊl] 美 [faʊl] ]


过去式:fowled;   过去分词:fowled;   现在分词:fowling;   复数形式:fowls; fowl;

fowl 基本解释

名词家禽; 鸡

动词捕鸟; 打鸟; 捕野禽

fowl 相关例句



1. Chicken and ducks are two types of fowl.



2. We had a roast fowl for dinner.


fowl 网络解释

1. fowl

1. 家禽:绿头鸭(mallard;一种典型的钻水鸭)是大部分家鸭(参阅家禽(fowl)条)的祖先,是最受欢迎的猎禽之一. 绿头鸭春天从南方飞到北方产卵,秋天再飞到南方越冬. 它们被人类驯养后,便失去了迁徙的飞性,而且人们为了获得更多的鸭蛋,

2. 禽:绿头鸭(mallard;一种典型的钻水鸭)是大部分家鸭(参阅家禽(fowl)条)的祖先,是最受欢迎的猎禽之一. 绿头鸭春天从南方飞到北方产卵,秋天再飞到南方越冬. 它们被人类驯养后,便失去了迁徙的飞性,而且人们为了获得更多的鸭蛋,

3. fowl是什么意思

3. 飞禽:後来又发展为驯养飞禽( fowl ) ,这样形成动物群( fauna ). 为了使畜牧业得天之佑,初民要敬牛羊之神( Faunus ). 牧业发达,大家欢天喜地设宴( fete )庆祝,祭神( fetish 神物 ). 这就是节日( festival )的由来. 下一步发展为农业.

4. 禽肉:fillet 肉片 | fowl 禽肉 | grease 动物油脂

fowl 双语例句

1. Animals eat it fowl, cattle and sheep liver, turtle, dark meat fish, sea cucumber.


2. A lightweight corset bone originally made from the quills of domestic fowl as a substitute for whalebone.


3. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.


4. The tail of a dressed fowl.


5. fowl的反义词

5. Ten fattened oxen and twenty pastured oxen and a hundred sheep, besides deer and gazelles and roebucks and fattened fowl.

4:23 肥牛十只,草场的牛二十只,羊一百只,还有鹿、羚羊、麃子和肥禽。

6. fowl

6. Of course there ought to be jungle-cats and birds of prey and other agencies of sudden death to add to the illusion of liberty, but the bird`s own imagination is capable of inventing those ---- look how a domestic fowl will squawk an alarm note if a rook or wood pigeon passes over its run when it has chickens.


7. Crazy fowl = Cung Kê.



8. Besides bacteria, AgNP/NSP and AgNP/SWN also could inhibit the growth of infectious fungi, including Trichophyton rubrum、Trichophyton fluviomuniense、Trichophyton mentagrophytes、Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum, the common pathogens of Tinea pedis. For the substitution of antibiotics, Ag nanoparticles clay was applied to cure fowl diarrhea after infection with salmonella.


9. fowl的反义词

9. The male Red Jungle Fowl looks a lot like a storybook rooster.


10. The secondo was guinea fowl in a pomegranate sauce, with grilled courgette and walnuts on the side.


11. fowl

11. Of the egg to contain obvious effect.7, meat chicken usage, promote skeleton growth, exaltation the meat chicken chickens of even degree; Exaltation animal feed guerdon, improvement meat quality; Egg chicken long-term add can make domestic fowl hat red, the hair be bright, feet Huang, egg color be fresh and bright, egg yolk more Huang; 8, take off a poison function, particularly take off the fungi vegetable in the animal feed, exaltation animal feed value.


12. The Bekisar is the first generation hybrid offspring of a male Green Jungle fowl and a domestic female game chicken.


13. Aim at avian influenza, Newcastle disease, infective bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheltis, fowl pox etc.


14. It was the old substantial dinner you get in a country hotel and consisted of vol-au-vent a la financiere, fowl boiled in rice, beans with a sauce and vanilla creams, iced and flavored with burnt sugar.


15. fowl的近义词

15. This proposal is neither fish nor fowl. I can't tell what you're proposing.


16. For the important reasons to heavy infestation of fly and rodent, on one hand, it was the dejecta of fowl farm not through the process of unharmfulling, on the other hand, it was the rubbish from canteen exposed in air could not dump in time, the rodent proof equipment was not properly.


17. Towards the summit fluttered myriads of sea-fowl, and especially those of the web-footed species with long, flat, pointedbeaks–a clamorous tribe, bold in the presence of man, who probably for thefirst time thus invaded their domains.


18. The lake is good for nothing except sea-fowl, herons, and oysters, and forms such a place as they call in the Indies a lagoon; being shut off from the open Channel by a monstrous great beach or dike of pebbles, of which I shall speak more hereafter.


19. Perceiving a flock of beach-birds, that fed fluttered along the shore, the naughty child picked up her apron full of pebbles, and, creeping from rock to rock after these small sea-fowl, displayed remarkable dexterity in pelting them.


20. The 4839 clusters are the transcripts of the genes from liver tissue in Silkie Fowl.


fowl 词典解释

1. 鸟;(尤指)家禽

A fowl is a bird, especially one that can be eaten as food, such as a duck or a chicken.

e.g. Carve the fowl into 8 pieces.

把这只家禽切成 8 块。

e.g. ...ducks and many other animals and fowl.


fowl 单语例句

1. Habitats and routes of migratory birds and regions covered by rivers and lakes, or frequented by water fowl should be taken as the major monitoring points.

2. The local live fowl market was closed, all sick and suspected birds culled and local chicken farms strictly sterilized.

3. It said Qinghai had taken emergency measures by closing off the spots to prevent people and fowl from contacting wild birds.

4. Qinghai took emergency measures by closing off spots to prevent people and fowl from contacting wild birds.

5. Officials also prohibited all sales of domestic fowl and poultry products in the Crimea.

6. The remainder of the fowl makes its appearance in two customizable vegetable courses with shreds and gizzards.

7. The provincial government has inspired quarantine authorities to step up inspection and disseminate bird flu prevention and control knowledge among fowl raisers and consumers.

8. The virus is now endemic in poultry across much of the world despite widespread culling of birds and mass vaccinations of fowl.

9. Tens of millions of fowl have been slaughtered in the effort to eradicate the disease since it swept across much of Asia early this year.

10. The number of bird flu cases dropped to 10 in domestic fowl and one in migratory birds in 2006.

fowl 英英释义


1. a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl

Synonym: domestic fowlpoultry

2. the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food

Synonym: bird


1. hunt fowl in the forest

2. hunt fowl