

bucket:[英 [ˈbʌkɪt] 美 [ˈbʌkɪt] ]


过去式:bucketed;   过去分词:bucketed;   现在分词:bucketing;   复数形式:buckets;

bucket 基本解释

名词水桶; 一桶(的量); 大量; 〈俚〉交通工具

动词用桶装,用桶运; 倾盆而下; 〈美俚〉骗; 猛开车,猛划船

bucket 相关词组

1. kick the bucket : 死掉;

bucket 相关例句


1. The girl was bucketing water from the well.



1. The rain bucketed down.


2. The car bucketed down the road.



3. The jeep bucketed over the bumpy road.



1. bucket的反义词

1. The rain was coming down in buckets.



2. When she heard about her brother's death she cried buckets.


bucket 网络解释

1. (水桶):去改变一切是简单的, 我建了一个结构存物体的宽和高.if (object[num].texid==1) // 水桶(Bucket)我们想靶子从地面突出到天上. 我们检查物体为 (texid 是 2). 若是, 设方向(dir) 是 2 (上). 用精确的数 x 位置.初始化的代码总是一样的.

2. 存储桶:其中size 10指定的是直方图所需的存储桶(bucket)数,所谓存储桶可以理解为存储数据的容器,这个容器会按照数据的分布将数据尽量平均到各个桶里,如一张表如果有6000条记录,那么每个桶中平均就会有600条记录,但这只是一个平均数,

3. 铲斗:对此功能加以扩展,就能控制诸如刀片、抓举器(gripper)、铲斗(bucket) 以及液压和电子转向系统(electronic steering)等其他设备. 采用一体化控制架构(just-one-control architecture) 可实现成本最小化. 我们可根据特定机器的功能要求增加或去除相应模块.

bucket 双语例句

1. Typical problems during forming process for bending work pieces on an excavator bucket are analyzed.


2. Typical problems during forming process for bending work pieces on an excavator bucket are analyzed. Possible problems and countermeasures are suggested.


3. bucket

3. Besides, types and function parameters of mostly single bucket excavator factory was provided in the software which convenient for user to consult and compare with new design.


4. To select the key parameter of continuous technology is to determine the cutting force of bucket wheel excavator.

华能伊敏煤电公司,内蒙古呼伦贝尔021134 [2]中国矿业大学能源与安全工程学院,江苏徐州221008

5. At the very end of the show people were shown the famous trick – a bottle of champagne was attached to one bucket of an excavator, and on the bucket of another excavator there were two glasses, and the driver of the first vehicle was to fill them up with the help of the bucket and dexterity.


6. When the bucket bar of excavator FL406destroys and cracks, it can be repaired successfully by the way of manual arc welding to this workpiece.


7. Argument empty in this situation, but apparently the Windows compiler

Apache中主要的环例子是bucket brigade,我们将在3.5.5节介绍,在第8章中详细讨论。

8. I plant is the first domestic production of water-saving washing of the manufacturers of products, production of a bucket of water for washing products are for dry areas, travel away from the field, such as car washing caused by car washing difficult | time-consuming | fees and expensive oil And specialized research and development of efficient water-saving appliances, car washing, a small size, light weight, easy to carry, not to be injured Qimian automotive power, tap water can also lead to the characteristics of car washing can be anywhere, a car washing Fun.


9. bucket的意思

9. No Lip Yan imagine a bucket in his eyes, hooked the world, then what is the latch of the depression, as a people have lost their dream, his heart must be dried up.


10. bucket

10. An automatic sampling system was applied in SHAOGANG №6 sintering plant, it is made up of bucket type cutter sampler, chemical analysis sample preparation, sinter size analysis and tumbler test etc.

韶钢烧结厂新建的6号烧结机(360 m2)采用了一套自动采制样系统,该系统由采样、化学样制备、粒度分析和转鼓检测等的几个部分构成。

11. The decoy should be carrying something odd, such as a bucket or a leafy tree branch, just to attract attention.


12. So, why do we need buckets and brigades?



13. Classification: rolling acetabular wall, broken wall, Dynamic Cone Bushing, Taper Bushing set, linings, dental board, board Hammers, sub-feed pan, feed parabolic head, wear-resistant plate, into the cylinder, the main axis of copper sets, steel sets, bearings, retaining plate, Bucket Tooth, crawler board.


14. As per implemented automatic measuring forecast system of water regime, some potential problems are probed concerning dump-bucket rain meter, GSM communication terminal, power source and lightning protection system, and relevant preventive measures and solutions are presented on the basis of above analyses.


15. Bucket elevator into the chain and belt elevator elevator two forms.


16. The main products are conveyor belt, bucket elevator, screw conveyor, conveyor belts, chain-bucket conveyor and stack package stack machines.



17. Rock crushing hammers, mixing cylinders agricultural instruments, mixing blades for tar agitator, gear of digging machine, bucket teeth, blades of scrappers or bulldozers, cutting knives of sugar-cane shredder or tearing machine, compacting cylinders, secondary cement crusher.


18. I used this command to convert The Bucket List which is approximately 1 hour and 37 minutes long.


19. The truth is – he had opened a door to help us realize our bucket list of dreams.


20. The Bucket List is a playful film about the limitations of life and how to exceed them.


bucket 词典解释

1. (有提手的)桶,吊桶,水桶

A bucket is a round metal or plastic container with a handle attached to its sides. Buckets are often used for holding and carrying water.

e.g. We drew water in a bucket from the well outside the door...


e.g. The girls happily played in the sand and sea with buckets and spades.


2. 大量

Buckets or bucket-loads of something means a large amount of it.

e.g. They obviously have buckets of confidence...


e.g. They didn't exactly sell bucket-loads of records the first time around.


3. (涕泪)滂沱;(大雨)瓢泼

If someone cries buckets, they cry a lot because they are very upset. If it rains buckets, it rains a lot.

e.g. He was weeping buckets...


e.g. The rain was still coming down in buckets when we went back out.


4. 蹬腿儿;咽气儿

If you say that someone has kicked the bucket, you mean that they have died.

相关词组:bucket down

bucket 单语例句

1. Her family of four live on a small plot of corn field and share one washing bucket.

2. There is ample cushioning on the four bucket seats, which are also made from forged composite.

3. It took two hours for the dripping spring water to fill each bucket.

4. Garnett's bucket got the Celtics within one, but James countered with a floater in the lane.

5. " Definitely the first few times we had our heave bucket close by, " MacDonald said.

6. " My work is simply putting the food scraps in a bucket and adding the enzymes, " she says.

7. The typical federal and state response to a bridge collapse is to throw a bucket of money at the problem but then attach strings.

8. The shrimps are skewered on bamboo sticks and served in a wooden bucket full of salt.

9. The young man seated on the bucket of apples was now awake and making conversation with a friend sitting opposite him on nothing.

10. It should be served cold from an ice bucket to fully appreciate the flavors.

bucket 英英释义


1. a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top

Synonym: pail

2. the quantity contained in a bucket

Synonym: bucketful



1. carry in a bucket

2. put into a bucket