

blessed:[英 ['blesɪd] 美 ['blesɪd] ]



blessed 基本解释

形容词有福的; 神圣的; 无忧无虑的

blessed 同义词



blessed 反义词



blessed 相关例句


1. blessed

1. The birth of a baby is truly a blessed event.


2. Not a blessed drop of rain throughout the month.


3. This blessed nuisance!


blessed 网络解释

1. 保佑:一个印第安人曾说:北美洲有两处被神特别保佑(blessed)的地方:一处是新墨西哥州的的桑塔菲(Sante Fa),另一处就是华盛顿州的西雅图. 这两处令人陶醉(enchanted)的地方是宇宙的能量聚集之处,敏感的人在这里很容易被激发活力(rejuvenated).

2. 祝福:14 Circle Of Life 生命的循环 | 15 Blessed 祝福 | 16 Please请求

3. 受祝福的:blessed virgin 圣母玛利亚 | blessed 受祝福的 | blessedly 幸福地

4. 福分:34.Car Repairing修车 | 35.Blessed福分 | 36.The Bundle of Sticks折木棒

blessed 双语例句

1. 4 If, however, the journey is too much for you and you are not able to bring your tithe, because the place which the LORD, your God, chooses for the abode of his name is too far for you, considering how the LORD has blessed you


2. You are everything to me and i was so blessed when god send you here for me.


3. Anyone who can appease his/her mind and control the breaths before circling the tree for three rounds will be blessed with health, safety and happiness.

p2 # h'~4 k1 A7 D:L 此槐迄今已有1200多年的历史了,相传为菩萨所赐,净心定气绕福树三匝,可保此生健康长寿、平安幸福。

4. Rom. 9:5 Whose are the fathers, and out of whom, as regards what is according to flesh, is the Christ, who is over all, God blessed forever.

罗九5 列祖是他们的,按肉体说,基督也是出于他们的,他是在万有之上,永远受颂赞的神。

5. The following is also something to ponder……再从以下角度来想想看…… If you woke pup this morning with more health than illness……you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

如果你早上醒来的时候安康有恙……那么,比起活不过这一周的百万人来说,你真非幸运多了。8 Africans 如果你未曾经历过和争的危险、进狱的孤独、严刑的苦楚、饥饿的痛苦……那么,比起世界上5亿人来,你真非幸运多了。

6. People with big blessed-reward will not fall, even blown by the wind from all eight directions. I had a disciple keen on learning from Buddha.


7. After Abraham's death, God blessed his son Isaac, who then lived near Beer Lahai Roi.


8. blessed的意思

8. 11 After Abraham's death, God blessed his son Isaac, who then lived near Beer Lahai Roi.

25:11 亚伯拉罕死了以后、神赐福给他的儿子以撒。以撒靠近庇耳拉海莱居住。

9. The horrible massacre, days and nights long, which, within a few rounds of the clock, was to set a great mark of blood upon the blessed garnering time of harvest, was as far out of his knowledge as if it had been a hundred thousand years away.


10. THIS is a most blessed phase of true prayer....


11. I'm giving you this card because it is a special day, an important day, a blessed day.


12. blessed的翻译

12. And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.

33:24 论亚设说,愿亚设享受多子的福乐,得他弟兄的喜悦,可以把脚蘸在油中。

13. I see the cross which on the wall, and I feel I will be blessed and protected by the Lord God.


14. And we were the second creation, blessed with a purity of essence


15. blessed的翻译

15. And he said to me, Write, Blessed are they who are called to the marriage dinner of the Lamb.

19:9 天使对我说,你要写上,凡被请赴羔羊婚筵的有福了。

16. The bowlegged priest was already at the uncooked rice from a bowl and were prepared to shower the blessed couple.


17. The bowlegged priest were already at the uncooked rice from a bowl and were prepare notd to clarifyer the blessed couple.


18. blessed的近义词

18. I have blessed him and will make him fruitful.


19. I know the miscarriage was devastating to my parents, but we were honestly blessed by it.


20. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

恢复本 清心的人有福了,因为他们必看见神。

blessed 词典解释Pronounced /'blest/ for meaning 1, and /'blesɪd/ for meanings 2 and 3. 义项1读作/'blest/, 义项2读作/'blesɪd/

1. 拥有…的;享有…的

If someone is blessed with a particular good quality or skill, they have that good quality or skill.

e.g. Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.


e.g. ...the son of a doctor and well blessed with money.


2. 令人快乐的;可喜的;美好的

You use blessed to describe something that you think is wonderful, and that you are grateful for or relieved about.

e.g. The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event...


e.g. Rainy weather brings blessed relief to hay fever victims.



Most British election campaigns are blessedly brief.


3. (强调生气)该死的,倒霉的,讨厌的

Some people use blessed to emphasize that they are annoyed about something.

e.g. No-one knows a blessed thing.


4. see also: bless

blessed 单语例句blessed

1. This is claimed to be holy water blessed by Buddha, which will bring good luck and peace to you and your family.

2. Few places are as geographically blessed as Guangxi to connect China by sea with those destinations.

3. It is said children born in this year are blessed with a carefree life.

4. Upon arriving he blessed about 50 disabled youngsters in the seminary chapel.

5. " Cuba is blessed with a lot of great young talent, " Johnson said.

6. The creative concoction was well received and the Chairman himself blessed it with its name.

7. Beijing is blessed to be surrounded by rugged mountains, although we can only see them from afar a handful of days each year.

8. " Locals believe worshippers here are doubly blessed, " says Yang.

9. The rise of China is one of the blessed miracles of modern economic history.

10. The round rainbow adds to the reputation of the mountain as a blessed land.

blessedblessed 英英释义


1. expletives used informally as intensifiers

e.g. he's a blasted idiot

it's a blamed shame

a blame cold winter

not a blessed dime

I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing

he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool

a deuced idiot

an infernal nuisance

Synonym: blastedblameblameddamndamneddarneddeucedgoddamgoddamngoddamnedinfernal

2. highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace)

e.g. our blessed land

the blessed assurance of a steady income

Synonym: blest

3. characterized by happiness and good fortune

e.g. a blessed time

4. enjoying the bliss of heaven

5. Roman Catholic

proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration

Synonym: beatified