

occur:[英 [əˈkɜ:(r)] 美 [əˈkɚ] ]


过去式:occurred;   过去分词:occurred;   现在分词:occurring;

occur 基本解释

不及物动词发生; 出现; 闪现


occur 相关例句


1. Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.


2. The accident occurred at five o'clock.



3. Do giraffes occur in Africa only?


4. An idea occurred to me.


5. It never occurred to me that he might be in trouble.


occur 网络解释


1. 出现:自由主义者反对这种类型的左派无政府主义(leftist anarchism他们相信社会性组织必须出现(occur)在一个更大规模的范围中才能实现它完全的好处,这就要求中央政府的存在.

2. occur是什么意思

2. 发生, 出现:obtuse-angledtriangle钝角三角形 | occur发生,出现 | off-shoreoilrig海上平台

3. 发生,被想起:intercouse 交际,交通,灵交,(思想,感情等)交流 | occur 发生,被想起 | precursor 先进,先驱

occur 双语例句

1. occur

1. Economists cannot predict with any great degree of accurancy just when an upturn or a downturn will occur, but a study of such cycles does show that business activity tends to follow some kind of wavelike pattern and is not merely an assortment of random moves.


2. This form of hair loss in children is also known as ringworm of the scalp but it can actually occur in the eyelashes and eyebrows as well.


3. occur什么意思

3. The approximation at non-trim point is improved, and the calculation problem of singular matrix is avoided which usually occur in conventional controller design.


4. occur

4. Intercutting may also be used to create a montage sequence--a series of brief shots that show different details of an action that occur simultaneously or that show fragments of variety of events related to one another by the story.


5. Intercutting may also be used to create a montage sequence--a series of brief shots that show different details of an action that occur simultaneously or that show fragment s of variety of events related to one another by the story.


6. In adults, these tumors occur most often after the age of 50 years.


7. Pregnancy weeks is the formation of various organs of embryonic period, when the embryo as being harmful toxic effects of occupational factors such as high concentrations of lead, methyl mercury, arsenic and the effects of radiation, often cause fetal birth defects occur.


8. occur什么意思

8. Professions on the globe would develop many applycation products on the basis of bluetooth technique, so the future of the marketplace of bluetooth technique is very extensive, and it indicated that a communication tide surging forward with great momentum will occur at earlier times in 21st century.


9. Indirect discrimination can occur if there are rules or requirements which apply to everyone, but which have the effect of disadvantaging one group and are not reasonable in the circumstances.


10. Indirect discrimination can occur if there are rules or requirements that apply to everyone, but which have the effect of disadvantaging one group and are not reasonable in the circumstances.


11. When problems occur that fail to be rectified, it causes problems in the fabric of the Tao.


12. The eutectoid reactions which can occur are extremely sluggish.


13. It can occur in any species, but seems to be prevalent in Geochelone Pardalis, the Leopard tortoise.


14. occur的翻译

14. Expert ideas - store samples display excellent products, qualified products, sales process quietly qualified goods, inferior goods sold to customers in the current tile industry is more common, consumers need to do is to alert businesses cargo to the need in time to open the box to check to see whether the product is delivered with the choice of sample store; payment certificate must make formal business invoices, invoices indicate excellent products, qualified the word goods, quality problems occur in order to address; the best brands to buy reputable, do not easily believe that any business discounts, they often will be the original price 60/block products marked as 160 yuan/piece for sale, even if playing 5 discount, customers also may not be cost-effective.


15. Why does there occur knocking sound, including the teeth and headknocking involuntarily?


16. occur是什么意思

16. In any tragedy which still retained the stamp of its Dionysiac origin, this Discovery and Peripety might normally be expected to occur, and to occur together.


17. occur在线翻译

17. Sometimes the menopause is delayed to 55 or later; sometimes it may occur at 40 or earlier.


18. About 3% of children have night terrors, slightly more than men and women, can occur in children at any time, but mostly in 5-7 years, a rare after puberty.


19. What you need to do is to deal with…they occur in everyday use.


20. occur

20. We have a few moments together and they will never occur again, not with this group.


occur 词典解释

1. 发生

When something occurs, it happens.

e.g. If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause...


e.g. The crash occurred when the crew shut down the wrong engine...


2. 存在;出现;有

When something occurs in a particular place, it exists or is present there.

e.g. The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs...


e.g. These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls.


3. (想法或主意)被想到,被想起,浮现于脑海中

If a thought or idea occurs to you, you suddenly think of it or realize it.

e.g. It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy...


e.g. It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me...


occur 单语例句occur在线翻译

1. By contrast, in chimpanzees reproductive declines occur in tandem with overall mortality.

2. One reason is that most fatal cancers occur in people 65 or older - an age group covered by the federal Medicare program.

3. Many congressional Republicans indicate they're unconvinced that such scenarios would occur, and some administration officials worry that it could take a financial calamity before Congress acts.

4. We are opposed to any acts of provocation that infringe on China's sovereignty and territory and cannot but respond firmly when they occur.

5. Most of the losses occur during processing, as a result of a lack of capital and inadequate equipment and technology.

6. Feinstein said she's also concerned about security for the event, which will occur outside the Capitol with crowds likely spilling over the National Mall.

7. Carol Zaleski of Smith College noted in First Things magazine that''accounts of divine darkness''occur from Christianity's early centuries.

8. Such causal dressing may also occur in other cities in China, but it interesting to see how the fashion is becoming popular in Shanghai.

9. But even though yawning and drowsiness occur together, no experiment has shown a causal connection.

10. Storm force or hurricane force winds may occur at the center of the typhoon.

occur 英英释义


1. come to pass

e.g. What is happening?

The meeting took place off without an incidence

Nothing occurred that seemed important

Synonym: happenhapgo onpass offpassfall outcome abouttake place

2. come to one's mind

suggest itself

e.g. It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary

A great idea then came to her

Synonym: come

3. to be found to exist

e.g. sexism occurs in many workplaces

precious stones occur in a large area in Brazil