

outright:[英 [ˈaʊtraɪt] 美 [ˈaʊtˈraɪt, -ˌraɪt] ]


outright 基本解释


副词完全地; 彻底地; 坦率地,不客气地; 即刻,马上

形容词直率的; 完全的,彻底的; 明白的; 总共的


outright 相关例句


1. outright

1. They can now establish outright dictatorship.



1. She own outright.


2. I told him outright what I thought of him.


outright 网络解释

1. outright

1. 直率的:outriggered 舷外支架的 | outright 直率的 | outrival 胜过

2. 彻底的:outrageous 令人不能容忍的 | outright 彻底的 | outset the beginning 开始,开端

3. outright在线翻译

3. 彻底地:compelling 令人信服的 | outright 彻底地 | incredibly 难以置信的

4. outright

4. 完全的:outrageous 粗暴的 | outright 完全的 | outset 开端

outright 双语例句

1. But the bubble in risky assets was premised on an outright dismissal of these possibilities -- in effect, discounting the highly optimistic alternatives of open-ended Chinese commodity demand and an unstoppable American consumer.


2. In the Netherlands outright persecution ceased by the end of the 16th century, although some coercion and discrimination in favor of the state church persisted.


3. If I hadn't knocked you down, the orc leader wouldhave killed you outright, and then turned on me because I couldn't keep you in line.


4. outright的解释

4. Third, outright legal exceptions to the norm of separated banking existed.


5. Although there have been theories akin to the rising flow that were outright vehicles for vitalism, a second force doesn't have to be any less scientific than the laws of probability or Darwin's force of natural selection.


6. outright

6. Some rely on deception, while others engage in outright trickery. Then there are those who resort to extorsion.


7. And a third, which has been, is outright nationalisation.


8. We had saved enough money to buy the house outright.



9. I saw poised beauty queens turn outright giddy in a matter of seconds of just seeing him.


10. China's recovery from what looked like the risk of outright contraction only months ago is so swift as to prompt analysts to question the data.


11. outright在线翻译

11. However, in other instances they have been deliberately manipulated to satisfy the ego of those concerned, or you have been knowingly told outright falsities.


12. Only a small minority owned their land outright.


13. None of the competing alliances is likely to win an outright majority, so lengthy and ill-tempered horse-trading is likely to ensue, perhaps—judged on past form—for as long as three months.


14. But in many respects it is an outright gangster film with the medico's study of criminals as the excuse for carefully diagraming the gang's operations.


15. But the author flinches from condemning even the most lamentable mistakes outright.


16. It is now two years since the Chinese authorities tried to mount an outright purchase of the US oil company Unocal.


17. Deals 150/250/300 damage to a target, but will kill it outright if it is below 300/450/625 life.



18. Andhra and the king with an outright refusal, to avoid teaching of life and death for Acacia.



19. I'll never live it down; I've got to be cleared outright.


20. Such as we were we gave ourselves outright (The deed of gift was many deeds of war) To the land vaguely realizing westward, But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced, Such as she was, such as she would become.


outright 词典解释The adjective is pronounced /'aʊtraɪt/. The adverb is pronounced /ˌaʊt'raɪt/. 形容词读作 /'aʊtraɪt/,副词读作 /ˌaʊt'raɪt/。

1. 直率的;公开的;直截了当的

You use outright to describe behaviour and actions that are open and direct, rather than indirect.


e.g. Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.


e.g. ...outright condemnation.


2. 完全的;彻底的;全部的

Outright means complete and total.


e.g. She had failed to win an outright victory...


e.g. The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.


outright 单语例句outright在线翻译

1. If customers buy the unit outright, another 10 percent discount would be available.

2. If sharing the costs of private cars by car pooling is deemed illegal, it would equate to an outright ban on car pools.

3. A few have spoiled the good efforts of most of the law enforcers as they resort to outright violence.

4. The United States has called for the indefinite suspension if not an outright scrapping of Iran's domestic enrichment program.

5. Problems including widespread disorganization and outright fraud that disenfranchised thousands of voters led several candidates to call for cancellation of the vote.

6. The big intellectual change has come from the International Monetary Fund, once an outright enemy of capital controls.

7. That's why these personality traits are considered " markers " for heart disease, not outright " risk factors " like cholesterol or blood pressure.

8. If I spoke Chinese, most pages would have given me at least a chuckle if not an outright guffaw.

9. The lack of an outright winner able to command 326 seats in the House of Commons brings smaller parties into play.

10. Her ancient cultural influence was extended mostly through harmony rather than outright conquest.

outright 英英释义


1. without reservation or exception

Synonym: straight-outunlimited



1. without any delay

e.g. he was killed outright

Synonym: instantaneouslyinstantlyin a flash

2. without reservation or concealment

e.g. she asked him outright for a divorce

3. without restrictions or stipulations or further payments

e.g. buy outright