

nomenclature:[英 [nəˈmenklətʃə(r)] 美 [ˈnomənˌkletʃɚ, noˈmɛnklə-] ]


nomenclature 基本解释

名词系统命名法; 命名(过程); (某一学科的)术语; 专门名称

nomenclature 网络解释

1. 术语:深望专家和读者不吝指正. 需要说明的一点是,色谱技术中所使用的术语在不同的分支领域和不同的著述中有时会有微小的差异. 近年来,国外文献上多开始采用国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)于1993年推荐的色谱术语(Nomenclature

2. nomenclature是什么意思

2. 名称:有些时候需要掌握地质年代(geological timescale)的名称(nomenclature)来准确理解英文内容,例如涉及恐龙等古生物. 地质年代跨度超过45亿年,分段复杂,非专业人士不需要都了解. 以下简要介绍常用的名词.

3. nomenclature的翻译

3. 命名系统:领域(医学,护理等)的标准术语和概念都集中在词典(thesaurus)或命名系统(nomenclature)上. 在这些系统中是针对每个概念和术语进行编码的. 术语和概念可以合并形成更复杂的术语和概念. 为了使用户也能构建编码任何组合,

nomenclature 双语例句

1. One novel HLA allele was confirmed by sequencing based typing and it had been designated as HLA-B*4086 by the WHO Nomenclature Committee. This novel allele was inherited from mother of the carrier.



2. Round and sawn timber - Nomenclature of timbers used in Europe.



3. Round and sawn timber - Nomenclature of timbers used in Europe; Trilingual version EN


4. Significance, nomenclature and classification of porphyrinoids are briefly introduced in this paper.

本文简要介绍了异卟啉研究的意义,异卟啉的命名以及分类,并重点介绍了 N -错位卟啉、扩展卟啉和氧化卟啉原等异卟啉的研究现状及最新进展。

5. Mystical theology has a nomenclature all its own, seeking to express acts or states that are for the most part purely spiritual in terms denoting analogous experiences in the material order.


6. nomenclature的翻译

6. Judge Napolitano: When you say S 604 and HR 1207, you`re using the congressional nomenclature for your proposal which is close to becoming law, I think, which will authorize the Congress to conduct a full open transparent audit of the Fed.



7. A widely utilized scale for grading medial knee injuries was established by the American Medical Association Standard Nomenclature of Athletic Injuries Fig.


8. Often in chemical nomenclature the phrase ate is suffixed to the element in question.


9. There are four genes encoding α1 subunit of L-type caicium channel in mammalian tissues, including α1S, α1C, α1D and α1F; according to their tissue sources, corresponding with nomenclature Cav1.1, Cav1.2, Cav1.3 and Cav1.4, respectively.

目前已知,在哺乳类组织,编码 L 型Ca2+通道α1 亚单位的基因有四种,根据其来源分别称作α1S、α1C、α1D 和α1F;对应于基因名法,分别是 Cav1.1、Cav1.2、Cav1.3和Cav1.4。

10. The page mainly introduces the general situation of IAPT, and its famous publication such as TAXON, Regnum Vegetabile and International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.


11. Join IAPT, Association, TAXON, Regnum Vegetabile, Nomenclature, Projects, Grants Program, Plant Syst. book


12. nomenclature

12. Category I CPT codes describe a procedure or service identified with a five-digit CPT code and descriptor nomenclature.


13. nomenclature

13. He rather pompously called them problems of nomenclature, pedagogy and economics.


14. I have illustrated some of the circuitous routes we have taken to arrive at our present caiman nomenclature.


15. Three stages for deeply discussing the word meaning, pronouncing, the meaning, syntax, are applied to tentacle worm, soft and hairy worm, 〔t`u33 keu2455〕, dragonfly; 〔piak4 a55〕、〔san42 kieu24 t`ai 42〕、〔keu24 ma55 a 55〕are used as examples to explore the possible origination and evolved trace. Then 〔tit4 tiak4 ts`u 55〕、〔tu11 tak32 Ku44〕、a click beetle are compared with the nomenclature of three different languages.



16. Second, periodization and nomenclature in historiography shows the ecological place and relevant development of the aesthetic history and provides aesthetic historians with profound enlightenment


17. This journal publishes original research articles in ethnobiology including: folk biological classification/nomenclature, traditional environmental knowledge, indigenous natural resource management, plant/animal domestication, zooarchaeology, archaeological botany, and medical ethnobiology.


18. Features of nomenclature of insects wordbuilding in Hakka are outlined as follows:(1) post-affix (2) naming by the feeling from sensory organs (3) livelihood location (4) functional characteristics.


19. Mostly, the implication or reasons of insect nomenclature can be realized by reading it or the word.


20. The results of sequencing and structural analysis showed that the Cry1Aa14 gene named by International Nomenclature Committee of Bt δ- endotoxin was 3552 bp and the open reading frame encoded a 133.7 kD protein with 1183 amino acids.

以全长基因PCR产物的粘端定向克隆的方法,设计1对特异引物,以Bt25质粒DNA为模板扩增cry1Aa全长基因。序列测定结果表明,该基因编码区为3 552 bp,编码1 183个氨基酸,分子量为133.7 kD,pI 4.755。

nomenclature 词典解释

1. 命名法;专门名词确定法

The nomenclature of a particular set of things is the system of naming those things.


e.g. ...mistakes arising from ignorance of the nomenclature of woody plants.


e.g. ...the internationally agreed rules of chemical nomenclature.


nomenclature 单语例句

1. Gansu has been declared the " gateway to Northwest China " and deserves that nomenclature because it's a harmonious mix of history and nature.

2. The nomenclature sounds ironic today because rich brats have turned into anything but paradise and the local government hasn't intervened to end the speeding menace.

3. Lu says he has always wondered why numbers and pamphlets in a car sold in the Chinese market were in foreign nomenclature.

4. In fact, the Chinese names of international brands in China give new meanings to the original nomenclature.

5. Zhang Kun sorts through the nomenclature and takes a closer look at the artiste.

nomenclature 英英释义


1. a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline

e.g. legal terminology

biological nomenclature

the language of sociology

Synonym: terminologylanguage