

annul:[英 [əˈnʌl] 美 [əˈnʌl] ]


过去式:annulled;   过去分词:annulled;   现在分词:annulling;

annul 基本解释

及物动词取消; 宣告无效; 使消失; 抹去


annul 相关例句


1. The treaty was annulled several years ago.


annul 网络解释

1. 撤消:同时,宪法授权这一法院以撤消(annul)它发现构成违宪的立法. 撤消整个立法并非总是必要的;如果违宪条款可以和立法的其它部分分开,那么法院可以只撤消该条款. 法院决定不仅使立法或其特定条款对具体案例无效,


2. 消:同时,宪法授权这一法院以撤消(annul)它发现构成违宪的立法. 撤消整个立法并非总是必要的;如果违宪条款可以和立法的其它部分分开,那么法院可以只撤消该条款. 法院决定不仅使立法或其特定条款对具体案例无效,


3. 取消,废止:announce 正式宣布 | annul 取消,废止 | apparatus 仪器

4. annul什么意思

4. 取消:annuity 年金 | annul 取消 | annulospiral ending 环螺形末梢

annul 双语例句

1. I propose that we annul suchbenefits as endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and compo etc., in order to maintain the enthusiasm and professionalism of the mass when working.


2. annul的解释

2. It was the third time Algerians had voted for a parliament since 1992, when the army abruptly interrupted a short-lived experiment in democracy by calling off the country's first multi-party election after the fundamentalists of the Islamic Salvation Front had swept the board in the first round, whereupon the generals stepped in to annul the process. That intervention triggered a conflict of extraordinary brutality that is yet to be fully extinguished, with some 200, 000 dead.


3. It was the third time Algerians had voted for a parliament since 1992, when the army abruptly interrupted a short-lived experiment in democracy by calling off the country's first multi-party election after the fundamentalists of the Islamic Salvation Front had swept the board in the first round, whereupon the generals stepped in to annul the process.


4. annul是什么意思

4. When the securities regulatory body under the State Council or State Councilauthorized departments discover that the approval or decision to examine and approve a stock issue is not in compliance with the stipulations of laws and administrative rules and regulations, they shall annul the approval and decision.


5. Mr Zhang says, now of China pass annul had divided for south clique and north send two kinds.


6. To annul inappropriate decisions and orders of the people`s governments at the corresponding levels


7. According to the hypothesis that the operation cost of each water conservancy subsystem is in direct proportion to its capital deposit, the models for calculating annul cost of the subsystems are presented.


8. annul

8. Because of acting as governor of Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Annul Pronvices and official governing the trade and business in South China for many years, he took part in many foreign affairs or offered some suggestion. He didnt develop a set of theory but accumulated much experience and produced own thoughts.


9. But to return. I have shown that no society of slaves can endure, because, in its very nature, such society must annul the law of development.


10. I have shown that no society of slaves can endure, because, in its very nature, such society must annul the law of development.


11. Project Content: To introduce advanced foreign production equipment, establish two new production lines of nonaldehyde flame retardant wood compound board with an annul production capacity of 50, 000 cbm.


12. People's councils at county level and above have the power to suspend the carrying out of inappropriate decisions of people's congresses at the next lower level; and to alter or annul inappropriate orders and directives of their subordinate departments as well as inappropriate decisions and orders of people's councils at the lower levels.


13. All dividends unclaimed after being declared may be invested or otherwise made use of by the Directors for the benefit of the Company and any dividend unclaimed after a period of six years from the date of declaration of such dividend may be forfeited and if so shall revert to the Company but the Directors may at any time thereafter at their absolute discretion annul any such forfeiture and pay the dividend so forfeited to the preson entitled thereto prior to the forfeiture.

所有的被除数无人要求的在之后公告的可能被投资或者由指导者利用为那利益公司和任何的被除数无人要求的在六年期间之后从那日期如此的被除数的公告可能是没收而且如果如此将对公司恢复但是指导者随时可能其后在他们的绝对慎重废除任何的如此的丧失和薪资被除数如此没收对 preson 有资格的对那在丧失之前。

14. Turn over, tip over, tump over同义词:tip over, turn over, upset, knock over, bowl over, tump over同义词:overrule, override, overthrow, reverse4. cause the downfall of; of rulers同义词:overthrow, subvert, bring down同义词:revoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, repeal, rescind, vacate


15. annul

15. To revoke or annul(a decision or decree, for example).


16. annul

16. As the largest foreign investor in the China diesel engine industry and has had a presence in the China market for 30 years, Cummins has more than 8 joint venture and wholly owned enterprises throughout the country, the annul sales in 2006 exceeded $ 10 billion.


17. That the original is living analyses the business warehouse business administration pattern on the mono-device edition data bank system base, and emphasizees to ERP to move forward to annul to keep tripartite distance travelled by a stream of water transporting acting as, and get in touch with practice, and the administration meritorous service capacitys such a statistics and so on that the realization business stores in a warehouse are achieved one baseding on that VB6.0's development tool and ACCESS's data bank business warehouse moves forward to annul to keep to administer the system.


18. The total annul global radiation value same as 〓 as of High continental glacier surface. The net radiation value is minus for most period be cause of its high albedo.


19. annul是什么意思

19. Notwithstanding Clause 30, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected


20. Notwithstanding Clause 30, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the grounds for the Employer's action.


annul 词典解释

1. 废除,取消(合同等);宣告(选举等)无效

If an election or a contract is annulled, it is declared invalid, so that legally it is considered never to have existed.

e.g. Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled...


e.g. The marriage was annulled last month.


annul 单语例句

1. Zhang then asked the court to annul the adoption and order his ungrateful kids to repay the money he had spent bringing them up.

2. They also demanded to annul Oslo Peace Treaties signed between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993.

3. The committee wants the court to annul the deal, return the land to the central bank and confiscate the money involved.

4. Those failing to pass the annul test should be delisted and their removal should be made known to the public.

5. The ministry also ordered its subordinates to annul local regulations before October which fail to comply with the Property Law.

6. The draft said the country would annul six types of fees on road maintenance and management.

7. Mousavi made a direct appeal with Iran's ruling clerics to annul the result, but the chances were considered remote.

8. Nor does it not annul the practice of the country motion, which was a source of political confrontation at the Human Rights Commissions.

9. Special administrative departments in local governments organize annul campaigns to eliminate these pests and their habitats.

10. The NPC has the power to alter or annul inappropriate decisions of its Standing Committee and to remove its members from office.

annul 英英释义


1. cancel officially

e.g. He revoked the ban on smoking

lift an embargo

vacate a death sentence

Synonym: revokeliftcountermandreverserepealoverturnrescindvacate

2. declare invalid

e.g. The contract was annulled

void a plea

Synonym: invalidatequashvoidavoidnullify