

cringe:[英 [krɪndʒ] 美 [krɪndʒ] ]


过去式:cringed;   过去分词:cringed;   现在分词:cringing;

cringe 基本解释


不及物动词畏缩; 卑躬屈膝

名词畏缩; 阿谀奉承

cringe 相关例句


1. The dog cringed at the sight of the whip.


2. Your foolish talk makes me cringe.


3. He always cringes before the boss.


cringe 网络解释

1. 畏缩:/cough 咳嗽 | /cringe 畏缩 | /curious 好奇

2. cringe在线翻译

2. 你害怕得發抖:cower 你怕得一直发抖. | cringe 你害怕得发抖. | cry 你一阵悲从中来,不由得号啕大哭.

3. (奉承):/crack (响指) | /cringe (奉承) | /cry (哭泣)

4. cringe的意思

4. 向 卑躬屈膝,摇尾乞怜:caress 抚摸 | cringe 向 卑躬屈膝,摇尾乞怜 | cry 向 嚎啕大哭

cringe 双语例句


1. Watching it now that he's dead is absolutely cringe-worthy -- and the best evidence that there's absolutely no line Trey and Matt won't cross for a laugh.

而在他死后,再来看这段戏实在是让人觉得尴尬不已。不过这也是Trey and Matt为博人一笑无所不为的最好证明。

2. Most people who become 3D artists rarely venture beyond modeling, and their forays into animation are inexpert at best, and cringe-worthy or unwatchable at worst.


3. Watching it now thathe's dead is absolutely cringe-worthy -- and the best evidence thatthere's absolutely no line Trey and Matt won't cross for a laugh.

而在他死后,再来看这段戏实在是让人觉得尴尬不已。不过这也是Trey andMatt为博人一笑无所不为的最好证明。

4. After a two-month delay, it's official: beginning this Saturday, the Orient Lucky City racecourse (let's hope they come up with a less cringe-worthy English name) in Wuhan will host races twice a week.


5. cringe的解释

5. In one particularly cringe-worthy study, Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues afflicted a group of caregivers with small arm wounds using a tool dermatologists use to perform skin biopsies.

在一项值得称赞的研究里,Kiecolt-Glaser 和她的同事使用皮肤医生用来做皮肤活组织切片检查的工具,在一群关怀者的手臂上做了一些创口。

6. The result is cringe-worthy.


7. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE I cringe when I hear writers whine that they don't have anything to write about.


8. cringe的解释

8. That boy has already become an old man of crack-up, but when that girl in that year meet by chance in him, he be cringe to begin to spark an inferior cigarette.


9. Bobby winces, and wills his eyes not to cringe as he hears that last sentence.


10. I m cringing for myself when I cringe for you.



11. The valets now good-naturedly cringe when they look at this picture because it was their responsibility to move the sofas back in place.


12. cringe的近义词

12. So come on Mr. President, let`s shake off this cultural cringe and make the world more beautiful.


13. cringe

13. It's all very well for Rostov, whose father sends him ten thousand at a time, to talk about not caring to cringe to any one, and not being a lackey to any man.


14. We stoop to conquer. Many cringe before men and yet miss the patronage they crave; but he that humbles himself under the hand of God shall not fail to be enriched, uplifted, sustained, and comforted by the ever-gracious One.


15. And I will be the first to admit that the Coca-Cola logo and its consistency over the years is far more supreme than Pepsi, but every time I saw this JPG come up in more and more web sites and blogs I couldn't help but cringe at the inaccuracy and deception it engenders.


16. Before your great strength your enemies cringe.


17. cringe

17. It seems that her own self-worth can't be satisified unless she's of use to Ichigo, which makes me cringe.



18. Do you cringe when they come in your office?


19. I always cringe when people get a high-energy breed when they don`t...


20. I read blog posts like this and I cringe.


cringe 词典解释

1. 为…觉得难为情;对…感到厌恶;退缩

If you cringe at something, you feel embarrassed or disgusted, and perhaps show this feeling in your expression or by making a slight movement.


e.g. Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar...


e.g. Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity...


cringe 单语例句cringe的翻译

1. Fashion designer Megan Fischer is sassy, confident and so blunt sometimes it makes you cringe.

2. You might cringe watching Zimmern dig into jellied eel or tuna sperm, and may wonder what they might taste like.

3. There's also a daily lunch set menu and promotional items for dinner so you don't have to cringe when you get the bill.

4. My artist friends cringe when I say I'm not an artist, but I am not.

cringe 英英释义



1. draw back, as with fear or pain

e.g. she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

Synonym: flinchsquinchfunkshrinkwincerecoilquail

2. show submission or fear

Synonym: fawncrawlcreepcowergrovel