

pack:[英 [pæk] 美 [pæk] ]


过去式:packed;   过去分词:packed;   现在分词:packing;   复数形式:packs;

pack 基本解释

名词包裹; 一群; (纸牌的)一副; 一组

及物/不及物动词(把…)打包; 塞进; 拥进; (使)聚集成团

及物动词挑选; 压紧; 携带; 拧紧

不及物动词包装; 紧挤在一起; 便于折叠收藏的; 匆忙离去(有时与 off 连用)

pack 同义词



pack 反义词



pack 相关词组

1. pack up : 打包;

2. pack it in : 停止, 结束, 承认失败;

3. pack in : 停止, 放弃;

pack 相关例句


1. Visitors packed the gallery.


2. pack

2. He packed his clothes into a trunk.



1. pack的意思

1. They are busy packing.



1. pack的反义词

1. The tourist carried a pack on his back.


2. The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.


pack 情景对话


A:Oh! At last we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the Village. Dont we need to buy a subway map?


B:Yes, but I think we can get it free at the subway station, at the token booth.



A:Can I have ten tokens? And also can I get a free subway map?



C:Sure. Heres a pack of ten tokens, twelve-fifty, and this is your subway map.


A:Thank you.We are going to the East Village. Which train should we take?


C:Take the No. 8 train and get off at Astor Place.


A:Thanks a lot.



A:I will see you off at the airport tomorrow, ok?





A:What time does your flight leave?


B:It takes off at 3:45.

3 点45 分起飞。

A:So, what time do you need get to the airport?



B:They recommend passengers to arrive 2 hours before the flight.


A:It takes about an hour to get there, so why don’t we leave at noon? We’ll have time for lunch then.


B:That sounds good.



A:Have you packed everything?


B:Not yet. I’ll leave that for the morning.


A:Are you crazy? Let me help you pack now. You don’t want to leave that for the last-minute.



B:Ok, if you insist.


pack 网络解释

1. 收拾:「你可以把我的棍子当成魔杖,用收拾(Pack),清理一新(Scourgify)等咒语来整理,这样会方便一点. 」小煎出现了施咒方法,我半信半疑的跟着做.

2. 压缩:从这个菜单,你或许可以压缩(pack)数据库、重建索引、或访问安全维护界面. 根据你的需求,你或许选择不显示菜单或禁用菜单--让它可见,但非授权用户不可用.

3. 包装:A、 页面(Page)结构B、 盒状(box)模型结构C、包装(pack)模型以下示例清晰地展示了一个视频包(Pack)在类的继承和重载的情况:样式命名很重要,优先考虑以类(class)为基础,轻易不使用标识(ID),标识(ID)通常用于页面级样式所需要的元素,

pack 双语例句

1. pack

1. B: I'm sorry Manager Liang, we must pack off this products at this afternoon, you must make up it at 16pm this afternoon, or else, we will dally over the outting times.



2. I'm sorry Manager Liang, we must pack off this products at this afternoon, you must make up it at 16pm this afternoon, or else, we will dally over the outting times.


3. Antarctica—Not far from its Franklin Island colony, a lone Adélie punctuates the looping scrawl of penguin tracks across plates of Ross Sea pack ice.


4. Have an intermediate degree of paedomorphism; they are at the point where they share in the pack's hunting behavior, but are still in a junior role, not participating in the actual attack.


5. The cell pack was internally installed 36V 12 series Battery Management System.


6. We can pack them in a wooden box.


7. Label unit installed on the cookie flow wrap machine makes a perforation in the front face of the flow wrap film pillow pack and then places a label exactly over the perforation.


8. Promise quality. We install the species of floor to have(various wooden floor board, south bamboo floor, subterranean heat floor, with various compound floor, etc.) me hope at you choose press pack floor of time can have the initiative to consider with we cooperate.


9. Or you can download a Multilanguage support pack to display pages in this language.


10. Has the operation place that is consistent with variety and quantity of operating seed, the facilities to process, pack and store the seed, and the device to check the quality of the seeds.


11. Relieves pain to the lumbago, ischialgia, menorrhalgia (belong to the cold certificate without exception) not only the hot pack being able to relieve arthrosis pain, a hot-water bag is set free getting along in part pain, every time 20 minutes, 1~also may relieve pain obviously 2 time every day, ; To twisting, dampening the subcutaneous haematoma bringing about, in being wounded using the hot-water bag hot pack 24 hours the day afer tomorrow, can boost subcutaneous extravasated blood admitting.


12. pack的解释

12. We can see that in terms of value-for-money, the Leadtek stands at the top of the pack.


13. Here, we see that the Leadtek is the highest clocked of the pack.


14. Fully recharging the battery pack can take 4 to 8 hours.


15. If you want to send you family and friend one of you art work, you only need to provide us a soft copy of your work, and we will enframe and pack it in super quality with a certain amount of producing fee.


16. The authors of series pack with codecs family K -Lite released theupdated version of special addition for last versions of their products, which were intended for guaranteeing the support of playback diverse formatboth for video and audio files.


17. Category: Multiple packaging Package: Heinz Picnic Pack End user: H. J. Heinz Co. Supplier: Menasha Packaging Co. This die-cut carrier holds two bottles of catsup and one each of relish and mustard, in sizes from 26 to 32 ounces.


18. The whippers-in snap their leather at dawdlers to keep the pack tight and focused on the huntsman, who with his horn and bag of kibble looks every bit the Pied Piper in overalls


19. Each pack should display either the BSI Kitemark or the European CE symbol as proof of quality.

每套应显示,无论是BSI的kitemark ,或欧洲CE标志作为证明的质量。

20. You can buy a whole pack inside.


pack 词典解释

1. 把…装进行囊;打点(行装)

When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday.


e.g. When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home...


e.g. I decided to pack a few things and take the kids to my Mum's...



She left Frances to finish her packing.


2. 将…打包;把…装箱

When people pack things, for example in a factory, they put them into containers or parcels so that they can be transported and sold.

e.g. They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse...


e.g. Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.



His onions cost 9p a lb wholesale; packing and transport costs 10p.


3. 挤满;塞满

If people or things pack into a place or if they pack a place, there are so many of them that the place is full.

e.g. Hundreds of thousands of people packed into the mosque...


e.g. Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.


4. 包;盒

A pack of things is a collection of them that is sold or given together in a box or bag.

e.g. The club will send a free information pack.


e.g. ...a pack of cigarettes...


5. 背包;旅行包

A pack is a bag containing your possessions that you carry on your back when you are travelling.

e.g. I hid the money in my pack.


6. 一群;一伙;一帮

You can refer to a group of people who go around together as a pack, especially when it is a large group that you feel threatened by.

e.g. ...a pack of journalists eager to question him...


e.g. Sal was the leader of the pack.


7. (狼或狗的)一群

A pack of wolves or dogs is a group of them that hunt together.

8. (纸牌的)一副

A pack of playing cards is a complete set of playing cards.

e.g. ...a pack of cards.


e.g. ...shuffle the pack.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 deck

9. 带(枪);佩(枪)

If someone packs a gun, they carry it.


e.g. ...eight bodyguards, at least one of them packing a pistol.


10. 在(陪审团、委员会、会议等)中安插支持者

If someone packs a jury, committee, or meeting, they make sure that it includes people who support them.

e.g. Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters...


e.g. John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords.


11. see also: packed;packing

12. 一派谎言

If you say that an account is a pack of lies, you mean that it is completely untrue.

e.g. You told me a pack of lies.


13. 产生巨大影响;震撼

If something packs a punch, it has a very powerful effect.

e.g. W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.


e.g. ...drinks that pack a punch.


14. 叫…卷铺盖;撵…走;叫…滚蛋

If you send someone packing, you make them go away.

e.g. I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.


15. (在竞赛中)领先其他对手

You can say that someone is ahead of the pack or leading the pack if they are ahead of everyone else in a race or competition.

e.g. The Socialists may still finish ahead of the pack...


e.g. Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.


相关词组:pack inpack intopack offpack up

pack 单语例句

1. The hotel also offers butler service upon request to assist the guest to pack or unpack.

2. And while drinkers pack the neighbouring Kai Bar to the rafters, there is always a seat in Butterfly to knock back equally cheap alcohol.

3. Given the huge number of students who sill sit the university entrance exam, every extra point can distance a candidate from the pack.

4. Stranded passengers pack Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital International Airport on June 17, after flights were canceled or delayed because of thunderstorms.

5. Unlike Leonardo DiCaprio at the height of his fame, he didn't carouse around town in a rat pack.

6. Business people have a keen appreciation of this point and pack the cakes with diamonds, gold necklaces and even cash.

7. The astronauts plan to pack up shrouds that were needed to keep equipment warm in the deep chill of space.

8. Students of Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College pack parcels in a classroom.

9. Critics say the design of the pack makes smoking look elegant, sexy and classy.

10. But CMOS competition is more of an open horse race in which Sony starts from the back of the pack.

packpack 英英释义


1. a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)

2. a bundle (especially one carried on the back)

3. a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect

4. a cream that cleanses and tones the skin

Synonym: face pack

5. a complete collection of similar things

6. a group of hunting animals

7. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

Synonym: cliquecoterieingroupinner circlecamp

8. an association of criminals

e.g. police tried to break up the gang

a pack of thieves

Synonym: gangringmob

9. a large indefinite number

e.g. a battalion of ants

a multitude of TV antennas

a plurality of religions

Synonym: battalionlarge numbermultitudeplurality


1. treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood

e.g. The nurse packed gauze in the wound

You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice

2. carry, as on one's back

e.g. Pack your tents to the top of the mountain

3. arrange in a container

e.g. pack the books into the boxes

4. load with a pack

Synonym: load down

5. compress into a wad

e.g. wad paper into the box

Synonym: bundlewadcompact

6. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily

e.g. This powder compacts easily

Such odd-shaped items do not pack well

Synonym: compact

7. seal with packing

e.g. pack the faucet

8. press down tightly

e.g. tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso

Synonym: tamp downtamp

9. hike with a backpack

e.g. Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies

Synonym: backpack

10. press tightly together or cram

e.g. The crowd packed the auditorium

Synonym: throngmobpilejam

11. fill to capacity

e.g. This singer always packs the concert halls

The murder trial packed the court house

12. set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome

e.g. pack a jury

13. have with oneself

have on one's person

e.g. She always takes an umbrella

I always carry money

She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains

Synonym: carrytake