

inbred:[英 [ˌɪnˈbred] 美 [ˈɪnˈbrɛd] ]



inbred 基本解释

形容词近亲繁殖的; 天生的

动词生育,生产( inbreed的过去式和过去分词 )

inbred 相关例句



1. The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy.


inbred 网络解释

1. inbred的近义词

1. 近亲交配:inborn reflex 先天反射 | inbred 近亲交配 | inbreeding 近亲繁殖

2. inbred什么意思

2. 天生的:inbreathe 吸入 | inbred 天生的 | inbreed 生育

3. inbred的反义词

3. 同系繁殖的:inbreatheinsufflate 吹入 | inbred 同系繁殖的 | inbred 同系繁殖的

4. 近交:INAYAMA, Yoshihiro;稻山嘉宽;; | inbred;近交;; | incapacitated for work;不能工作;;

inbred 双语例句

1. Using the percentage of dropped content of chlorophyll as the criterion, 25 inbred lines could be divided in 4 groups, the maize inbred lines Xu 178 and Liao 5114 had high nitrogen utilization.


2. inbred

2. Using maize inbred lines of Taixi19 (o2o2), QCL 3021 (o16o16) and QCL 5019 as parents, a Double-cross (Taixi 19×QCL 3021×(Taixi 19×QCL 5019) F1 population was constructed. Twenty three F1 plants with o2o2 o16o16 Wxwx genotype were chosen as materials by using SSR markers at the o2 and wx loci, and linked to o16 locus.

用高赖氨酸玉米自交系太系19和QCL 3021及糯玉米自交系QCL 5019构建了双交F1代群体[(太系19×QCL 3021)×(太系19×QCL 5019)],利用SSR分子标记技术,选出o2o2 o16o16 Wxwx基因型的植株23株。


3. They were 4F1, D857, D888, D978, H21, Mo113, Mol7, P138, Ben 7884, Chang 3, Chang 72, Danhuang 02, Dong 237, Hai 014, Hai 1134, Hu 803, Huang C, Huotanghuang 17, Ji 4112, Ji 853, Longkang 11, Luyuan 92, Qi 205, Shen 5003, Shuang 741, Tian 77, Tianyasi, Tie 7922, Wenhuang 413, Xi 502, Yan 414, Ye 515, Ye 8112, Yu 374, Yu 87-1, ZaC546, Zheng 22 and Zheng 653. Taking the average drought resistance index of the materials as standard, the index of 32 inbred lines was larger than the average in two years.


4. inbred是什么意思

4. The progress levels of symptoms after pathogen infection showed that interaction of gray leaf spot pathogen and host has differentiation or polymorphism. The progress levels of symptoms is different. The aggressively has polymorphism. The pathogenicity of different isolates in same cultivar has polymorphism, or the host reaction type of same isolate in different cultivars has polymorphism. The host reaction type has differentiation. There are seven types of host reaction in cultivar and inbred after infected by GLS pathogen:Rectangular lesion without chlorotic halo, Rectangular lesion with chlorotic halo, Irregular lesion without chlorotic halo, Irregular lesion with chlorotic halo, Spot lesion with chlorotic halo, Rectangular and irregular lesionand Rectangular and spot lesion. The host reaction type is coalesced lesion when disease severely. Frequency of each reaction types is different.


5. Using exotic germplasm and compound double cross between F1 generation was a simple、quick and effective method in maize inbred lines breeding.


6. The inbred line Qi319 is highly resistant to southern corn rust.

我国选育的优良玉米自交系齐 319高抗南方玉米锈病。

7. Based on NUE of maize under low and high application N conditions, hybrids and inbred lines could be preliminarily classified into four types, namely, double high efficiency which had high NUE at low and high fertilizer N, such as Nongda 108, Jingzao 15, HuangC and Dan 330 et al., high efficiency in low N which had high NUE at low N, and NUE no change or slightly decrease in high N, such as Jingke 132, Jingzao 8, 340, 5003 and Zhong 31 et al., high efficiency in high N which had low NUE in low N and high NUE in high N, such as Zhongdan 9409, Jingken 118, Zhingxia 2, 00 dong, Mol 7 and 178 et al., double low efficiency which had low NUE in low and high N, such as Jingzaol 7, Zhongdanl 20, C8605, CA200, 107 and Yun 146 et al..


8. RAPD and ISSR methods have been used to detect the genetic diversity of 20 inbred lines in Zinnia elegans, which were introduced from two foreign countries.


9. Significant differences in cytosine methylation level among the three tissues and the same changing tendency in two inbred lines were detected. Both MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism) ratio and full methylation level were the highest in bracteal leaf, and the lowest in tassel.


10. Thirty elite maize inbred lines were evaluated for stay-green. The results showed that 4 lines (Shen3195, Shen137, Q319 and 178) had good stay-green trait, and others had normal or bad stay-green trait.



11. To provide more information to expertize the DNA fingerprinting technology for improving the genetic monitoring method of inbred strain mice as well as building a standard DNA fingerprinting data base of mice used among laboratory rooms at different places.


12. Private jokes, the ritualizing of talk and gustation, a hint of self-satisfaction, even a tiny tinge of inbred malice: These are not entirely unknown in Oxford and Cambridge.


13. There is also a general lowering of vigor in inbred stock, which is especially pronounced amongst normally outbreeding populations.


14. In the research, we observed C57BL/6J inbred mice implanted Lewis lung cancer and kunming mice implanted S180. We tested the hypothesis that The Compound Euphorbia helioscopia L. Powder can inhibit the growth of lung cancer, we conducted pathomorphology including optic microscope, electron microscope and immunohistochemetry.



15. Problems that you will find is the puppy may be inbred or the fancy terms used by certain breeders is called linebreeding.


16. This experiment selected inbred lines of seed sqush(Cucurbita maxima Duch.): 10, H35-1-2, 37, H36-2-3, H11-1-1, H34-2-1, and the code name is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 respectively.


17. Shen137 is one of the represent inbred lines of the P maize group germplasm, which is most utilized in the northeast zone.


18. The genetic diversity of 23 maize inbred lines and one teosinte accession was analyzed based on microsatellite and AFLPs markers.


19. The results showed that R08 was the most sensitive inbred line, followed by K305, K169, 698-3 and Zheng 58, however, 48-2 was the most insensitive one among 6 inbred lines.


20. Wholly, there were differences in tolerance to NaCl-stress both among corn inbred lines with the same morphological trait and different morphological traits of one inbred line.


inbred 词典解释

1. 同 inborn

Inbred means the same as inborn .

e.g. She had that inbred politeness, it was a part of her.


e.g. ...behaviour patterns that are inbred.


2. 同系交配的;近亲繁殖的

People who are inbred have ancestors who are all closely related to each other.

e.g. The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain...


e.g. He came from an old inbred family.


inbred 单语例句

1. Researchers soon recognized that they could crossbreed four inbred lines of corn.

2. A person born with an inbred disposition to alcoholism may never develop it if they grow up in a healthy and stable environment.

3. Also, most of the zoo reared South China tigers are inbred.

4. He found that if he mated two inbred groups of corn plants, he could create a stronger new line of corn.

5. Most of the cats were inbred and sick and were unfit for adoption, said Henry.

6. Shelters are really the best place to get a dog as they're healthy and are not usually inbred.

7. These are already used extensively in laboratory experiments and are completely inbred.

8. Such successions can also lead to an inbred boardroom that stops new thinking emerging.

9. Chinese scientists have bred the world's purest inbred line of pigs that they say may prove ideal organ donors for human beings.

inbred 英英释义


1. normally existing at birth

e.g. mankind's connatural sense of the good

Synonym: connaturalinborn

2. produced by inbreeding